Crazy Eddie's GUI System  0.8.5
CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget Class Reference

Implementation of CEGUI::RenderTarget for DirectFB. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget:

Public Member Functions

 DirectFBRenderTarget (DirectFBRenderer &owner, IDirectFBSurface &target)
void draw (const GeometryBuffer &buffer)
 Draw geometry from the given GeometryBuffer onto the surface that this RenderTarget represents. More...
void draw (const RenderQueue &queue)
 Draw geometry from the given RenderQueue onto the surface that this RenderTarget represents. More...
void setArea (const Rectf &area)
 Set the area for this RenderTarget. The exact action this function will take depends upon what the concrete class is representing. For example, with a 'view port' style RenderTarget, this should set the area that the view port occupies on the display (or rendering window). More...
const RectfgetArea () const
 Return the area defined for this RenderTarget. More...
bool isImageryCache () const
 Return whether the RenderTarget is an implementation that caches actual rendered imagery. More...
void activate ()
 Activate the render target and put it in a state ready to be drawn to. More...
void deactivate ()
 Deactivate the render target after having completed rendering. More...
void unprojectPoint (const GeometryBuffer &buff, const Vector2f &p_in, Vector2f &p_out) const
 Take point p_in unproject it and put the result in p_out. Resulting point is local to GeometryBuffer buff.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
 EventSet ()
 Constructor for EventSet objects.
virtual ~EventSet (void)
 Destructor for EventSet objects.
void addEvent (const String &name)
 Creates a new Event object with the given name and adds it to the EventSet. More...
void addEvent (Event &event)
 Adds the given Event object to the EventSet. Ownership of the object passes to EventSet and it will be deleted when it is removed from the EventSet - whether explicitly via removeEvent or when the EventSet is destroyed. More...
void removeEvent (const String &name)
 Removes the Event with the given name. All connections to the event are disconnected, and the underlying Event object is destroyed. More...
void removeEvent (Event &event)
 Removes the given event from the EventSet. All connections to the event are disconnected, and the event object is destroyed. More...
void removeAllEvents (void)
 Remove all Event objects from the EventSet. Add connections will be disconnected, and all Event objects destroyed.
bool isEventPresent (const String &name)
 Checks to see if an Event with the given name is present in this EventSet. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the specified group of the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the specified group of the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual void fireEvent (const String &name, EventArgs &args, const String &eventNamespace="")
 Fires the named event passing the given EventArgs object. More...
bool isMuted (void) const
 Return whether the EventSet is muted or not. More...
void setMutedState (bool setting)
 Set the mute state for this EventSet. More...
EventgetEventObject (const String &name, bool autoAdd=false)
 Return a pointer to the Event object with the given name, optionally adding such an Event object to the EventSet if it does not already exist. More...
EventIterator getEventIterator (void) const
 Return a EventSet::EventIterator object to iterate over the events currently added to the EventSet.

Protected Attributes

 DirectFBRenderer that created and owns this RenderTarget.
IDirectFBSurface & d_target
 IDirectFBSurface targetted by this RenderTarget.
Rectf d_area
 holds defined area for the RenderTarget
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
EventMap d_events
bool d_muted
 true if events for this EventSet have been muted.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
typedef ConstMapIterator< EventMap > EventIterator
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CEGUI::RenderTarget
static const String EventNamespace
 Namespace for global events.
static const String EventAreaChanged
- Protected Types inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
typedef std::map< String, Event *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, Event *)> EventMap
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
void fireEvent_impl (const String &name, EventArgs &args)
 Implementation event firing member.
ScriptModulegetScriptModule () const
 Helper to return the script module pointer or throw.
 EventSet (EventSet &)
 EventSet (const EventSet &)
EventSetoperator= (EventSet &)
EventSetoperator= (const EventSet &)

Detailed Description

Implementation of CEGUI::RenderTarget for DirectFB.

Member Function Documentation

void CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget::activate ( )

Activate the render target and put it in a state ready to be drawn to.

You MUST call this before doing any rendering - if you do not call this, in the unlikely event that your application actually works, it will likely stop working in some future version.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

void CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget::deactivate ( )

Deactivate the render target after having completed rendering.

You MUST call this after you finish rendering to the target - if you do not call this, in the unlikely event that your application actually works, it will likely stop working in some future version.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

void CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget::draw ( const GeometryBuffer buffer)

Draw geometry from the given GeometryBuffer onto the surface that this RenderTarget represents.

bufferGeometryBuffer object holding the geometry that should be drawn to the RenderTarget.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

void CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget::draw ( const RenderQueue queue)

Draw geometry from the given RenderQueue onto the surface that this RenderTarget represents.

queueRenderQueue object holding the geometry that should be drawn to the RenderTarget.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

const Rectf& CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget::getArea ( ) const

Return the area defined for this RenderTarget.

Rect object describing the currently defined area for this RenderTarget.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

bool CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget::isImageryCache ( ) const

Return whether the RenderTarget is an implementation that caches actual rendered imagery.

Typically it is expected that texture based RenderTargets would return true in response to this call. Other types of RenderTarget, like view port based targets, will more likely return false.


Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

void CEGUI::DirectFBRenderTarget::setArea ( const Rectf area)

Set the area for this RenderTarget. The exact action this function will take depends upon what the concrete class is representing. For example, with a 'view port' style RenderTarget, this should set the area that the view port occupies on the display (or rendering window).

areaRect object describing the new area to be assigned to the RenderTarget.
When implementing this function, you should be sure to fire the event RenderTarget::EventAreaChanged so that interested parties can know that the change has occurred.
InvalidRequestExceptionMay be thrown if the RenderTarget does not support setting or changing its area, or if the area change can not be satisfied for some reason.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.