Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.0
CEGUI::ScrollablePaneProperties Namespace Reference

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ScrollablePane class. More...


class  ContentPaneAutoSized
 Property to access the setting which controls whether the content pane is automatically resized according to the size and position of attached content. More...
class  ContentArea
 Property to access the current content pane area rectangle (as window relative pixels). More...
class  ForceVertScrollbar
 Property to access the setting which controls whether the vertical scroll bar will always be displayed, or only displayed when it is required. More...
class  ForceHorzScrollbar
 Property to access the setting which controls whether the horizontal scroll bar will always be displayed, or only displayed when it is required. More...
class  HorzStepSize
 Property to access the step size for the horizontal Scrollbar. More...
class  HorzOverlapSize
 Property to access the overlap size for the horizontal Scrollbar. More...
class  HorzScrollPosition
 Property to access the scroll position of the horizontal Scrollbar. More...
class  VertStepSize
 Property to access the step size for the vertical Scrollbar. More...
class  VertOverlapSize
 Property to access the overlap size for the vertical Scrollbar. More...
class  VertScrollPosition
 Property to access the scroll position of the vertical Scrollbar. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ScrollablePane class.