static const String | NativeVersion |
| Stores the native version, the only version we are supposed to load.
static const String | PropertyDefinitionHelpDefaultValue |
| Default value for the "type" attribute of PropertyDefinition elements.
static const String | PropertyLinkDefinitionHelpDefaultValue |
| Default value for the "type" attribute of PropertyLinkDefinition elements.
static const String | GenericDataType |
| Default or unspecified value for the "dataType" attribute.
static const String | ParentIdentifier |
| String value representing a parent link identifier.
static const String | FalagardElement |
| Tag name for root Falagard elements.
static const String | WidgetLookElement |
| Tag name for WidgetLook elements.
static const String | ChildElement |
| Tag name for Child elements.
static const String | ImagerySectionElement |
| Tag name for ImagerySection elements.
static const String | StateImageryElement |
| Tag name for StateImagery elements.
static const String | LayerElement |
| Tag name for Layer elements.
static const String | SectionElement |
| Tag name for Section elements.
static const String | ImageryComponentElement |
| Tag name for ImageryComponent elements.
static const String | TextComponentElement |
| Tag name for TextComponent elements.
static const String | FrameComponentElement |
| Tag name for FrameComponent elements.
static const String | AreaElement |
| Tag name for Area elements.
static const String | ImageElement |
| Tag name for Image elements.
static const String | ColoursElement |
| Tag name for Colours elements.
static const String | VertFormatElement |
| Tag name for VertFormat elements.
static const String | HorzFormatElement |
| Tag name for HorzFormat elements.
static const String | VertAlignmentElement |
| Tag name for VertAlignment elements.
static const String | HorzAlignmentElement |
| Tag name for HorzAlignment elements.
static const String | PropertyElement |
| Tag name for Property elements.
static const String | DimElement |
| Tag name for dimension container elements.
static const String | UnifiedDimElement |
| Tag name for unified dimension elements.
static const String | AbsoluteDimElement |
| Tag name for absolute dimension elements.
static const String | ImageDimElement |
| Tag name for image dimension elements.
static const String | ImagePropertyDimElement |
| Tag name for image property dimension elements.
static const String | WidgetDimElement |
| Tag name for widget dimension elements.
static const String | FontDimElement |
| Tag name for font dimension elements.
static const String | PropertyDimElement |
| Tag name for property dimension elements.
static const String | TextElement |
| Tag name for text component text elements.
static const String | ColourPropertyElement |
| Tag name for property colour elements (fetches cols from a colour property)
static const String | ColourRectPropertyElement |
| Tag name for property colour elements (fetches cols from a ColourRect property)
static const String | NamedAreaElement |
| Tag name for named area elements.
static const String | PropertyDefinitionElement |
| Tag name for property definition elements.
static const String | PropertyLinkDefinitionElement |
| Tag name for property link elements.
static const String | PropertyLinkTargetElement |
| Tag name for property link target elements.
static const String | OperatorDimElement |
| Tag name for dimension operator elements.
static const String | VertFormatPropertyElement |
| Tag name for element that specifies a vertical formatting property.
static const String | HorzFormatPropertyElement |
| Tag name for element that specifies a horizontal formatting property..
static const String | AreaPropertyElement |
| Tag name for element that specifies a URect property..
static const String | ImagePropertyElement |
| Tag name for element that specifies an Image property..
static const String | TextPropertyElement |
| Tag name for element that specifies an Text property.
static const String | FontPropertyElement |
| Tag name for element that specifies an Font property.
static const String | ColourElement |
| Tag name for Colour elements.
static const String | EventLinkDefinitionElement |
| Tag name for event link elements.
static const String | EventLinkTargetElement |
static const String | NamedAreaSourceElement |
| Tag name for specifying a source named area for a component.
static const String | EventActionElement |
| Tag name for specifying event / action responses for Child components.
static const String | VersionAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the version number of the Falagard element containing the WidgetLookFeels.
static const String | TopLeftAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores colour for top-left corner.
static const String | TopRightAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores colour for top-right corner.
static const String | BottomLeftAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores colour for bottom-left corner.
static const String | BottomRightAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores colour for bottom-right corner.
static const String | TypeAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a type string.
static const String | NameAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores name string.
static const String | PriorityAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores an integer priority.
static const String | SectionNameAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores an imagery section name.
static const String | NameSuffixAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a widget name suffix.
static const String | RendererAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of a window renderer factory.
static const String | LookAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of a widget look.
static const String | ScaleAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a UDim scale value.
static const String | OffsetAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a UDim offset value.
static const String | ValueAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a property value string.
static const String | DimensionAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a dimension type.
static const String | WidgetAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of a widget (suffix).
static const String | StringAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a string of text.
static const String | FontAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of a font.
static const String | InitialValueAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the initial default value for a property definition.
static const String | ClippedAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores whether some component will be clipped.
static const String | OperatorAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of an operator.
static const String | PaddingAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores some padding value..
static const String | LayoutOnWriteAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores whether to layout on write of a property.
static const String | RedrawOnWriteAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores whether to redraw on write of a property.
static const String | TargetPropertyAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a name of a target property.
static const String | ControlPropertyAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a name of a property to control rendering of a section.
static const String | ColourAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores colour for all corners.
static const String | PropertyAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of a property.
static const String | ControlValueAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a test value to control rendering of a section.
static const String | ControlWidgetAttribute |
static const String | HelpStringAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores a help string.
static const String | EventAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores an Event name string.
static const String | InheritsAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of an inherited WidgetLook.
static const String | AutoWindowAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores auto-window preference.
static const String | FireEventAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores name of event to fire for property defs.
static const String | ActionAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores the name of an action to be taken.
static const String | ComponentAttribute |
| Attribute name that stores some component enum value.