Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.1
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CEGUI::PopupMenu Class Reference

Base class for popup menus. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::PopupMenu:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::PopupMenu:

Public Member Functions

float getFadeInTime (void) const
 Get the fade in time for this popup menu. More...
float getFadeOutTime (void) const
 Get the fade out time for this popup menu. More...
bool isPopupMenuOpen (void) const
 Find out if this popup menu is open or closed;.
void setFadeInTime (float fadetime)
 Set the fade in time for this popup menu. More...
void setFadeOutTime (float fadetime)
 Set the fade out time for this popup menu. More...
void openPopupMenu (bool notify=true)
 Tells the popup menu to open. More...
void closePopupMenu (bool notify=true)
 Tells the popup menu to close. More...
 PopupMenu (const String &type, const String &name)
 Constructor for PopupMenu objects.
virtual ~PopupMenu (void)
 Destructor for PopupMenu objects.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::MenuBase
float getItemSpacing (void) const
 Get the item spacing for this menu. More...
bool isMultiplePopupsAllowed (void) const
 Return whether this menu allows multiple popup menus to open at the same time. More...
MenuItemgetPopupMenuItem (void) const
 Get currently opened MenuItem in this menu. Returns NULL if no menu item is open. More...
void setItemSpacing (float spacing)
 Set the item spacing for this menu.
void changePopupMenuItem (MenuItem *item)
 Change the currently open MenuItem in this menu. More...
void setAllowMultiplePopups (bool setting)
 Set whether this menu allows multiple popup menus to be opened simultaneously.
 MenuBase (const String &type, const String &name)
 Constructor for MenuBase objects.
virtual ~MenuBase (void)
 Destructor for MenuBase objects.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::ItemListBase
size_t getItemCount (void) const
 Return number of items attached to the list. More...
ItemEntrygetItemFromIndex (size_t index) const
 Return the item at index position index. More...
size_t getItemIndex (const ItemEntry *item) const
 Return the index of ItemEntry item. More...
ItemEntryfindItemWithText (const String &text, const ItemEntry *start_item)
 Search the list for an item with the specified text. More...
bool isItemInList (const ItemEntry *item) const
 Return whether the specified ItemEntry is in the List. More...
bool isAutoResizeEnabled () const
 Return whether this window is automatically resized to fit its content. More...
bool isSortEnabled (void) const
 Returns 'true' if the list is sorted.
SortMode getSortMode (void) const
 Get sort mode.
SortCallback getSortCallback (void) const
 Get user sorting callback.
virtual void initialiseComponents (void)
 Initialise the Window based object ready for use. More...
void resetList (void)
 Remove all items from the list. More...
void addItem (ItemEntry *item)
 Add the given ItemEntry to the list. More...
void insertItem (ItemEntry *item, const ItemEntry *position)
 Insert an item into the list before a specified item already in the list. More...
void removeItem (ItemEntry *item)
 Removes the given item from the list. If the item is has the 'DestroyedByParent' property set to 'true', the item will be deleted. More...
void handleUpdatedItemData (bool resort=false)
 Causes the list to update it's internal state after changes have been made to one or more attached ItemEntry objects. More...
void setAutoResizeEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether or not this ItemListBase widget should automatically resize to fit its content. More...
virtual void sizeToContent (void)
 Resize the ItemListBase to exactly fit the content that is attached to it. Return a Rect object describing, in un-clipped pixels, the window relative area that is to be used for rendering items. More...
virtual void endInitialisation (void)
 Triggers a ListContentsChanged event. These are not fired during initialisation for optimization purposes.
virtual void performChildWindowLayout (void)
 method called to perform extended laying out of attached child windows. More...
Rect getItemRenderArea (void) const
 Return a Rect object describing, in un-clipped pixels, the window relative area that is to be used for rendering list items. More...
WindowgetContentPane (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the window that all items are directed too. More...
virtual void notifyItemClicked (ItemEntry *)
 Notify this ItemListBase that the given item was just clicked. Internal function - NOT to be used from client code.
virtual void notifyItemSelectState (ItemEntry *, bool)
 Notify this ItemListBase that the given item just changed selection state. Internal function - NOT to be used from client code.
void setSortEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether the list should be sorted (by text).
void setSortMode (SortMode mode)
 Set mode to be used when sorting the list. More...
void setSortCallback (SortCallback cb)
 Set a user callback as sorting function. More...
void sortList (bool relayout=true)
 Sort the list. More...
 ItemListBase (const String &type, const String &name)
 Constructor for ItemListBase base class.
virtual ~ItemListBase (void)
 Destructor for ItemListBase base class.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::Window
 Window (const String &type, const String &name)
 Constructor for Window base class. More...
virtual ~Window (void)
 Destructor for Window base class.
const StringgetType (void) const
 return a String object holding the type name for this Window. More...
const StringgetName (void) const
 return a String object holding the name of this Window. More...
bool isDestroyedByParent (void) const
 returns whether or not this Window is set to be destroyed when its parent window is destroyed. More...
bool isAlwaysOnTop (void) const
 returns whether or not this Window is an always on top Window. Also known as a top-most window. More...
bool isDisabled (bool localOnly=false) const
 return whether the Window is currently disabled More...
bool isVisible (bool localOnly=false) const
 return true if the Window is currently visible. More...
bool isActive (void) const
 return true if this is the active Window. An active window is a window that may receive user inputs. More...
bool isClippedByParent (void) const
 return true if this Window is clipped so that its rendering will not pass outside of its parent Window area. More...
uint getID (void) const
 return the ID code currently assigned to this Window by client code. More...
size_t getChildCount (void) const
 return the number of child Window objects currently attached to this Window. More...
bool isChild (const String &name) const
 returns whether a Window with the specified name is currently attached to this Window as a child. More...
bool isChild (uint ID) const
 returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached to this Window as a child. More...
bool isChildRecursive (uint ID) const
 returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached to this Window or any of it's children as a child. More...
bool isChild (const Window *window) const
 return true if the given Window is a child of this window. More...
WindowgetChild (const String &name) const
 return a pointer to the child window with the specified name. More...
WindowgetChild (uint ID) const
 return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified ID value. More...
WindowgetChildRecursive (const String &name) const
 return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified name. Children are traversed recursively. More...
WindowgetChildRecursive (uint ID) const
 return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified ID value. Children are traversed recursively. More...
WindowgetChildAtIdx (size_t idx) const
 return a pointer to the child window that is attached to 'this' at the given index. More...
WindowgetActiveChild (void)
 return a pointer to the Window that currently has input focus starting with this Window. More...
const WindowgetActiveChild (void) const
bool isAncestor (const String &name) const
 return true if the specified Window is some ancestor of this Window More...
bool isAncestor (uint ID) const
 return true if any Window with the given ID is some ancestor of this Window. More...
bool isAncestor (const Window *window) const
 return true if the specified Window is some ancestor of this Window. More...
FontgetFont (bool useDefault=true) const
 return the active Font object for the Window. More...
const StringgetText (void) const
 return the current text for the Window More...
const StringgetTextVisual () const
 return text string with visual ordering of glyphs.
bool inheritsAlpha (void) const
 return true if the Window inherits alpha from its parent(s). More...
float getAlpha (void) const
 return the current alpha value set for this Window More...
float getEffectiveAlpha (void) const
 return the effective alpha value that will be used when rendering this window, taking into account inheritance of parent window(s) alpha. More...
Rect getUnclippedOuterRect () const
 Return a Rect that describes the unclipped outer rect area of the Window in screen pixels.
Rect getUnclippedInnerRect () const
 Return a Rect that describes the unclipped inner rect area of the Window in screen pixels.
Rect getUnclippedRect (const bool inner) const
 Return a Rect that describes the unclipped area covered by the Window. More...
Rect getOuterRectClipper () const
 Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the outer rect area of the window. More...
Rect getInnerRectClipper () const
 Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the inner rect area of the window. More...
Rect getClipRect (const bool non_client=false) const
 Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect for the Window. More...
Rect getHitTestRect () const
 Return the Rect that descibes the clipped screen area that is used for determining whether this window has been hit by a certain point. More...
virtual Rect getUnclippedInnerRect_impl (void) const
 Return a Rect object that describes, unclipped, the inner rectangle for this window. The inner rectangle is typically an area that excludes some frame or other rendering that should not be touched by subsequent rendering. More...
bool isCapturedByThis (void) const
 return true if this Window has input captured. More...
bool isCapturedByAncestor (void) const
 return true if an ancestor window has captured inputs. More...
bool isCapturedByChild (void) const
 return true if a child window has captured inputs. More...
virtual bool isHit (const Vector2 &position, const bool allow_disabled=false) const
 check if the given pixel position would hit this window. More...
WindowgetChildAtPosition (const Vector2 &position) const
 return the child Window that is hit by the given pixel position More...
WindowgetTargetChildAtPosition (const Vector2 &position, const bool allow_disabled=false) const
 return the child Window that is 'hit' by the given position, and is allowed to handle mouse events. More...
WindowgetParent (void) const
 return the parent of this Window. More...
const ImagegetMouseCursor (bool useDefault=true) const
 Return a pointer to the mouse cursor image to use when the mouse cursor is within this window's area. More...
Size getPixelSize (void) const
 Return the window size in pixels. More...
void * getUserData (void) const
 Return the user data set for this Window. More...
bool restoresOldCapture (void) const
 Return whether this window is set to restore old input capture when it loses input capture. More...
bool isZOrderingEnabled (void) const
 Return whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window. More...
bool wantsMultiClickEvents (void) const
 Return whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple 'down' events instead. More...
bool isMouseAutoRepeatEnabled (void) const
 Return whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window. More...
float getAutoRepeatDelay (void) const
 Return the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window. More...
float getAutoRepeatRate (void) const
 Return the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window. More...
bool distributesCapturedInputs (void) const
 Return whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached child windows when the window has inputs captured. More...
bool isUsingDefaultTooltip (void) const
 Return whether this Window is using the system default Tooltip for its Tooltip window. More...
TooltipgetTooltip (void) const
 Return a pointer to the Tooltip object used by this Window. The value returned may point to the system default Tooltip, a custom Window specific Tooltip, or be NULL. More...
String getTooltipType (void) const
 Return the custom tooltip type. More...
const StringgetTooltipText (void) const
 Return the current tooltip text set for this Window. More...
bool inheritsTooltipText (void) const
 Return whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set. More...
bool isRiseOnClickEnabled (void) const
 Return whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button. More...
bool testClassName (const String &class_name) const
 Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance hierarchy. More...
VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlignment () const
 Get the vertical alignment. More...
HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment () const
 Get the horizontal alignment. More...
GeometryBuffergetGeometryBuffer ()
 Return the GeometryBuffer object for this Window. More...
const StringgetLookNFeel () const
 Get the name of the LookNFeel assigned to this window. More...
bool getModalState (void) const
 Get whether or not this Window is the modal target. More...
const StringgetUserString (const String &name) const
 Returns a named user string. More...
bool isUserStringDefined (const String &name) const
 Return whether a user string with the specified name exists. More...
WindowgetActiveSibling ()
 Returns the active sibling window. More...
Size getParentPixelSize (void) const
 Return the pixel size of the parent element. This always returns a valid object. More...
float getParentPixelWidth (void) const
 Return the pixel Width of the parent element. This always returns a valid number. More...
float getParentPixelHeight (void) const
 Return the pixel Height of the parent element. This always returns a valid number. More...
bool isMousePassThroughEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether this window should ignore mouse event and pass them through to and other windows behind it. In effect making the window transparent to the mouse. More...
bool isAutoWindow (void) const
 Returns whether this window is an auto-child window. All auto-child windows have "__auto_" in their name, but this is faster.
bool isWritingXMLAllowed (void) const
 Returns whether this window is allowed to write XML.
EventSet::Iterator getEventIterator () const
 Helper method that returns an EventSet::Iterator object that can be used to iterate over the events currently added to the EventSet of this Window. More...
PropertySet::Iterator getPropertyIterator () const
 Helper method that returns a PropertySet::Iterator object that can be used to iterate over the events currently added to the PropertySet of this Window. More...
bool isDragDropTarget () const
 Returns whether this Window object will receive events generated by the drag and drop support in the system. More...
void getRenderingContext (RenderingContext &ctx) const
 Fill in the RenderingContext ctx with details of the RenderingSurface where this Window object should normally do it's rendering.
virtual void getRenderingContext_impl (RenderingContext &ctx) const
 implementation of the default getRenderingContext logic.
RenderingSurfacegetRenderingSurface () const
 return the RenderingSurface currently set for this window. May return 0.
RenderingSurfacegetTargetRenderingSurface () const
 return the RenderingSurface that will be used by this window as the target for rendering.
bool isUsingAutoRenderingSurface () const
 Returns whether automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window. The reason we emphasise 'automatic' is because the client may manually set a RenderingSurface that does exactly the same job. More...
const WindowgetRootWindow () const
 Returns the window at the root of the hierarchy starting at this Window. The root window is defined as the first window back up the hierarchy that has no parent window. More...
WindowgetRootWindow ()
const Vector3getRotation () const
 return the rotations set for this window.
bool isNonClientWindow () const
 Return whether the Window is a non-client window. More...
void rename (const String &new_name)
 Renames the window. More...
void setDestroyedByParent (bool setting)
 Set whether or not this Window will automatically be destroyed when its parent Window is destroyed. More...
void setAlwaysOnTop (bool setting)
 Set whether this window is always on top, or not. More...
void setEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether this window is enabled or disabled. A disabled window normally can not be interacted with, and may have different rendering. More...
void enable (void)
 enable the Window to allow interaction. More...
void disable (void)
 disable the Window to prevent interaction. More...
void setVisible (bool setting)
 Set whether the Window is visible or hidden. More...
void show (void)
 show the Window. More...
void hide (void)
 hide the Window. More...
void activate (void)
 Activate the Window giving it input focus and bringing it to the top of all windows with the same always-on-top settig as this Window. More...
void deactivate (void)
 Deactivate the window. No further inputs will be received by the window until it is re-activated either programmatically or by the user interacting with the gui. More...
void setClippedByParent (bool setting)
 Set whether this Window will be clipped by its parent window(s). More...
void setID (uint ID)
 Set the current ID for the Window. More...
void setText (const String &text)
 Set the current text string for the Window. More...
void insertText (const String &text, const String::size_type position)
 Insert the text string text into the current text string for the Window object at the position specified by position. More...
void appendText (const String &text)
 Append the string text to the currect text string for the Window object. More...
void setFont (Font *font)
 Set the font used by this Window. More...
void setFont (const String &name)
 Set the font used by this Window. More...
void addChildWindow (const String &name)
 Add the named Window as a child of this Window. If the Window name is already attached to a Window, it is detached before being added to this Window. More...
void addChildWindow (Window *window)
 Add the specified Window as a child of this Window. If the Window window is already attached to a Window, it is detached before being added to this Window. More...
void removeChildWindow (const String &name)
 Remove the named Window from this windows child list. More...
void removeChildWindow (Window *window)
 Remove the specified Window form this windows child list. More...
void removeChildWindow (uint ID)
 Remove the first child Window with the specified ID. If there is more than one attached Window objects with the specified ID, only the fist one encountered will be removed. More...
void moveToFront ()
 Move the Window to the top of the z order. More...
void moveToBack ()
 Move the Window to the bottom of the Z order. More...
bool captureInput (void)
 Captures input to this window. More...
void releaseInput (void)
 Releases input capture from this Window. If this Window does not have inputs captured, nothing happens. More...
void setRestoreCapture (bool setting)
 Set whether this window will remember and restore the previous window that had inputs captured. More...
void setAlpha (float alpha)
 Set the current alpha value for this window. More...
void setInheritsAlpha (bool setting)
 Sets whether this Window will inherit alpha from its parent windows. More...
void invalidate (void)
 Invalidate this window causing at least this window to be redrawn during the next rendering pass. More...
void invalidate (const bool recursive)
 Invalidate this window and - dependant upon recursive - all child content, causing affected windows to be redrawn during the next rendering pass. More...
void setMouseCursor (const Image *image)
 Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. More...
void setMouseCursor (MouseCursorImage image)
 Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. More...
void setMouseCursor (const String &imageset, const String &image_name)
 Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. More...
void setUserData (void *user_data)
 Set the user data set for this Window. More...
void setZOrderingEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window. More...
void setWantsMultiClickEvents (bool setting)
 Set whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple 'down' events instead. More...
void setMouseAutoRepeatEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window. More...
void setAutoRepeatDelay (float delay)
 Set the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window. More...
void setAutoRepeatRate (float rate)
 Set the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window. More...
void setDistributesCapturedInputs (bool setting)
 Set whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached child windows when the window has inputs captured. More...
void notifyDragDropItemEnters (DragContainer *item)
 Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class.
void notifyDragDropItemLeaves (DragContainer *item)
 Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class.
void notifyDragDropItemDropped (DragContainer *item)
 Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class.
virtual void destroy (void)
 Internal destroy method which actually just adds the window and any parent destructed child windows to the dead pool. More...
void setTooltip (Tooltip *tooltip)
 Set the custom Tooltip object for this Window. This value may be 0 to indicate that the Window should use the system default Tooltip object. More...
void setTooltipType (const String &tooltipType)
 Set the custom Tooltip to be used by this Window by specifying a Window type. More...
void setTooltipText (const String &tip)
 Set the tooltip text for this window. More...
void setInheritsTooltipText (bool setting)
 Set whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set. More...
void setRiseOnClickEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button. More...
void setVerticalAlignment (const VerticalAlignment alignment)
 Set the vertical alignment. More...
void setHorizontalAlignment (const HorizontalAlignment alignment)
 Set the horizontal alignment. More...
virtual void setLookNFeel (const String &look)
 Set the LookNFeel that shoule be used for this window. More...
void setModalState (bool state)
 Set the modal state for this Window. More...
void setUserString (const String &name, const String &value)
 Sets the value a named user string, creating it as required. More...
void setArea (const UDim &xpos, const UDim &ypos, const UDim &width, const UDim &height)
 Set the window area. More...
void setArea (const UVector2 &pos, const UVector2 &size)
 Set the window area. More...
void setArea (const URect &area)
 Set the window area. More...
void setPosition (const UVector2 &pos)
 Set the window's position. More...
void setXPosition (const UDim &x)
 Set the window's X position. More...
void setYPosition (const UDim &y)
 Set the window's Y position. More...
void setSize (const UVector2 &size)
 Set the window's size. More...
void setWidth (const UDim &width)
 Set the window's width. More...
void setHeight (const UDim &height)
 Set the window's height. More...
void setMaxSize (const UVector2 &size)
 Set the window's maximum size. More...
void setMinSize (const UVector2 &size)
 Set the window's minimum size. More...
const URectgetArea () const
 Return the windows area. More...
const UVector2getPosition () const
 Get the window's position. More...
const UDimgetXPosition () const
 Get the window's X position. More...
const UDimgetYPosition () const
 Get the window's Y position. More...
UVector2 getSize () const
 Get the window's size. More...
UDim getWidth () const
 Get the window's width. More...
UDim getHeight () const
 Get the window's height. More...
const UVector2getMaxSize () const
 Get the window's maximum size. More...
const UVector2getMinSize () const
 Get the window's minimum size. More...
void render ()
 Causes the Window object to render itself and all of it's attached children. More...
void update (float elapsed)
 Cause window to update itself and any attached children. Client code does not need to call this method; to ensure full, and proper updates, call the injectTimePulse methodname method provided by the System class. More...
virtual void writeXMLToStream (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
 Writes an xml representation of this window object to out_stream. More...
virtual void beginInitialisation (void)
 Sets the internal 'initialising' flag to true. This can be use to optimize initialisation of some widgets, and is called automatically by the layout XML handler when it has created a window. That is just after the window has been created, but before any children or properties are read.
void setMousePassThroughEnabled (bool setting)
 Sets whether this window should ignore mouse events and pass them through to any windows behind it. In effect making the window transparent to the mouse. More...
void setWindowRenderer (const String &name)
 Assign the WindowRenderer to specify the Look'N'Feel specification to be used. More...
WindowRenderergetWindowRenderer (void) const
 Get the currently assigned WindowRenderer. (Look'N'Feel specification). More...
String getWindowRendererName (void) const
 Get the factory name of the currently assigned WindowRenderer. (Look'N'Feel specification). More...
void setWritingXMLAllowed (bool allow)
 Sets whether this window is allowed to write XML.
void notifyScreenAreaChanged (bool recursive=true)
 Inform the window, and optionally all children, that screen area rectangles have changed. More...
void setFalagardType (const String &type, const String &rendererType="")
 Changes the widget's falagard type, thus changing its look'n'feel and optionally its renderer in the process. More...
void setDragDropTarget (bool setting)
 Specifies whether this Window object will receive events generated by the drag and drop support in the system. More...
void setRenderingSurface (RenderingSurface *surface)
 Set the RenderingSurface to be associated with this Window, or 0 if none is required. More...
void invalidateRenderingSurface ()
 Invalidate the chain of rendering surfaces from this window backwards to ensure they get properly redrawn - but doing the minimum amount of work possibe - next render.
void setUsingAutoRenderingSurface (bool setting)
 Sets whether automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window. The reason we emphasise 'atutomatic' is because the client may manually set a RenderingSurface that does exactlythe same job. More...
void setRotation (const Vector3 &rotation)
 set the rotations for this window.
void setNonClientWindow (const bool setting)
 Set whether the Window is a non-client window. More...
const RenderedStringgetRenderedString () const
 Return the parsed RenderedString object for this window.
RenderedStringParsergetCustomRenderedStringParser () const
 Return a pointer to any custom RenderedStringParser set, or 0 if none.
void setCustomRenderedStringParser (RenderedStringParser *parser)
 Set a custom RenderedStringParser, or 0 to remove an existing one.
virtual RenderedStringParsergetRenderedStringParser () const
 return the active RenderedStringParser to be used
bool isTextParsingEnabled () const
 return whether text parsing is enabled for this window.
void setTextParsingEnabled (const bool setting)
 set whether text parsing is enabled for this window.
Vector2 getUnprojectedPosition (const Vector2 &pos) const
 return Vector2 pos after being fully unprojected for this Window.
const BiDiVisualMappinggetBiDiVisualMapping () const
 return the pointer to the BiDiVisualMapping for this window, if any.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::PropertySet
 PropertySet (void)
 Constructs a new PropertySet object.
virtual ~PropertySet (void)
 Destructor for PropertySet objects.
void addProperty (Property *property)
 Adds a new Property to the PropertySet. More...
void removeProperty (const String &name)
 Removes a Property from the PropertySet. More...
void clearProperties (void)
 Removes all Property objects from the PropertySet. More...
bool isPropertyPresent (const String &name) const
 Checks to see if a Property with the given name is in the PropertySet. More...
const StringgetPropertyHelp (const String &name) const
 Return the help text for the specified Property. More...
String getProperty (const String &name) const
 Gets the current value of the specified Property. More...
void setProperty (const String &name, const String &value)
 Sets the current value of a Property. More...
bool isPropertyDefault (const String &name) const
 Returns whether a Property is at it's default value. More...
String getPropertyDefault (const String &name) const
 Returns the default value of a Property as a String. More...
Iterator getIterator (void) const
 Return a PropertySet::Iterator object to iterate over the available Properties.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
 EventSet ()
 Constructor for EventSet objects.
virtual ~EventSet (void)
 Destructor for EventSet objects.
void addEvent (const String &name)
 Add a new Event to the EventSet with the given name. More...
void removeEvent (const String &name)
 Removes the Event with the given name. All connections to the event are disconnected. More...
void removeAllEvents (void)
 Remove all Event objects from the EventSet. More...
bool isEventPresent (const String &name)
 Checks to see if an Event with the given name is present in the EventSet. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the specified group of the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the specified group of the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual void fireEvent (const String &name, EventArgs &args, const String &eventNamespace="")
 Fires the named event passing the given EventArgs object. More...
bool isMuted (void) const
 Return whether the EventSet is muted or not. More...
void setMutedState (bool setting)
 Set the mute state for this EventSet. More...
Iterator getIterator (void) const
 Return a EventSet::Iterator object to iterate over the events currently added to the EventSet.

Static Public Attributes

static const String EventNamespace
 Namespace for global events.
static const String WidgetTypeName
 Window factory name.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CEGUI::MenuBase
static const String EventNamespace
 Namespace for global events.
static const String EventPopupOpened
 A MenuItem attached to this menu opened a PopupMenu.
static const String EventPopupClosed
 A MenuItem attached to this menu opened a PopupMenu.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CEGUI::ItemListBase
static const String EventNamespace
 Namespace for global events.
static const String EventListContentsChanged
 Event triggered when the contents of the list is changed.
static const String EventSortEnabledChanged
 Event fired when the sort enabled state changes.
static const String EventSortModeChanged
 Event fired when the sort mode changes.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CEGUI::Window
static const String EventNamespace
 Namespace for global events.
static const String EventWindowUpdated
 Signal the time based update of window.
static const String EventParentSized
 Parent of this Window has been re-sized.
static const String EventSized
 Window size has changed.
static const String EventMoved
 Window position has changed.
static const String EventTextChanged
 Text string for the Window has changed.
static const String EventFontChanged
 Font object for the Window has been changed.
static const String EventAlphaChanged
 Alpha blend value for the Window has changed.
static const String EventIDChanged
 Client assigned ID code for the Window has changed.
static const String EventActivated
 Window has been activated (has input focus)
static const String EventDeactivated
 Window has been deactivated (loses input focus)
static const String EventShown
 Window has been made visible.
static const String EventHidden
 Window has been hidden from view.
static const String EventEnabled
 Window has been enabled (interaction is possible)
static const String EventDisabled
 Window has been disabled (interaction is no longer possible)
static const String EventClippedByParentChanged
 Clipping by parent mode has been modified.
static const String EventDestroyedByParentChanged
 Destruction by parent mode has been modified.
static const String EventInheritsAlphaChanged
 Alpha inherited from parent mode has been modified.
static const String EventAlwaysOnTopChanged
 Always on top mode has been modified.
static const String EventInputCaptureGained
 Window has captured all inputs.
static const String EventInputCaptureLost
 Window has lost it's capture on inputs.
static const String EventRenderingStarted
 Rendering of the Window has started.
static const String EventRenderingEnded
 Rendering for the Window has finished.
static const String EventChildAdded
 A child Window has been added.
static const String EventChildRemoved
 A child window has been removed.
static const String EventDestructionStarted
 Destruction of the Window is about to begin.
static const String EventZOrderChanged
 The z-order of the window has changed.
static const String EventDragDropItemEnters
 A DragContainer has been dragged over this window.
static const String EventDragDropItemLeaves
 A DragContainer has left this window.
static const String EventDragDropItemDropped
 A DragContainer was dropped on this Window.
static const String EventVerticalAlignmentChanged
 The vertical alignment of the window has changed.
static const String EventHorizontalAlignmentChanged
 The vertical alignment of the window has changed.
static const String EventWindowRendererAttached
 The a new window renderer was attached.
static const String EventWindowRendererDetached
 The currently assigned window renderer was detached.
static const String EventRotated
 Window rotation factor(s) changed.
static const String EventNonClientChanged
 Window non-client setting was changed.
static const String EventTextParsingChanged
 Window text parsing setting was changed.
static const String EventMouseEnters
 Mouse cursor has entered the Window.
static const String EventMouseLeaves
 Mouse cursor has left the Window.
static const String EventMouseMove
 Mouse cursor was moved within the area of the Window.
static const String EventMouseWheel
 Mouse wheel was scrolled within the Window.
static const String EventMouseButtonDown
 A mouse button was pressed down within the Window.
static const String EventMouseButtonUp
 A mouse button was released within the Window.
static const String EventMouseClick
 A mouse button was clicked (down then up) within the Window.
static const String EventMouseDoubleClick
 A mouse button was double-clicked within the Window.
static const String EventMouseTripleClick
 A mouse button was triple-clicked within the Window.
static const String EventKeyDown
 A key on the keyboard was pressed.
static const String EventKeyUp
 A key on the keyboard was released.
static const String EventCharacterKey
 A text character was typed on the keyboard.
static const String TooltipNameSuffix
 Widget name suffix for automatically created tooltip widgets.
static const String AutoWidgetNameSuffix
 Something that all generated widgets will have in their names.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void updateSelf (float elapsed)
 Perform actual update processing for this Window. More...
virtual void layoutItemWidgets (void)
 Setup size and position for the item widgets attached to this Listbox. More...
virtual Size getContentSize (void) const
 Resizes the popup menu to exactly fit the content that is attached to it. More...
virtual bool testClassName_impl (const String &class_name) const
 Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance hierarchy. More...
virtual void onAlphaChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's alpha blend value is changed. More...
virtual void onDestructionStarted (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when this window's destruction sequence has begun. More...
virtual void onShown (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window is shown (made visible). More...
virtual void onHidden (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window is hidden. More...
virtual void onMouseButtonDown (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a mouse button has been depressed within this window's area. More...
virtual void onMouseButtonUp (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a mouse button has been released within this window's area. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::MenuBase
virtual void onPopupOpened (WindowEventArgs &e)
 handler invoked internally when the a MenuItem attached to this menu opens its popup.
virtual void onPopupClosed (WindowEventArgs &e)
 handler invoked internally when the a MenuItem attached to this menu closes its popup.
virtual void onChildRemoved (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a child window is removed from this window. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::ItemListBase
virtual void sizeToContent_impl (void)
 Resize the ItemListBase to exactly fit the content that is attached to it. Return a Rect object describing, in un-clipped pixels, the window relative area that is to be used for rendering items. More...
bool resetList_impl (void)
 Remove all items from the list. More...
virtual bool validateWindowRenderer (const String &name) const
 Function used in checking if a WindowRenderer is valid for this window. More...
SortCallback getRealSortCallback (void) const
 Returns the SortCallback that's really going to be used for the sorting operation.
virtual void onListContentsChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called internally when the list contents are changed.
virtual void onSortEnabledChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called internally when sorting gets enabled.
virtual void onSortModeChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called internally when the sorting mode is changed.
virtual void onParentSized (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when this window's parent window has been resized. If this window is the root / GUI Sheet window, this call will be made when the display size changes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::Window
virtual void onSized (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's size changes. More...
virtual void onMoved (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's position changes. More...
virtual void onTextChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's text is changed. More...
virtual void onFontChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's font is changed. More...
virtual void onIDChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's client assigned ID is changed. More...
virtual void onEnabled (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window is enabled. More...
virtual void onDisabled (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window is disabled. More...
virtual void onClippingChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's setting for being clipped by it's parent is changed. More...
virtual void onParentDestroyChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's setting for being destroyed automatically be it's parent is changed. More...
virtual void onInheritsAlphaChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's setting for inheriting alpha-blending is changed. More...
virtual void onAlwaysOnTopChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's always-on-top setting is changed. More...
virtual void onCaptureGained (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when this window gains capture of mouse inputs. More...
virtual void onCaptureLost (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when this window loses capture of mouse inputs. More...
virtual void onRenderingStarted (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when rendering for this window has started. More...
virtual void onRenderingEnded (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when rendering for this window has ended. More...
virtual void onZChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the z-order position of this window has changed. More...
virtual void onActivated (ActivationEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when this window has become the active window. More...
virtual void onDeactivated (ActivationEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when this window has lost input focus and has been deactivated. More...
virtual void onChildAdded (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a child window is added to this window. More...
virtual void onMouseEnters (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area. More...
virtual void onMouseLeaves (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the mouse cursor has left this window's area. More...
virtual void onMouseMove (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the mouse cursor has been moved within this window's area. More...
virtual void onMouseWheel (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the mouse wheel (z-axis) position changes within this window's area. More...
virtual void onMouseClicked (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a mouse button has been clicked (that is depressed and then released, within a specified time) within this window's area. More...
virtual void onMouseDoubleClicked (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a mouse button has been double-clicked within this window's area. More...
virtual void onMouseTripleClicked (MouseEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a mouse button has been triple-clicked within this window's area. More...
virtual void onKeyDown (KeyEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a key as been depressed while this window has input focus. More...
virtual void onKeyUp (KeyEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a key as been released while this window has input focus. More...
virtual void onCharacter (KeyEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a character-key has been pressed while this window has input focus. More...
virtual void onDragDropItemEnters (DragDropEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. More...
virtual void onDragDropItemLeaves (DragDropEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. More...
virtual void onDragDropItemDropped (DragDropEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. More...
virtual void onVerticalAlignmentChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the vertical alignment setting for the window is changed. More...
virtual void onHorizontalAlignmentChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the horizontal alignment setting for the window is changed. More...
virtual void onWindowRendererAttached (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when a new window renderer object is attached. More...
virtual void onWindowRendererDetached (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the currently attached window renderer object is detached. More...
virtual void onRotated (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's rotation factor is changed. More...
virtual void onNonClientChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's non-client setting, affecting it's position and size relative to it's parent is changed. More...
virtual void onTextParsingChanged (WindowEventArgs &e)
 Handler called when the window's setting for whether text parsing is enabled is changed. More...
virtual void drawSelf (const RenderingContext &ctx)
 Perform the actual rendering for this Window. More...
void bufferGeometry (const RenderingContext &ctx)
 Perform drawing operations concerned with generating and buffering window geometry. More...
void queueGeometry (const RenderingContext &ctx)
 Perform drawing operations concerned with positioning, clipping and queueing of window geometry to RenderingSurfaces. More...
virtual void populateGeometryBuffer ()
 Update the rendering cache. More...
void setParent (Window *parent)
 Set the parent window for this window object. More...
Size getSize_impl (const Window *window) const
void generateAutoRepeatEvent (MouseButton button)
 Fires off a repeated mouse button down event for this window.
void banPropertyFromXML (const Property *property)
 Adds a property to the XML ban list.
bool isPropertyBannedFromXML (const Property *property) const
 Returns whether a property is banned from XML.
bool isPropertyAtDefault (const Property *property) const
 Returns whether a property is at it's default value. This function is different from Property::isDefatult as it takes the assigned look'n'feel (if the is one) into account.
void notifyClippingChanged (void)
 Recursively inform all children that the clipping has changed and screen rects needs to be recached.
void allocateRenderingWindow ()
 helper to create and setup the auto RenderingWindow surface
void releaseRenderingWindow ()
 helper to clean up the auto RenderingWindow surface
void initialiseClippers (const RenderingContext &ctx)
 Helper to intialise the needed clipping for geometry and render surface.
virtual void cleanupChildren (void)
 Cleanup child windows.
virtual void removeChild_impl (Window *wnd)
 Remove given window from child list.
virtual void onZChange_impl (void)
 Notify 'this' and all siblings of a ZOrder change event.
void addStandardProperties (void)
 Add standard CEGUI::Window properties.
virtual bool moveToFront_impl (bool wasClicked)
 Implements move to front behavior. More...
void setArea_impl (const UVector2 &pos, const UVector2 &size, bool topLeftSizing=false, bool fireEvents=true)
 Implementation method to modify window area while correctly applying min / max size processing, and firing any appropriate events. More...
void addWindowToDrawList (Window &wnd, bool at_back=false)
 Add the given window to the drawing list at an appropriate position for it's settings and the required direction. Basically, when at_back is false, the window will appear in front of all other windows with the same 'always on top' setting. When at_back is true, the window will appear behind all other windows wih the same 'always on top' setting. More...
void removeWindowFromDrawList (const Window &wnd)
 Removes the window from the drawing list. If the window is not attached to the drawing list then nothing happens. More...
bool isTopOfZOrder () const
 Return whether the window is at the top of the Z-Order. This will correctly take into account 'Always on top' windows as needed. More...
void updateGeometryRenderSettings ()
 Update position and clip region on this Windows geometry / rendering surface.
void transferChildSurfaces ()
 transfer RenderingSurfaces to be owned by our target RenderingSurface.
Rect getParentElementClipIntersection (const Rect &unclipped_area) const
 helper function for calculating clipping rectangles.
void invalidate_impl (const bool recursive)
 helper function to invalidate window and optionally child windows.
bool isInnerRectSizeChanged () const
 helper to return whether the inner rect size has changed
virtual Rect getUnclippedOuterRect_impl () const
 Default implementation of function to return Window outer rect area.
virtual Rect getOuterRectClipper_impl () const
 Default implementation of function to return Window outer clipper area.
virtual Rect getInnerRectClipper_impl () const
 Default implementation of function to return Window inner clipper area.
virtual Rect getHitTestRect_impl () const
 Default implementation of function to return Window hit-test area.
virtual int writePropertiesXML (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
virtual int writeChildWindowsXML (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
virtual bool writeAutoChildWindowXML (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
EventgetEventObject (const String &name, bool autoAdd=false)
 Return a pointer to the Event object with the given name, optionally adding such an Event object to the EventSet if it does not already exist. More...
void fireEvent_impl (const String &name, EventArgs &args)
 Implementation event firing member.
 EventSet (EventSet &)
EventSetoperator= (EventSet &)

Protected Attributes

float d_origAlpha
 The original alpha of this window.
float d_fadeElapsed
 The time in seconds this popup menu has been fading.
float d_fadeOutTime
 The time in seconds it takes for this popup menu to fade out.
float d_fadeInTime
 The time in seconds it takes for this popup menu to fade in.
bool d_fading
 true if this popup menu is fading in/out. false if not
bool d_fadingOut
 true if this popup menu is fading out. false if fading in.
bool d_isOpen
 true if this popup menu is open. false if not.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::MenuBase
float d_itemSpacing
 The spacing in pixels between items.
 The currently open MenuItem. NULL if no item is open. If multiple popups are allowed, this means nothing.
bool d_allowMultiplePopups
 true if multiple popup menus are allowed simultaneously. false if not.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::ItemListBase
ItemEntryList d_listItems
 list of items in the list. More...
bool d_autoResize
 Pointer to the content pane (for items), 0 if we're not using one.
 True if this ItemListBase is sorted. False if not.
bool d_sortEnabled
 The current sorting mode applied if sorting is enabled.
SortMode d_sortMode
 The user sort callback or 0 if none.
SortCallback d_sortCallback
 True if the list needs to be resorted.
bool d_resort
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::Window
const String d_type
 type of Window (also the name of the WindowFactory that created us)
String d_name
 The name of the window (GUI system unique).
String d_falagardType
 Type name of the window as defined in a Falagard mapping.
bool d_autoWindow
 true when this window is an auto-window (it's name contains __auto_)
bool d_initialising
 true when this window is currently being initialised (creating children etc)
bool d_destructionStarted
 true when this window is being destroyed.
bool d_enabled
 true when Window is enabled
bool d_visible
 is window visible (i.e. it will be rendered, but may still be obscured)
bool d_active
 true when Window is the active Window (receiving inputs).
ChildList d_children
 The list of child Window objects attached to this.
ChildList d_drawList
 Child window objects arranged in rendering order.
 Holds pointer to the parent window.
bool d_destroyedByParent
 true when Window will be auto-destroyed by parent.
bool d_clippedByParent
 true when Window will be clipped by parent Window area Rect.
bool d_nonClientContent
 true if Window is in non-client (outside InnerRect) area of parent.
String d_lookName
 Name of the Look assigned to this window (if any).
 The WindowRenderer module that implements the Look'N'Feel specification.
 Object which acts as a cache of geometry drawn by this Window.
 RenderingSurface owned by this window (may be 0)
bool d_needsRedraw
 true if window geometry cache needs to be regenerated.
bool d_autoRenderingWindow
 holds setting for automatic creation of of surface (RenderingWindow)
const Imaged_mouseCursor
 Holds pointer to the Window objects current mouse cursor image.
float d_alpha
 Alpha transparency setting for the Window.
bool d_inheritsAlpha
 true if the Window inherits alpha from the parent Window
 The Window that previously had capture (used for restoreOldCapture mode)
bool d_restoreOldCapture
 Restore capture to the previous capture window when releasing capture.
bool d_distCapturedInputs
 Whether to distribute captured inputs to child windows.
 Holds pointer to the Window objects current Font.
String d_textLogical
 Holds the text / label / caption for this Window.
 pointer to bidirection support object
bool d_bidiDataValid
 whether bidi visual mapping has been updated since last text change.
RenderedString d_renderedString
 RenderedString representation of text string as ouput from a parser.
bool d_renderedStringValid
 true if d_renderedString is valid, false if needs re-parse.
 Pointer to a custom (user assigned) RenderedStringParser object.
bool d_textParsingEnabled
 true if use of parser other than d_defaultStringParser is enabled
uint d_ID
 User ID assigned to this Window.
void * d_userData
 Holds pointer to some user assigned data.
UserStringMap d_userStrings
 Holds a collection of named user string values.
bool d_alwaysOnTop
 true if Window will be drawn on top of all other Windows
bool d_riseOnClick
 whether window should rise in the z order when left clicked.
bool d_zOrderingEnabled
 true if the Window responds to z-order change requests.
bool d_wantsMultiClicks
 true if the Window wishes to hear about multi-click mouse events.
bool d_mousePassThroughEnabled
 whether (most) mouse events pass through this window
bool d_autoRepeat
 whether pressed mouse button will auto-repeat the down event.
float d_repeatDelay
 seconds before first repeat event is fired
float d_repeatRate
 secons between further repeats after delay has expired.
MouseButton d_repeatButton
 button we're tracking for auto-repeat purposes.
bool d_repeating
 implements repeating - is true after delay has elapsed,
float d_repeatElapsed
 implements repeating - tracks time elapsed.
bool d_dragDropTarget
 true if window will receive drag and drop related notifications
String d_tooltipText
 Text string used as tip for this window.
 Possible custom Tooltip for this window.
bool d_weOwnTip
 true if this Window created the custom Tooltip.
bool d_inheritsTipText
 whether tooltip text may be inherited from parent.
bool d_allowWriteXML
 true if this window is allowed to write XML, false if not
BannedXMLPropertySet d_bannedXMLProperties
 collection of properties not to be written to XML for this window.
URect d_area
 This Window objects area as defined by a URect.
Size d_pixelSize
 Current constrained pixel size of the window.
UVector2 d_minSize
 current minimum size for the window.
UVector2 d_maxSize
 current maximum size for the window.
HorizontalAlignment d_horzAlign
 Specifies the base for horizontal alignment.
VerticalAlignment d_vertAlign
 Specifies the base for vertical alignment.
Vector3 d_rotation
 Rotation angles for this window.
Rect d_outerUnclippedRect
 outer area rect in screen pixels
Rect d_innerUnclippedRect
 inner area rect in screen pixels
Rect d_outerRectClipper
 outer area clipping rect in screen pixels
Rect d_innerRectClipper
 inner area clipping rect in screen pixels
Rect d_hitTestRect
 area rect used for hit-testing agains this window
bool d_outerUnclippedRectValid
bool d_innerUnclippedRectValid
bool d_outerRectClipperValid
bool d_innerRectClipperValid
bool d_hitTestRectValid
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
EventMap d_events
bool d_muted
 true if events for this EventSet have been muted.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CEGUI::ItemListBase
enum  SortMode { Ascending, Descending, UserSort }
 Sort modes for ItemListBase.
typedef bool(* SortCallback )(const ItemEntry *a, const ItemEntry *b)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::Window
static WindowgetCaptureWindow (void)
 return the Window that currently has inputs captured. More...
- Protected Types inherited from CEGUI::ItemListBase
typedef std::vector< ItemEntry * > ItemEntryList
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::Window
static WindowProperties::Alpha d_alphaProperty
static WindowProperties::Disabled d_disabledProperty
static WindowProperties::Font d_fontProperty
static WindowProperties::ID d_IDProperty
static WindowProperties::Text d_textProperty
static WindowProperties::Visible d_visibleProperty
static WindowProperties::Tooltip d_tooltipProperty
static WindowProperties::LookNFeel d_lookNFeelProperty
static WindowProperties::Rotation d_rotationProperty
static WindowProperties::XRotation d_xRotationProperty
static WindowProperties::YRotation d_yRotationProperty
static WindowProperties::ZRotation d_zRotationProperty
static WindowProperties::NonClient d_nonClientProperty
static Windowd_captureWindow
 Window that has captured inputs.
static BasicRenderedStringParser d_basicStringParser
 Shared instance of a parser to be used in most instances.
static DefaultRenderedStringParser d_defaultStringParser
 Shared instance of a parser to be used when rendering text verbatim.

Detailed Description

Base class for popup menus.

Member Function Documentation

void CEGUI::PopupMenu::closePopupMenu ( bool  notify = true)

Tells the popup menu to close.

notifytrue if the parent menu item (if any) is to handle the closing. false if not.
virtual Size CEGUI::PopupMenu::getContentSize ( void  ) const

Resizes the popup menu to exactly fit the content that is attached to it.


Implements CEGUI::ItemListBase.

float CEGUI::PopupMenu::getFadeInTime ( void  ) const

Get the fade in time for this popup menu.

The time in seconds that it takes for the popup to fade in. 0 if fading is disabled.
float CEGUI::PopupMenu::getFadeOutTime ( void  ) const

Get the fade out time for this popup menu.

The time in seconds that it takes for the popup to fade out. 0 if fading is disabled.
virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::layoutItemWidgets ( void  )

Setup size and position for the item widgets attached to this Listbox.


Implements CEGUI::ItemListBase.

virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::onAlphaChanged ( WindowEventArgs e)

Handler called when the window's alpha blend value is changed.

eWindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::Window.

virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::onDestructionStarted ( WindowEventArgs e)

Handler called when this window's destruction sequence has begun.

eWindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::Window.

virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::onHidden ( WindowEventArgs e)

Handler called when the window is hidden.

eWindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::Window.

virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::onMouseButtonDown ( MouseEventArgs e)

Handler called when a mouse button has been depressed within this window's area.

eMouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::Window.

virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::onMouseButtonUp ( MouseEventArgs e)

Handler called when a mouse button has been released within this window's area.

eMouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::Window.

virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::onShown ( WindowEventArgs e)

Handler called when the window is shown (made visible).

eWindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::Window.

void CEGUI::PopupMenu::openPopupMenu ( bool  notify = true)

Tells the popup menu to open.

notifytrue if the parent menu item (if any) is to handle the opening. false if not.
void CEGUI::PopupMenu::setFadeInTime ( float  fadetime)

Set the fade in time for this popup menu.

fadetimeThe time in seconds that it takes for the popup to fade in. If this parameter is zero, fading is disabled.
void CEGUI::PopupMenu::setFadeOutTime ( float  fadetime)

Set the fade out time for this popup menu.

fadetimeThe time in seconds that it takes for the popup to fade out. If this parameter is zero, fading is disabled.
virtual bool CEGUI::PopupMenu::testClassName_impl ( const String class_name) const

Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance hierarchy.

class_nameThe class name that is to be checked.
true if this window was inherited from class_name. false if not.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::MenuBase.

References CEGUI::MenuBase::testClassName_impl().

virtual void CEGUI::PopupMenu::updateSelf ( float  elapsed)

Perform actual update processing for this Window.

elapsedfloat value indicating the number of seconds elapsed since the last update call.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::Window.