Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.2
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\NCEGUIMain namespace for Crazy Eddie's GUI Library
 oNCheckboxPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Checkbox class
 oNComboboxPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Combobox class
 oNEditboxPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Editbox class
 oNFalagardEditboxPropertiesNamespace containing the specialised Falagard properties for Editbox
 oNFalagardListHeaderPropertiesProperties for the Falagard ListHeader
 oNFalagardMultiLineEditboxPropertiesNamespace containing the specialised Falagard properties for MultiLineEditbox
 oNFalagardProgressBarPropertiesNamespace containing the specialised properties interface for the Progress Bar under Falagard class
 oNFalagardScrollbarPropertiesNamespace containing the specialised properties interface for the Scrollbar under Falagard class
 oNFalagardSliderPropertiesNamespace containing the specialised properties interface for the Slider under Falagard class
 oNFalagardStaticImagePropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the FalagardStaticText class
 oNFalagardStaticPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the FalagardStatic (base) class
 oNFalagardStaticTextPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the FalagardStaticText class
 oNFalagardTabControlPropertiesProperties for the Falagard TabControl
 oNFrameWindowPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the FrameWindow class
 oNGridLayoutContainerPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the GridLayoutContainer class
 oNItemEntryPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ItemEntry class
 oNItemListBasePropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ItemListBase class
 oNItemListboxPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ItemListbox class
 oNListboxPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Listbox class
 oNListHeaderPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ListHeader class
 oNListHeaderSegmentPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ListHeaderSegment class
 oNMultiColumnListPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the MultiColumnList class
 oNMultiLineEditboxPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the MultiLineEditbox class
 oNProgressBarPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ProgressBar class
 oNRadioButtonPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the RadioButton class
 oNScrollablePanePropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ScrollablePane class
 oNScrollbarPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Scrollbar class
 oNScrolledContainerPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ScrolledContainer class
 oNScrolledItemListBasePropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the ScrolledItemListBase class
 oNSliderPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Slider class
 oNTabControlPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Listbox class
 oNThumbPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Thumb class
 oNTitlebarPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Titlebar class
 oNTooltipPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Tooltip class
Namespace containing classes that make up the properties interface specific

to the Tree class

 oNWindowPropertiesNamespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Window base class
 \NXercesParserPropertiesProperties for the XercesParser XML parser module