Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.7
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CEGUI::FalagardStaticText Class Reference

StaticText class for the FalagardBase module. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::FalagardStaticText:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::FalagardStaticText:

Public Member Functions

 FalagardStaticText (const String &type)
 ~FalagardStaticText ()
ColourRect getTextColours (void) const
 Return a ColourRect object containing the colours used when rendering this widget.
HorizontalTextFormatting getHorizontalFormatting (void) const
 Return the current horizontal formatting option set for this widget.
VerticalTextFormatting getVerticalFormatting (void) const
 Return the current vertical formatting option set for this widget.
void setTextColours (const ColourRect &colours)
 Sets the colours to be applied when rendering the text.
void setVerticalFormatting (VerticalTextFormatting v_fmt)
 Set the vertical formatting required for the text.
void setHorizontalFormatting (HorizontalTextFormatting h_fmt)
 Set the horizontal formatting required for the text.
bool isVerticalScrollbarEnabled (void) const
 Return whether the vertical scroll bar is set to be shown if needed.
bool isHorizontalScrollbarEnabled (void) const
 Return whether the horizontal scroll bar is set to be shown if needed.
void setVerticalScrollbarEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether the vertical scroll bar will be shown if needed.
void setHorizontalScrollbarEnabled (bool setting)
 Set whether the horizontal scroll bar will be shown if needed.
float getHorizontalTextExtent () const
 return the current horizontal formatted text extent in pixels.
float getVerticalTextExtent () const
 return the current vertical formatted text extent in pixels.
void render (void)
 Populate render cache. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::FalagardStatic
 FalagardStatic (const String &type)
 type name for this widget. More...
bool isFrameEnabled (void) const
 Return whether the frame for this static widget is enabled or disabled. More...
bool isBackgroundEnabled (void) const
 Return whether the background for this static widget is enabled to disabled. More...
void setFrameEnabled (bool setting)
 Enable or disable rendering of the frame for this static widget. More...
void setBackgroundEnabled (bool setting)
 Enable or disable rendering of the background for this static widget. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::WindowRenderer
 WindowRenderer (const String &name, const String &class_name="Window")
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~WindowRenderer ()
const StringgetName () const
 Returns the factory type name of this window renderer.
WindowgetWindow () const
 Get the window this windowrenderer is attached to.
const StringgetClass () const
 Get the "minimum" Window class this renderer requires.
const WidgetLookFeelgetLookNFeel () const
 Get the Look'N'Feel assigned to our window.
virtual Rect getUnclippedInnerRect () const
 Get unclipped inner rectangle that our window should return from its member function with the same name.
virtual void performChildWindowLayout ()
 Method called to perform extended laying out of the window's attached child windows.
virtual void getRenderingContext (RenderingContext &ctx) const
 update the RenderingContext as needed for our window. This is normally invoked via our window's member function with the same name.
virtual void update (float)
 perform any time based updates for this WindowRenderer.

Static Public Attributes

static const utf8 TypeName []
 type name for this widget.
static const String VertScrollbarNameSuffix
 Widget name suffix for the vertical scrollbar component.
static const String HorzScrollbarNameSuffix
 Widget name suffix for the horizontal scrollbar component.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CEGUI::FalagardStatic
static const utf8 TypeName []

Protected Types

typedef std::vector
< Event::Connection

Protected Member Functions

void updateFormatting () const
 update string formatting (gets area size to use from looknfeel)
void updateFormatting (const Size &sz) const
 update string formatting using given area size.
void onLookNFeelAssigned ()
 Handler called when a Look'N'Feel is assigned to our window.
void onLookNFeelUnassigned ()
 Handler called when a Look'N'Feel is removed/unassigned from our window.
void renderScrolledText (void)
void configureScrollbars (void)
ScrollbargetVertScrollbar (void) const
ScrollbargetHorzScrollbar (void) const
Rect getTextRenderArea (void) const
Size getDocumentSize (const Rect &renderArea) const
void setupStringFormatter () const
bool onTextChanged (const EventArgs &e)
bool onSized (const EventArgs &e)
bool onFontChanged (const EventArgs &e)
bool onMouseWheel (const EventArgs &e)
bool handleScrollbarChange (const EventArgs &e)

Protected Attributes

HorizontalTextFormatting d_horzFormatting
 Horizontal formatting to be applied to the text.
VerticalTextFormatting d_vertFormatting
 Vertical formatting to be applied to the text.
ColourRect d_textCols
 Colours used when rendering the text.
bool d_enableVertScrollbar
 true if vertical scroll bar is enabled.
bool d_enableHorzScrollbar
 true if horizontal scroll bar is enabled.
 Class that renders RenderedString with some formatting.
ConnectionList d_connections
bool d_formatValid
 true when string formatting is up to date.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::FalagardStatic
bool d_frameEnabled
 True when the frame is enabled.
bool d_backgroundEnabled
 true when the background is enabled.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::WindowRenderer
 Pointer to the window this windowrenderer is assigned to.
const String d_name
 Name of the factory type used to create this window renderer.
const String d_class
 Name of the widget class that is the "minimum" requirement.
PropertyList d_properties
 The list of properties that this windowrenderer will be handling.

Static Protected Attributes

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::FalagardStatic

Detailed Description

StaticText class for the FalagardBase module.

This class requires LookNFeel to be assigned. The LookNFeel should provide the following:


Named Areas (missing areas will default to 'WithFrameTextRenderArea'): WithFrameTextRenderArea WithFrameTextRenderAreaHScroll WithFrameTextRenderAreaVScroll WithFrameTextRenderAreaHVScroll NoFrameTextRenderArea NoFrameTextRenderAreaHScroll NoFrameTextRenderAreaVScroll NoFrameTextRenderAreaHVScroll

Member Function Documentation

void CEGUI::FalagardStaticText::render ( void  )

Populate render cache.

This method must be implemented by all window renderers and should perform the rendering operations needed for this widget. Normally using the Falagard API...

Reimplemented from CEGUI::FalagardStatic.