Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.1
Public Member Functions | List of all members
CEGUI::RenderingRoot Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::RenderingRoot:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::RenderingRoot:

Public Member Functions

 RenderingRoot (RenderTarget &target)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::RenderingSurface
 RenderingSurface (RenderTarget &target)
 Constructor for RenderingSurface objects. More...
virtual ~RenderingSurface ()
 Destructor for RenderingSurface objects.
void addGeometryBuffer (const RenderQueueID queue, const GeometryBuffer &buffer)
 Add the specified GeometryBuffer to the specified queue for rendering when the RenderingSurface is drawn. More...
void removeGeometryBuffer (const RenderQueueID queue, const GeometryBuffer &buffer)
 Remove the specified GeometryBuffer from the specified queue. More...
void clearGeometry (const RenderQueueID queue)
 Clears all GeometryBuffers from the specified rendering queue. More...
void clearGeometry ()
 Clears all GeometryBuffers from all rendering queues. More...
virtual void draw ()
 Draw the GeometryBuffers for all rendering queues to the RenderTarget that this RenderingSurface is targetting. More...
virtual void invalidate ()
 Marks the RenderingSurface as invalid, causing the geometry to be rerendered to the RenderTarget next time draw is called. More...
bool isInvalidated () const
 Return whether this RenderingSurface is invalidated. More...
virtual bool isRenderingWindow () const
 Return whether this RenderingSurface is actually an instance of the RenderingWindow subclass. More...
virtual RenderingWindowcreateRenderingWindow (TextureTarget &target)
 Create and return a reference to a child RenderingWindow object that will render back onto this RenderingSurface when it's draw member function is called. More...
virtual void destroyRenderingWindow (RenderingWindow &window)
 Destroy a RenderingWindow we own. If we are not the present owner of the given RenderingWindow, nothing happens. More...
virtual void transferRenderingWindow (RenderingWindow &window)
 transfer ownership of the RenderingWindow to this RenderingSurface. More...
const RenderTargetgetRenderTarget () const
 Return the RenderTarget object that this RenderingSurface is drawing to. More...
RenderTargetgetRenderTarget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
 EventSet ()
 Constructor for EventSet objects.
virtual ~EventSet (void)
 Destructor for EventSet objects.
void addEvent (const String &name)
 Add a new Event to the EventSet with the given name. More...
void removeEvent (const String &name)
 Removes the Event with the given name. All connections to the event are disconnected. More...
void removeAllEvents (void)
 Remove all Event objects from the EventSet. More...
bool isEventPresent (const String &name)
 Checks to see if an Event with the given name is present in the EventSet. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the specified group of the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the specified group of the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual void fireEvent (const String &name, EventArgs &args, const String &eventNamespace="")
 Fires the named event passing the given EventArgs object. More...
bool isMuted (void) const
 Return whether the EventSet is muted or not. More...
void setMutedState (bool setting)
 Set the mute state for this EventSet. More...
Iterator getIterator (void) const
 Return a EventSet::Iterator object to iterate over the events currently added to the EventSet.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
typedef ConstBaseIterator
< EventMap > 
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CEGUI::RenderingSurface
static const String EventNamespace
 Namespace for global events from RenderingSurface objects.
static const String EventRenderQueueStarted
 Event that signals the start of rendering for a queue.
static const String EventRenderQueueEnded
 Event that signals the end of rendering for a queue.
- Protected Types inherited from CEGUI::RenderingSurface
typedef std::map
< RenderQueueID, RenderQueue
 collection type for the queues
typedef std::vector
< RenderingWindow * > 
 collection type for created RenderingWindow objects
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::RenderingSurface
void draw (const RenderQueue &queue, RenderQueueEventArgs &args)
 draw a rendering queue, firing events before and after.
void detatchWindow (RenderingWindow &w)
 detatch ReneringWindow from this RenderingSurface
void attachWindow (RenderingWindow &w)
 attach ReneringWindow from this RenderingSurface
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::RenderingSurface
RenderQueueList d_queues
 the collection of RenderQueue objects.
RenderingWindowList d_windows
 collection of RenderingWindow object we own
 RenderTarget that this surface actually draws to.
bool d_invalidated
 holds invalidated state of target (as far as we are concerned)