Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.1
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CEGUI::FontDim Class Reference

Dimension type that represents some metric of a Font. Implements BaseDim interface. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::FontDim:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::FontDim:

Public Member Functions

 FontDim (const String &name, const String &font, const String &text, FontMetricType metric, float padding=0)
 Constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::BaseDim
float getValue (const Window &wnd) const
 Return a value that represents this dimension as absolute pixels. More...
float getValue (const Window &wnd, const Rect &container) const
 Return a value that represents this dimension as absolute pixels. More...
BaseDimclone () const
 Create an exact copy of the specialised class and return it as a pointer to a BaseDim object. More...
DimensionOperator getDimensionOperator () const
 Return the DimensionOperator set for this BaseDim based object. More...
void setDimensionOperator (DimensionOperator op)
 Set the DimensionOperator set for this BaseDim based object. More...
const BaseDimgetOperand () const
 Return a pointer to the BaseDim set to be used as the other operand. More...
void setOperand (const BaseDim &operand)
 Set the BaseDim set to be used as the other operand in calculations for this BaseDim. More...
void writeXMLToStream (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
 Writes an xml representation of this BaseDim to out_stream. More...

Protected Member Functions

float getValue_impl (const Window &wnd) const
 Implementataion method to return the base value for this BaseDim. This method should not attempt to apply the mathematical operator; this is handled automatically.
float getValue_impl (const Window &wnd, const Rect &container) const
 Implementataion method to return the base value for this BaseDim. This method should not attempt to apply the mathematical operator; this is handled automatically by BaseDim.
void writeXMLElementName_impl (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
 Implementataion method to output real xml element name.
void writeXMLElementAttributes_impl (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
 Implementataion method to create the element attributes.
BaseDimclone_impl () const
 Implementataion method to return a clone of this sub-class of BaseDim. This method should not attempt to clone the mathematical operator or operand; theis is handled automatically by BaseDim.

Detailed Description

Dimension type that represents some metric of a Font. Implements BaseDim interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CEGUI::FontDim::FontDim ( const String name,
const String font,
const String text,
FontMetricType  metric,
float  padding = 0 


nameString holding the name suffix of the window to be accessed to obtain the font and / or text strings to be used when these items are not explicitly given.
fontString holding the name of the font to use for this dimension. If the string is empty, the font assigned to the window passed to getValue will be used.
textString holding the text to be measured for horizontal extent. If this is empty, the text from the window passed to getValue will be used.
metricOne of the FontMetricType values indicating what we should represent.
paddingconstant pixel padding value to be added.