Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.1
CEGUI::MultiLineEditboxProperties Namespace Reference

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the MultiLineEditbox class. More...


class  ReadOnly
 Property to access the read-only setting of the edit box. More...
class  WordWrap
 Property to access the word-wrap setting of the edit box. More...
class  CaratIndex
 Property to access the current carat index. More...
class  SelectionStart
 Property to access the current selection start index. More...
class  SelectionLength
 Property to access the current selection length. More...
class  MaxTextLength
 Property to access the maximum text length for the edit box. More...
class  SelectionBrushImage
 Property to access the selection brush image. More...
class  ForceVertScrollbar
 Property to access the 'always show' setting for the vertical scroll bar of the box. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the MultiLineEditbox class.