Crazy Eddie's GUI System
On Windows and OS X CEGUI uses a source based dependency package. This ensures that the dependency libraries and the core cegui libraries can be built with the same compiler using the same configuration, which helps to reduce issues due to compiler version conflicts and runtime conflicts which are especially prevalent when using MSVC++ compilers.
You may obtain the dependency package either by downloading a released archive of the package or by cloning the cegui-dependencies mercurial repository that is hosted at
Please see the archive download link at Dependency Package for Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X
To obtain a copy of the code from mercurial, you should use the following command (or its equivalent, if you use a GUI based mercurial client)
hg clone
We do not currently branch this repository like we do with the main cegui repository, although we do create a tag when a release archive is issued from the repository.
The dependency package uses a unified CMake based build for all the libraries, and produces a dependencies
directory beneath the build location - once the build is complete, this directory contains all the relevant library and header files for the dependencies that were built, and it is intended that this directory be copied or moved to the main cegui source directory.
You must use CMake to configure the build and generate the appropriate build files so that you can actually compile the dependency libraries. It is recommended to use the the CMake GUI utility – at least initially until you are familiar with the available options. The steps below reflect this choice, if you choose not to use the GUI utility for this, then it is assumed you are sufficiently familiar with both CMake and the CEGUI dependencies package and therefore do not require additional guidance.
Once you have the CMake GUI utility running:
You should now take the generated build files and build them! This will generally involve loading solution or project files into your IDE and pressing build buttons (or entering commands – such as msbuild
or xcodebuild
– into a terminal or command window). Once the build is complete, you should find the dependencies
directory mentioned previously beneath your build location.
Installing the dependency build output is not recommended and is not supported, so please do not do that – you will save yourself so much hassle by instead following the instructions as regards to moving the dependencies
directory into place so that the main CEGUI build will find them.