Crazy Eddies GUI System
DimensionOperator Enumeration
DimensionType Enumeration
FontMetricType Enumeration
FrameImageComponent Enumeration
HorizontalAlignment Enumeration
HorizontalFormat Enumeration
HorizontalTextFormat Enumeration
PropertyType Enumeration
VerticalAlignment Enumeration
VerticalFormat Enumeration
VerticalTextFormat Enumeration
does nothing. "Add"
Adds two dimensions. "Subtract"
Subtracts two dimensions. "Multiply"
Multiplies two dimensions. "Divide"
Divides two dimensions."LeftEdge"
specifies the left edge of the target item. "TopEdge"
specifies the top edge of the target item. "RightEdge"
specifies the right edge of the target item. "BottomEdge"
specifies the bottom edge of the target item. "XPosition"
specifies the x position co-ordinate of the target item (same as ?LeftEdge?). "YPosition"
specifies the y position co-ordinate of the target item (same as ?TopEdge?). "Width"
specifies the width of the target item. "Height"
specifies the height of the target item. "XOffset"
specifies the x offset of the target item (only applies to Images). "YOffset"
specifies the y offset of the target item (only applies to Images)."LineSpacing"
gets the vertical line spacing value of the font. "Baseline"
get the vertical baseline value of the font. "HorzExtent"
gets the horizontal extent of a string of text."TopLeftCorner"
specifies the image be used for the frame's top-left corner. "TopRightCorner"
specifies the image be used for the frame's top-right corner. "BottomLeftCorner"
specifies the image be used for the frame's bottom-left corner. "BottomRightCorner"
specifies the image be used for the frame's bottom-right corner. "LeftEdge"
specifies the image be used for the frame' left edge. "RightEdge"
specifies the image be used for the frame's right edge. "TopEdge"
specifies the image be used for the frame's top edge. "BottomEdge"
specifies the image be used for the frame bottom edge. "Background"
specifies the image be used for the frame's background (area formed within all edges)."LeftAligned"
x position is an offset of element's left edges. "CentreAligned"
x position is an offset of element's horizontal centre points. "RightAligned"
x position is an offset of element's right edges."LeftAligned"
Image is left aligned within the prescribed area. "CentreAligned"
Image is horizontally centred within the prescribed area. "RightAligned"
Image is right aligned within the prescribed area. "Stretched"
Image is horizontally stretched to fill the prescribed area. "Tiled"
Image is horizontally tiled to fill the prescribed area."LeftAligned"
lines of text are left aligned within the prescribed area. "CentreAligned"
lines of text are horizontally centred within the prescribed area. "RightAligned"
lines of text are right aligned within the prescribed area. "Justified"
lines of text are justified to the prescribed area. "WordWrapLeftAligned"
text wraps, with lines left aligned within the prescribed area. "WordWrapCentreAligned"
text wraps, with lines horizontally centred in the prescribed area. "WordWrapRightAligned"
text wraps, with lines right aligned within the prescribed area. "WordWrapJustified"
text wraps, within lines justified to the prescribed area."Generic"
specifies a general purpose property."TopAligned"
y position is an offset of element's top edges. "CentreAligned"
y position is an offset of element's vertical centre points. "BottomAligned"
y position is an offset of element's bottom edges."TopAligned"
Image is aligned with the top of the prescribed area. "CentreAligned"
Image is vertically centred within the prescribed area. "BottomAligned"
Image is aligned with the bottom of the prescribed area. "Stretched"
Image is vertically stretched to fill the prescribed area. "Tiled"
Image is vertically tiled to fill the prescribed area."TopAligned"
Text line block is aligned with the top of the prescribed area. "CentreAligned"
Text line block is vertically centred within the prescribed area. "BottomAligned"
Text line block is aligned with the bottom of the prescribed area.