Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.8
Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
CEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper Class Reference

Utility helper class primarily intended for use by the falagard xml parser. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static VerticalFormatting stringToVertFormat (const String &str)
static HorizontalFormatting stringToHorzFormat (const String &str)
static VerticalAlignment stringToVertAlignment (const String &str)
static HorizontalAlignment stringToHorzAlignment (const String &str)
static DimensionType stringToDimensionType (const String &str)
static VerticalTextFormatting stringToVertTextFormat (const String &str)
static HorizontalTextFormatting stringToHorzTextFormat (const String &str)
static FontMetricType stringToFontMetricType (const String &str)
static DimensionOperator stringToDimensionOperator (const String &str)
static FrameImageComponent stringToFrameImageComponent (const String &str)
static String vertFormatToString (VerticalFormatting format)
static String horzFormatToString (HorizontalFormatting format)
static String vertAlignmentToString (VerticalAlignment alignment)
static String horzAlignmentToString (HorizontalAlignment alignment)
static String dimensionTypeToString (DimensionType dim)
static String vertTextFormatToString (VerticalTextFormatting format)
static String horzTextFormatToString (HorizontalTextFormatting format)
static String fontMetricTypeToString (FontMetricType metric)
static String dimensionOperatorToString (DimensionOperator op)
static String frameImageComponentToString (FrameImageComponent imageComp)

Detailed Description

Utility helper class primarily intended for use by the falagard xml parser.