Crazy Eddie's GUI System
A Scheme file is a largely means to group other data files and resources together, and to define some of their interactions, and form a single point to load what might be considered a 'skin' for CEGUI's windows and widgets.
<FalagardMapping> Element
<Font> Element
<GUIScheme> Element
<Imageset> Element
<ImagesetFromImage> Element
<LookNFeel> Element
<WindowAlias> Element
<WindowFactory> Element
<WindowRendererFactory> Element
<WindowRendererSet> Element
<WindowSet> Element
The reference for each element is arranged into sections, as described below:
specifies the version of the resource file. Should be specified for all files, current CEGUI scheme version is: 5name:
Specifies the name that the scheme will be known by within the system. Required attribute.
Specifies a name for the mapping / window type being created. Required attribute.targetType:
Specifies the name of the concrete CEGUI::Window based object that contains the logic for the window type being specified. Required attribute.renderer:
Specifies the name of the concrete CEGUI::WindowRenderer based object that contains the rendering specific code for the window type being specified. Required attribute.lookNFeel:
Specifies the name of the Falagard WidgetLook definition that contains imagery and other definitions for the window type being specified. Required attribute.renderEffect:
Specifies the name of a registered RenderEffect of which an instance will be created to be associated with each created window of WindowType. As the use of a RenderEffect requires an underlying RenderingWindow, if this is not automaticaly created by the TargetType, Renderer or LookNFeel the AutoRenderingSurface will be enabled prior to creating and assigning the RenderEffect. If the specified RenderEffect is not registered with the system when instantiation of TargetType is attempted, creation will not fail solely for lack of the effect - rather the window will be created with no effect set (the missing RenderEffect will be logged). Optional attribute.
Specifies the name of the font as specified in the font xml file. This is a validation check; if this name is specified it must match the name given in the font xml file or an exception will be thrown. If this name is not given, the name is extracted from the font xml the first time it is loaded. Optional attibute.filename:
Specifies the path to the font XML file. Required attribute.resourceGroup:
Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename
attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for Font files is used.
Specifies the name of the imageset as specified in the imagseset xml file. This is a validation check; if this name is specified it must match the name given in the imageset xml file or an exception will be thrown. If this name is not given, the name is extracted from the imageset the first time it is loaded. Optional attibute.filename:
Specifies the path to the imageset XML file. Required attribute.resourceGroup:
Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename
attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for Imageset files is used.
Specifies the name to be used for the imageset. If this attribute is not given, the imageset is given the name of it's file. Optional attibute.filename:
Specifies the path to the image file that will be loaded for this imageset (also used as the name of the Imageset if the Name
attribute is not given). Required attribute.resourceGroup:
Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename
attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for Imageset files is used.
Specifies the path to the looknfeel xml file that will be parsed. Required attribute.resourceGroup:
Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the file specified in the Filename
attribute. Optional attribute, if this is not specified the default resource group for LookNFeel files is used.
Specifies the name of the alias; this is an alternative name by which the window type specified by the Target
attribute will be
Specifies the window type that will be created when a window of the type specified by the attribute Alias
is specified.
Specifies the name of the WindowFactory object to be registered with the system. Required attribute.
Specifies the name of the WindowRendererFactory object to be registered with the system. Required attribute.
Specifies the name of the loadable module (dll / .so / etc). Required attribute.
Specifies the name of the loadable module (dll / .so / etc). Required attribute.