| PixmapFont (const String &font_name, const String &imageset_filename, const String &resource_group="", const bool auto_scaled=false, const float native_horz_res=640.0f, const float native_vert_res=480.0f) |
| Constructor for Pixmap type fonts. More...
| ~PixmapFont () |
| Destructor.
void | defineMapping (const utf32 codepoint, const String &image_name, const float horz_advance) |
const String & | getImageset () const |
| Return the name of the imageset the font is using for it's glyphs.
void | setImageset (const String &imageset) |
| Set Imageset the font is using for it's glyphs. More...
virtual | ~Font () |
| Destructor.
const String & | getName () const |
| Return the string holding the font name.
const String & | getTypeName () const |
| Return the type of the font.
bool | isCodepointAvailable (utf32 cp) const |
| Return whether this Font can draw the specified code-point. More...
void | drawText (GeometryBuffer &buffer, const String &text, const Vector2 &position, const Rect *clip_rect, const ColourRect &colours, const float space_extra=0.0f, const float x_scale=1.0f, const float y_scale=1.0f) |
| Draw text into a specified area of the display. More...
void | setNativeResolution (const Size &size) |
| Set the native resolution for this Font. More...
Size | getNativeResolution () const |
| Return the native display size for this Font. This is only relevant if the Font is being auto-scaled. More...
void | setAutoScaled (const bool auto_scaled) |
| Enable or disable auto-scaling for this Font. More...
bool | isAutoScaled () const |
| Return whether this Font is auto-scaled. More...
virtual void | notifyDisplaySizeChanged (const Size &size) |
| Notify the Font that the display size may have changed. More...
float | getLineSpacing (float y_scale=1.0f) const |
| Return the pixel line spacing value for. More...
float | getFontHeight (float y_scale=1.0f) const |
| return the exact pixel height of the font. More...
float | getBaseline (float y_scale=1.0f) const |
| Return the number of pixels from the top of the highest glyph to the baseline. More...
float | getTextExtent (const String &text, float x_scale=1.0f) const |
| Return the pixel width of the specified text if rendered with this Font. More...
size_t | getCharAtPixel (const String &text, float pixel, float x_scale=1.0f) const |
| Return the index of the closest text character in String text that corresponds to pixel location pixel if the text were rendered. More...
size_t | getCharAtPixel (const String &text, size_t start_char, float pixel, float x_scale=1.0f) const |
| Return the index of the closest text character in String text, starting at character index start_char, that corresponds to pixel location pixel if the text were to be rendered. More...
void | writeXMLToStream (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const |
| Writes an xml representation of this Font to out_stream. More...
const FontGlyph * | getGlyphData (utf32 codepoint) const |
| Return a pointer to the glyphDat struct for the given codepoint, or 0 if the codepoint does not have a glyph defined. More...
| PropertySet (void) |
| Constructs a new PropertySet object.
virtual | ~PropertySet (void) |
| Destructor for PropertySet objects.
void | addProperty (Property *property) |
| Adds a new Property to the PropertySet. More...
void | removeProperty (const String &name) |
| Removes a Property from the PropertySet. More...
void | clearProperties (void) |
| Removes all Property objects from the PropertySet. More...
bool | isPropertyPresent (const String &name) const |
| Checks to see if a Property with the given name is in the PropertySet. More...
const String & | getPropertyHelp (const String &name) const |
| Return the help text for the specified Property. More...
String | getProperty (const String &name) const |
| Gets the current value of the specified Property. More...
void | setProperty (const String &name, const String &value) |
| Sets the current value of a Property. More...
bool | isPropertyDefault (const String &name) const |
| Returns whether a Property is at it's default value. More...
String | getPropertyDefault (const String &name) const |
| Returns the default value of a Property as a String. More...
Iterator | getIterator (void) const |
| Return a PropertySet::Iterator object to iterate over the available Properties.
void | reinit () |
| Initialize the imageset.
void | addPixmapFontProperties () |
| Register all properties of this class.
void | updateFont () |
| Update the font as needed, according to the current parameters.
void | writeXMLToStream_impl (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const |
| implementaion version of writeXMLToStream.
| Font (const String &name, const String &type_name, const String &filename, const String &resource_group, const bool auto_scaled, const float native_horz_res, const float native_vert_res) |
| Constructor.
virtual void | rasterise (utf32 start_codepoint, utf32 end_codepoint) const |
| This function prepares a certain range of glyphs to be ready for displaying. This means that after returning from this function glyphs from d_cp_map[start_codepoint] to d_cp_map[end_codepoint] should have their d_image member set. If there is an error during rasterisation of some glyph, it's okay to leave the d_image field set to NULL, in which case such glyphs will be skipped from display. More...
void | addFontProperties () |
| Register all properties of this class.
void | setMaxCodepoint (utf32 codepoint) |
| Set the maximal glyph index. This reserves the respective number of bits in the d_glyphPageLoaded array.
Imageset * | d_glyphImages |
| The imageset with the glyphs.
float | d_origHorzScaling |
| Current X scaling for glyph images.
bool | d_imagesetOwner |
| true if we own the imageset
String | d_name |
| Name of this font.
String | d_type |
| Type name string for this font (not used internally)
String | d_filename |
| Name of the file used to create this font (font file or imagset)
String | d_resourceGroup |
| Name of the font file's resource group.
float | d_ascender |
| maximal font ascender (pixels above the baseline)
float | d_descender |
| maximal font descender (negative pixels below the baseline)
float | d_height |
| (ascender - descender) + linegap
bool | d_autoScale |
| true when auto-scaling is enabled.
float | d_nativeHorzRes |
| native horizontal resolution for this Imageset.
float | d_nativeVertRes |
| native vertical resolution for this Imageset.
float | d_horzScaling |
| current horizontal scaling factor.
float | d_vertScaling |
| current vertical scaling factor.
utf32 | d_maxCodepoint |
| Maximal codepoint for font glyphs.
uint * | d_glyphPageLoaded |
| This bitmap holds information about loaded 'pages' of glyphs. A glyph page is a set of 256 codepoints, starting at 256-multiples. For example, the 1st glyph page is 0-255, fourth is 1024-1279 etc. When a specific glyph is required for painting, the corresponding bit is checked to see if the respective page has been rasterised. If not, the rasterise() method is invoked, which prepares the glyphs from the respective glyph page for being painted. More...
CodepointMap | d_cp_map |
| Contains mappings from code points to Image objects.
Implementation of the Font class interface using static Imageset's.
To create such a font you must create a Imageset with all the glyphs, and then define individual glyphs via defineMapping.