Crazy Eddies GUI System
This is the complete list of members for CEGUI::GlobalEventSet, including all inherited members.
addEvent(const String &name) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
d_events (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
d_muted | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
EventMap typedef (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
EventSet() | CEGUI::EventSet | |
EventSet(EventSet &) (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | inlineprotected |
fireEvent(const String &name, EventArgs &args, const String &eventNamespace="") | CEGUI::GlobalEventSet | virtual |
fireEvent_impl(const String &name, EventArgs &args) | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
getEventObject(const String &name, bool autoAdd=false) | CEGUI::EventSet | protected |
getIterator(void) const | CEGUI::EventSet | |
getSingleton(void) | CEGUI::GlobalEventSet | static |
getSingletonPtr(void) | CEGUI::GlobalEventSet | static |
GlobalEventSet() (defined in CEGUI::GlobalEventSet) | CEGUI::GlobalEventSet | |
isEventPresent(const String &name) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
isMuted(void) const | CEGUI::EventSet | |
Iterator typedef (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
ms_Singleton (defined in CEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet >) | CEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet > | protectedstatic |
operator=(EventSet &) (defined in CEGUI::EventSet) | CEGUI::EventSet | inlineprotected |
removeAllEvents(void) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
removeEvent(const String &name) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
setMutedState(bool setting) | CEGUI::EventSet | |
Singleton(void) (defined in CEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet >) | CEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet > | inline |
subscribeEvent(const String &name, Event::Subscriber subscriber) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
subscribeEvent(const String &name, Event::Group group, Event::Subscriber subscriber) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
subscribeScriptedEvent(const String &name, const String &subscriber_name) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
subscribeScriptedEvent(const String &name, Event::Group group, const String &subscriber_name) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
~EventSet(void) | CEGUI::EventSet | virtual |
~GlobalEventSet() (defined in CEGUI::GlobalEventSet) | CEGUI::GlobalEventSet | |
~Singleton(void) (defined in CEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet >) | CEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet > | inline |