Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.1
CEGUI::FrameWindowProperties Namespace Reference

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the FrameWindow class. More...


class  SizingEnabled
 Property to access the state of the sizable setting for the FrameWindow. More...
class  FrameEnabled
 Property to access the setting for whether the window frame will be displayed. More...
class  TitlebarEnabled
 Property to access the setting for whether the window title-bar will be enabled (or displayed depending upon choice of final widget type). More...
class  CloseButtonEnabled
 Property to access the setting for whether the window close button will be enabled (or displayed depending upon choice of final widget type). More...
class  RollUpEnabled
 Property to access the setting for whether the user is able to roll-up / shade the window. More...
class  RollUpState
 Property to access the roll-up / shade state of the window. More...
class  DragMovingEnabled
 Property to access the setting for whether the user may drag the window around by its title bar. More...
class  SizingBorderThickness
 Property to access the setting for the sizing border thickness. More...
class  NSSizingCursorImage
 Property to access the N-S (up-down) sizing cursor image. More...
class  EWSizingCursorImage
 Property to access the E-W (left/right) sizing cursor image. More...
class  NWSESizingCursorImage
 Property to access the NW-SE diagonal sizing cursor image. More...
class  NESWSizingCursorImage
 Property to access the NE-SW diagonal sizing cursor image. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the FrameWindow class.