Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.9
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CEGUI::WindowProperties Namespace Reference

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Window base class. More...


class  ID
 Property to access window ID field. More...
class  Alpha
 Property to access window alpha setting. More...
class  Font
 Property to access window Font setting. More...
class  Text
 Property to access window text setting. More...
class  MouseCursorImage
 Property to access window mouse cursor setting. More...
class  ClippedByParent
 Property to access window "clipped by parent" setting. More...
class  InheritsAlpha
 Property to access window "Inherits Alpha" setting. More...
class  AlwaysOnTop
 Property to access window "Always-On-Top" setting. More...
class  Disabled
 Property to access window Disabled setting. More...
class  Visible
 Property to access window Visible setting. More...
class  RestoreOldCapture
 Property to access window Restore Old Capture setting. More...
class  DestroyedByParent
 Property to access window Destroyed by Parent setting. More...
class  ZOrderChangeEnabled
 Property to access window Z-Order changing enabled setting. More...
class  WantsMultiClickEvents
 Property to control whether the window will receive double/triple-click events. More...
class  MouseButtonDownAutoRepeat
 Property to control whether the window will receive autorepeat mouse button down events. More...
class  AutoRepeatDelay
 Property to access window autorepeat delay value. More...
class  AutoRepeatRate
 Property to access window autorepeat rate value. More...
class  DistributeCapturedInputs
Property to access whether inputs are passed to child windows when

input is captured to this window. More...

class  CustomTooltipType
 Property to access the custom tooltip for this Window. More...
class  Tooltip
 Property to access the tooltip text for this Window. More...
class  InheritsTooltipText
 Property to access whether the window inherits its tooltip text from its parent when it has no tooltip text of its own. Default state: True. More...
class  RiseOnClick
 Property to access whether the window rises to the top of the z order when clicked. More...
class  VerticalAlignment
 Property to access the vertical alignment setting for the window. More...
class  HorizontalAlignment
 Property to access the horizontal alignment setting for the window. More...
class  UnifiedAreaRect
 Property to access the unified area rectangle of the window. More...
class  UnifiedPosition
 Property to access the unified position of the window. More...
class  UnifiedXPosition
 Property to access the unified position x-coordinate of the window. More...
class  UnifiedYPosition
 Property to access the unified position y-coordinate of the window. More...
class  UnifiedSize
 Property to access the unified position of the window. More...
class  UnifiedWidth
 Property to access the unified width of the window. More...
class  UnifiedHeight
 Property to access the unified height of the window. More...
class  UnifiedMinSize
 Property to access the unified minimum size of the window. More...
class  UnifiedMaxSize
 Property to access the unified maximum size of the window. More...
class  MousePassThroughEnabled
 Property to access whether the window ignores mouse events and pass them through to any windows behind it. More...
class  WindowRenderer
 Property to access/change the assigned window renderer object. More...
class  LookNFeel
 Property to access/change the assigned look'n'feel. More...
class  DragDropTarget
 Property to get/set whether the Window will receive drag and drop related notifications. More...
class  AutoRenderingSurface
 Property to get/set whether the Window will automatically attempt to use a full imagery caching RenderingSurface (if supported by the renderer). Here, "full imagery caching" usually will mean caching a window's representation onto a texture (although no such implementation requirement is specified.) More...
class  Rotation
 Property to access the rotation factors of the window. More...
class  XRotation
 Property to access the x axis rotation factor of the window. More...
class  YRotation
 Property to access the y axis rotation factor of the window. More...
class  ZRotation
 Property to access the z axis rotation factor of the window. More...
class  NonClient
 Property to access window non-client setting. More...
class  TextParsingEnabled
 Property to access window text parsing enabled setting. More...
class  Margin
 Property to access window margin. More...
class  UpdateMode
 Property to access the update mode setting for the window. More...
class  MouseInputPropagationEnabled
 Property to access the setting that controls whether mouse input not handled directly by the window will be propagated back to the parent window. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Window base class.