Crazy Eddies GUI System
Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Window base class. More...
Classes | |
class | ID |
Property to access window ID field. More... | |
class | Alpha |
Property to access window alpha setting. More... | |
class | Font |
Property to access window Font setting. More... | |
class | Text |
Property to access window text setting. More... | |
class | MouseCursorImage |
Property to access window mouse cursor setting. More... | |
class | ClippedByParent |
Property to access window "clipped by parent" setting. More... | |
class | InheritsAlpha |
Property to access window "Inherits Alpha" setting. More... | |
class | AlwaysOnTop |
Property to access window "Always-On-Top" setting. More... | |
class | Disabled |
Property to access window Disabled setting. More... | |
class | Visible |
Property to access window Visible setting. More... | |
class | RestoreOldCapture |
Property to access window Restore Old Capture setting. More... | |
class | DestroyedByParent |
Property to access window Destroyed by Parent setting. More... | |
class | ZOrderChangeEnabled |
Property to access window Z-Order changing enabled setting. More... | |
class | WantsMultiClickEvents |
Property to control whether the window will receive double/triple-click events. More... | |
class | MouseButtonDownAutoRepeat |
Property to control whether the window will receive autorepeat mouse button down events. More... | |
class | AutoRepeatDelay |
Property to access window autorepeat delay value. More... | |
class | AutoRepeatRate |
Property to access window autorepeat rate value. More... | |
class | DistributeCapturedInputs |
Property to access whether inputs are passed to child windows when input is captured to this window. More... | |
class | CustomTooltipType |
Property to access the custom tooltip for this Window. More... | |
class | Tooltip |
Property to access the tooltip text for this Window. More... | |
class | InheritsTooltipText |
Property to access whether the window inherits its tooltip text from its parent when it has no tooltip text of its own. Default state: True. More... | |
class | RiseOnClick |
Property to access whether the window rises to the top of the z order when clicked. More... | |
class | VerticalAlignment |
Property to access the vertical alignment setting for the window. More... | |
class | HorizontalAlignment |
Property to access the horizontal alignment setting for the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedAreaRect |
Property to access the unified area rectangle of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedPosition |
Property to access the unified position of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedXPosition |
Property to access the unified position x-coordinate of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedYPosition |
Property to access the unified position y-coordinate of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedSize |
Property to access the unified position of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedWidth |
Property to access the unified width of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedHeight |
Property to access the unified height of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedMinSize |
Property to access the unified minimum size of the window. More... | |
class | UnifiedMaxSize |
Property to access the unified maximum size of the window. More... | |
class | MousePassThroughEnabled |
Property to access whether the window ignores mouse events and pass them through to any windows behind it. More... | |
class | WindowRenderer |
Property to access/change the assigned window renderer object. More... | |
class | LookNFeel |
Property to access/change the assigned look'n'feel. More... | |
class | DragDropTarget |
Property to get/set whether the Window will receive drag and drop related notifications. More... | |
class | AutoRenderingSurface |
Property to get/set whether the Window will automatically attempt to use a full imagery caching RenderingSurface (if supported by the renderer). Here, "full imagery caching" usually will mean caching a window's representation onto a texture (although no such implementation requirement is specified.) More... | |
class | Rotation |
Property to access the rotation factors of the window. More... | |
class | XRotation |
Property to access the x axis rotation factor of the window. More... | |
class | YRotation |
Property to access the y axis rotation factor of the window. More... | |
class | ZRotation |
Property to access the z axis rotation factor of the window. More... | |
class | NonClient |
Property to access window non-client setting. More... | |
class | TextParsingEnabled |
Property to access window text parsing enabled setting. More... | |
class | Margin |
Property to access window margin. More... | |
class | UpdateMode |
Property to access the update mode setting for the window. More... | |
class | MouseInputPropagationEnabled |
Property to access the setting that controls whether mouse input not handled directly by the window will be propagated back to the parent window. More... | |
Namespace containing all classes that make up the properties interface for the Window base class.