Crazy Eddie's GUI System  0.8.2
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CEGUI::NamedDefinitionCollator< K, V > Class Template Reference

Helper container used to implement inherited collections of component definitions specified in a WidgetLook. More...


class  const_iterator
struct  pred

Public Types

typedef V value_type

Public Member Functions

size_t size () const
 Return total number of values in the collection.
V & at (size_t idx)
 return reference to value at given index.
const V & at (size_t idx) const
 return const reference to value at given index.
void set (const K &key, const V &val)
 Set value for a given key. If a value is already associated with the given key, it is replaced with the new value and the value is moved to the end of the collection.
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
const_iterator find (const K &key) const

Protected Types

typedef std::pair< K, V > Entry
typedef std::vector< Entry

Protected Attributes

ValueArray d_values

Detailed Description

template<typename K, typename V>
class CEGUI::NamedDefinitionCollator< K, V >

Helper container used to implement inherited collections of component definitions specified in a WidgetLook.