Crazy Eddies GUI System
This is the complete list of members for CEGUI::FreeTypeFont, including all inherited members.
addFontProperties() | CEGUI::Font | protected |
addFreeTypeFontProperties() | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
addProperty(Property *property) | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
clearProperties(void) | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
CodepointMap typedef | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_antiAliased | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
d_ascender | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_autoScale | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_cp_map | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_defaultResourceGroup | CEGUI::Font | protectedstatic |
d_descender | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_filename | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_fontData | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
d_fontFace | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
d_glyphImages | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | mutableprotected |
d_glyphPageLoaded | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_height | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_horzScaling | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_maxCodepoint | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_name | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_nativeHorzRes | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_nativeVertRes | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_ptSize | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
d_resourceGroup | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_specificLineSpacing | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
d_type | CEGUI::Font | protected |
d_vertScaling | CEGUI::Font | protected |
DefaultColour | CEGUI::Font | static |
drawGlyphToBuffer(argb_t *buffer, uint buf_width) const | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
drawText(GeometryBuffer &buffer, const String &text, const Vector2 &position, const Rect *clip_rect, const ColourRect &colours, const float space_extra=0.0f, const float x_scale=1.0f, const float y_scale=1.0f) | CEGUI::Font | |
Font(const String &name, const String &type_name, const String &filename, const String &resource_group, const bool auto_scaled, const float native_horz_res, const float native_vert_res) | CEGUI::Font | protected |
free() | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
FreeTypeFont(const String &font_name, const float point_size, const bool anti_aliased, const String &font_filename, const String &resource_group="", const bool auto_scaled=false, const float native_horz_res=640.0f, const float native_vert_res=480.0f, const float specific_line_spacing=0.0f) | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | |
getBaseline(float y_scale=1.0f) const | CEGUI::Font | inline |
getCharAtPixel(const String &text, float pixel, float x_scale=1.0f) const | CEGUI::Font | inline |
getCharAtPixel(const String &text, size_t start_char, float pixel, float x_scale=1.0f) const | CEGUI::Font | |
getDefaultResourceGroup() | CEGUI::Font | inlinestatic |
getFontHeight(float y_scale=1.0f) const | CEGUI::Font | inline |
getGlyphData(utf32 codepoint) const | CEGUI::Font | |
getIterator(void) const | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
getLineSpacing(float y_scale=1.0f) const | CEGUI::Font | inline |
getName() const | CEGUI::Font | |
getNativeResolution() const | CEGUI::Font | |
getPointSize() const | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | |
getProperty(const String &name) const | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
getPropertyDefault(const String &name) const | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
getPropertyHelp(const String &name) const | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
getTextExtent(const String &text, float x_scale=1.0f) const | CEGUI::Font | |
getTextureSize(CodepointMap::const_iterator s, CodepointMap::const_iterator e) const | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
getTypeName() const | CEGUI::Font | |
ImagesetVector typedef | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protected |
isAntiAliased() const | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | |
isAutoScaled() const | CEGUI::Font | |
isCodepointAvailable(utf32 cp) const | CEGUI::Font | inline |
isPropertyDefault(const String &name) const | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
isPropertyPresent(const String &name) const | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
Iterator typedef (defined in CEGUI::PropertySet) | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
notifyDisplaySizeChanged(const Size &size) | CEGUI::Font | virtual |
PropertyReceiver() (defined in CEGUI::PropertyReceiver) | CEGUI::PropertyReceiver | inline |
PropertySet(void) | CEGUI::PropertySet | inline |
rasterise(utf32 start_codepoint, utf32 end_codepoint) const | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protectedvirtual |
removeProperty(const String &name) | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
setAntiAliased(const bool anti_alaised) | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | |
setAutoScaled(const bool auto_scaled) | CEGUI::Font | |
setDefaultResourceGroup(const String &resourceGroup) | CEGUI::Font | inlinestatic |
setMaxCodepoint(utf32 codepoint) | CEGUI::Font | protected |
setNativeResolution(const Size &size) | CEGUI::Font | |
setPointSize(const float point_size) | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | |
setProperty(const String &name, const String &value) | CEGUI::PropertySet | |
updateFont() | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protectedvirtual |
writeXMLToStream(XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const | CEGUI::Font | |
writeXMLToStream_impl(XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | protectedvirtual |
~Font() | CEGUI::Font | virtual |
~FreeTypeFont() | CEGUI::FreeTypeFont | |
~PropertyReceiver() (defined in CEGUI::PropertyReceiver) | CEGUI::PropertyReceiver | inlinevirtual |
~PropertySet(void) | CEGUI::PropertySet | inlinevirtual |