Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.8
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CEGUI::Scheme Class Reference

A class that groups a set of GUI elements and initialises the system to access those elements. More...

Public Member Functions

void loadResources (void)
 Loads all resources for this scheme. More...
void unloadResources (void)
 Unloads all resources for this scheme. This should be used very carefully. More...
bool resourcesLoaded (void) const
 Return whether the resources for this Scheme are all loaded. More...
const StringgetName (void) const
 Return the name of this Scheme. More...
 ~Scheme (void)
 Destroys a Scheme object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const StringgetDefaultResourceGroup ()
 Returns the default resource group currently set for Schemes. More...
static void setDefaultResourceGroup (const String &resourceGroup)
 Sets the default resource group to be used when loading scheme xml data. More...


class Scheme_xmlHandler

Detailed Description

A class that groups a set of GUI elements and initialises the system to access those elements.

A GUI Scheme is a high-level construct that loads and initialises various lower-level objects and registers them within the system for usage. So, for example, a Scheme might create some Imageset objects, some Font objects, and register a collection of WindowFactory objects within the system which would then be in a state to serve those elements to client code.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CEGUI::Scheme::~Scheme ( void  )

Destroys a Scheme object.


Member Function Documentation

static const String& CEGUI::Scheme::getDefaultResourceGroup ( )

Returns the default resource group currently set for Schemes.

String describing the default resource group identifier that will be used when loading Scheme xml file data.
const String& CEGUI::Scheme::getName ( void  ) const

Return the name of this Scheme.

String object containing the name of this Scheme.
void CEGUI::Scheme::loadResources ( void  )

Loads all resources for this scheme.

bool CEGUI::Scheme::resourcesLoaded ( void  ) const

Return whether the resources for this Scheme are all loaded.

true if all resources for the Scheme are loaded and available, or false of one or more resource is not currently loaded.
static void CEGUI::Scheme::setDefaultResourceGroup ( const String resourceGroup)

Sets the default resource group to be used when loading scheme xml data.

resourceGroupString describing the default resource group identifier to be used.
void CEGUI::Scheme::unloadResources ( void  )

Unloads all resources for this scheme. This should be used very carefully.
