Crazy Eddie's GUI System
This is the complete list of members for CEGUI::GUIContext, including all inherited members.
addEvent(const String &name) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
addEvent(Event &event) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
addGeometryBuffer(const RenderQueueID queue, const GeometryBuffer &buffer) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
AllocatedObject() (defined in CEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderingSurface >) | CEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderingSurface > | inlineexplicit |
areaChangedHandler(const EventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
attachWindow(RenderingWindow &w) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
clearGeometry(const RenderQueueID queue) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
clearGeometry() | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
createDefaultTooltipWindowInstance() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
createRenderingWindow(TextureTarget &target) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | virtual |
d_areaChangedEventConnection (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_captureWindow (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_defaultFont (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_defaultTooltipObject (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | mutableprotected |
d_defaultTooltipType (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_events (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
d_generateMouseClickEvents | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_invalidated | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
d_isDirty (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_modalWindow (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_mouseButtonClickTimeout | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_mouseButtonMultiClickTimeout | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_mouseButtonMultiClickTolerance | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_mouseClickTrackers (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_mouseCursor (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_mouseMovementScalingFactor | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_muted | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
d_queues | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
d_rootWindow (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_surfaceSize | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_systemKeys (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_target | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
d_weCreatedTooltipObject (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | mutableprotected |
d_windowContainingMouse (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | mutableprotected |
d_windowContainingMouseIsUpToDate (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | mutableprotected |
d_windowDestroyedEventConnection (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
d_windows | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
DefaultMouseButtonClickTimeout (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
DefaultMouseButtonMultiClickTimeout (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
DefaultMouseButtonMultiClickTolerance (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
destroyDefaultTooltipWindowInstance() (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
destroyRenderingWindow(RenderingWindow &window) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | virtual |
detatchWindow(RenderingWindow &w) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
draw() | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
CEGUI::RenderingSurface::draw(const RenderQueue &queue, RenderQueueEventArgs &args) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
drawContent() | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
drawWindowContentToTarget() (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
EventDefaultFontChanged | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
EventIterator typedef (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
EventMap typedef (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
EventMouseButtonClickTimeoutChanged | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
EventMouseButtonMultiClickTimeoutChanged | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
EventMouseButtonMultiClickToleranceChanged | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
EventMouseMoveScalingFactorChanged | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
EventNamespace | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | static |
EventRenderQueueEnded | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | static |
EventRenderQueueStarted | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | static |
EventRenderTargetChanged | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
EventRootWindowChanged | CEGUI::GUIContext | static |
EventSet() | CEGUI::EventSet | |
EventSet(EventSet &) (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | inlineprotected |
EventSet(const EventSet &) | CEGUI::EventSet | inlineprotected |
fireEvent(const String &name, EventArgs &args, const String &eventNamespace="") | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
fireEvent_impl(const String &name, EventArgs &args) | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
getCommonAncestor(Window *w1, Window *w2) const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
getDefaultFont() const | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getDefaultTooltipObject() const | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getEventIterator(void) const | CEGUI::EventSet | |
getEventObject(const String &name, bool autoAdd=false) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
getInputCaptureWindow() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getKeyboardTargetWindow() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
getModalWindow() const | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getMouseButtonClickTimeout() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getMouseButtonMultiClickTimeout() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getMouseButtonMultiClickTolerance() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getMouseCursor() | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getMouseCursor() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getMouseMoveScalingFactor() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getRenderTarget() const | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
getRenderTarget() (defined in CEGUI::RenderingSurface) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
getRootWindow() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getScriptModule() const | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
getSurfaceSize() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getSystemKeys() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
getTargetWindow(const Vector2f &pt, const bool allow_disabled) const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
getWindowContainingMouse() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
GUIContext(RenderTarget &target) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
injectChar(String::value_type code_point) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectCopyRequest() | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectCutRequest() | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectKeyDown(Key::Scan scan_code) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectKeyUp(Key::Scan scan_code) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseButtonClick(const MouseButton button) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseButtonDoubleClick(const MouseButton button) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseButtonDown(MouseButton button) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseButtonTripleClick(const MouseButton button) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseButtonUp(MouseButton button) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseLeaves(void) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseMove(float delta_x, float delta_y) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMousePosition(float x_pos, float y_pos) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectMouseWheelChange(float delta) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectPasteRequest() | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
injectTimePulse(float timeElapsed) | CEGUI::GUIContext | virtual |
invalidate() | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | virtual |
isDirty() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
isEventPresent(const String &name) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
isInvalidated() const | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
isMouseClickEventGenerationEnabled() const | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
isMuted(void) const | CEGUI::EventSet | |
isRenderingWindow() const | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | virtual |
markAsDirty() | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
mouseMoveInjection_impl(MouseEventArgs &ma) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
notifyDefaultFontChanged(Window *hierarchy_root) const | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
notifyMouseTransition(Window *top, Window *bottom, void(Window::*func)(MouseEventArgs &), MouseEventArgs &args) const | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
onDefaultFontChanged(EventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
onMouseButtonClickTimeoutChanged(GUIContextEventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
onMouseButtonMultiClickTimeoutChanged(GUIContextEventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
onMouseButtonMultiClickToleranceChanged(GUIContextEventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
onMouseMoveScalingFactorChanged(GUIContextEventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
onRenderTargetChanged(GUIContextRenderTargetEventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
onRootWindowChanged(WindowEventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protectedvirtual |
operator=(EventSet &) (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | inlineprotected |
operator=(const EventSet &) | CEGUI::EventSet | inlineprotected |
removeAllEvents(void) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
removeEvent(const String &name) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
removeEvent(Event &event) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
removeGeometryBuffer(const RenderQueueID queue, const GeometryBuffer &buffer) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
RenderingSurface(RenderTarget &target) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | |
RenderingWindowList typedef | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
RenderQueueList typedef | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | protected |
renderWindowHierarchyToSurfaces() (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
resetWindowContainingMouse() (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
setDefaultFont(const String &name) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setDefaultFont(Font *font) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setDefaultTooltipObject(Tooltip *tooltip) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setDefaultTooltipType(const String &tooltip_type) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setInputCaptureWindow(Window *window) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setModalWindow(Window *window) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setMouseButtonClickTimeout(float seconds) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setMouseButtonMultiClickTimeout(float seconds) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setMouseButtonMultiClickTolerance(const Sizef &sz) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setMouseClickEventGenerationEnabled(const bool enable) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setMouseMoveScalingFactor(float factor) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setMutedState(bool setting) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
setRenderTarget(RenderTarget &target) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
setRootWindow(Window *new_root) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
subscribeEvent(const String &name, Event::Subscriber subscriber) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
subscribeEvent(const String &name, Event::Group group, Event::Subscriber subscriber) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
subscribeEvent(const String &name, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2) | CEGUI::EventSet | inline |
subscribeEvent(const String &name, Event::Group group, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2) | CEGUI::EventSet | inline |
subscribeScriptedEvent(const String &name, const String &subscriber_name) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
subscribeScriptedEvent(const String &name, Event::Group group, const String &subscriber_name) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
transferRenderingWindow(RenderingWindow &window) | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | virtual |
updateRootWindowAreaRects() const (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
updateWindowContainingMouse() | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
updateWindowContainingMouse_impl() const | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
windowDestroyedHandler(const EventArgs &args) (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | protected |
~EventSet(void) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
~GUIContext() (defined in CEGUI::GUIContext) | CEGUI::GUIContext | |
~InjectedInputReceiver() (defined in CEGUI::InjectedInputReceiver) | CEGUI::InjectedInputReceiver | inlinevirtual |
~RenderingSurface() | CEGUI::RenderingSurface | virtual |