Crazy Eddie's GUI System  0.8.5
CEGUI::OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget Class Reference

OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGL texture via the pbuffer provided in GLX 1.3 and above. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget:

Public Member Functions

 OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget (OpenGLRendererBase &owner)
void activate ()
 Activate the render target and put it in a state ready to be drawn to. More...
void deactivate ()
 Deactivate the render target after having completed rendering. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the surface of the underlying texture.
void declareRenderSize (const Sizef &sz)
 Used to declare to the TextureTarget the largest size, in pixels, of the next set of incoming rendering operations. More...
void grabTexture ()
 Grab the texture to a local buffer. More...
void restoreTexture ()
 Restore the texture from the locally buffered copy previously create by a call to grabTexture.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLTextureTarget
 OpenGLTextureTarget (OpenGLRendererBase &owner)
virtual ~OpenGLTextureTarget ()
bool isImageryCache () const
 Return whether the RenderTarget is an implementation that caches actual rendered imagery. More...
TexturegetTexture () const
 Return a pointer to the CEGUI::Texture that the TextureTarget is using. More...
bool isRenderingInverted () const
 Return whether rendering done on the target texture is inverted in relation to regular textures. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLRenderTarget< TextureTarget >
 OpenGLRenderTarget (OpenGLRendererBase &owner)
void draw (const GeometryBuffer &buffer)
void draw (const RenderQueue &queue)
void setArea (const Rectf &area)
const RectfgetArea () const
void activate ()
void deactivate ()
void unprojectPoint (const GeometryBuffer &buff, const Vector2f &p_in, Vector2f &p_out) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
 EventSet ()
 Constructor for EventSet objects.
virtual ~EventSet (void)
 Destructor for EventSet objects.
void addEvent (const String &name)
 Creates a new Event object with the given name and adds it to the EventSet. More...
void addEvent (Event &event)
 Adds the given Event object to the EventSet. Ownership of the object passes to EventSet and it will be deleted when it is removed from the EventSet - whether explicitly via removeEvent or when the EventSet is destroyed. More...
void removeEvent (const String &name)
 Removes the Event with the given name. All connections to the event are disconnected, and the underlying Event object is destroyed. More...
void removeEvent (Event &event)
 Removes the given event from the EventSet. All connections to the event are disconnected, and the event object is destroyed. More...
void removeAllEvents (void)
 Remove all Event objects from the EventSet. Add connections will be disconnected, and all Event objects destroyed.
bool isEventPresent (const String &name)
 Checks to see if an Event with the given name is present in this EventSet. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Event::Subscriber subscriber)
 Subscribes a handler to the specified group of the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Event::Connection subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2)
 Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual Event::Connection subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, const String &subscriber_name)
 Subscribes the specified group of the named Event to a scripted funtion. More...
virtual void fireEvent (const String &name, EventArgs &args, const String &eventNamespace="")
 Fires the named event passing the given EventArgs object. More...
bool isMuted (void) const
 Return whether the EventSet is muted or not. More...
void setMutedState (bool setting)
 Set the mute state for this EventSet. More...
EventgetEventObject (const String &name, bool autoAdd=false)
 Return a pointer to the Event object with the given name, optionally adding such an Event object to the EventSet if it does not already exist. More...
EventIterator getEventIterator (void) const
 Return a EventSet::EventIterator object to iterate over the events currently added to the EventSet.

Protected Member Functions

void initialisePBuffer ()
 Initialise the PBuffer with the needed size.
void enablePBuffer () const
 Switch rendering so it targets the pbuffer.
void disablePBuffer () const
 Switch rendering to target what was active before the pbuffer was used.
void initialiseTexture ()
 Perform basic initialisation of the texture we're going to use.
void selectFBConfig ()
 Selects an appropriate FB config to use and stores in d_fbconfig.
void createContext ()
 Creates the context to use with the pbuffer.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLTextureTarget
void createCEGUITexture ()
 helper to create CEGUI::Texture d_CEGUITexture;
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLRenderTarget< TextureTarget >
virtual void updateMatrix () const
 helper that initialises the cached matrix
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
void fireEvent_impl (const String &name, EventArgs &args)
 Implementation event firing member.
ScriptModulegetScriptModule () const
 Helper to return the script module pointer or throw.
 EventSet (EventSet &)
 EventSet (const EventSet &)
EventSetoperator= (EventSet &)
EventSetoperator= (const EventSet &)

Protected Attributes

Display * d_dpy
 X server display.
GLXFBConfig d_fbconfig
 GLX config used in creating pbuffer.
GLXContext d_context
 GLX context.
GLXPbuffer d_pbuffer
 The GLX pbuffer we're using.
Display * d_prevDisplay
 stores previous X display when switching to pbuffer
GLXDrawable d_prevDrawable
 stores previous GLX drawable when switching to pbuffer
GLXContext d_prevContext
 stores previous GLX context when switching to pbuffer
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLTextureTarget
GLuint d_texture
 Associated OpenGL texture ID.
 we use this to wrap d_texture so it can be used by the core CEGUI lib.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLRenderTarget< TextureTarget >
 OpenGLRendererBase that created this object.
Rectf d_area
 holds defined area for the RenderTarget
 saved copy of projection matrix
bool d_matrixValid
 true if saved matrix is up to date
double d_viewDistance
 tracks viewing distance (this is set up at the same time as d_matrix)
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
EventMap d_events
bool d_muted
 true if events for this EventSet have been muted.

Static Protected Attributes

static const float DEFAULT_SIZE
 default size of created texture objects
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLTextureTarget
static uint s_textureNumber
 static data used for creating texture names
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLRenderTarget< TextureTarget >
static const double d_yfov_tan
 tangent of the y FOV half-angle; used to calculate viewing distance.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
typedef ConstMapIterator< EventMap > EventIterator
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CEGUI::RenderTarget
static const String EventNamespace
 Namespace for global events.
static const String EventAreaChanged
- Protected Types inherited from CEGUI::EventSet
typedef std::map< String, Event *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, Event *)> EventMap
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::OpenGLTextureTarget
static String generateTextureName ()
 helper to generate unique texture names

Detailed Description

OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGL texture via the pbuffer provided in GLX 1.3 and above.

Member Function Documentation

void CEGUI::OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget::activate ( )

Activate the render target and put it in a state ready to be drawn to.

You MUST call this before doing any rendering - if you do not call this, in the unlikely event that your application actually works, it will likely stop working in some future version.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

void CEGUI::OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget::deactivate ( )

Deactivate the render target after having completed rendering.

You MUST call this after you finish rendering to the target - if you do not call this, in the unlikely event that your application actually works, it will likely stop working in some future version.

Implements CEGUI::RenderTarget.

void CEGUI::OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget::declareRenderSize ( const Sizef sz)

Used to declare to the TextureTarget the largest size, in pixels, of the next set of incoming rendering operations.

The main purpose of this is to allow for the implemenatation to resize the underlying texture so that it can hold the imagery that will be drawn.
szSize object describing the largest area that will be rendererd in the next batch of rendering operations.
InvalidRequestExceptionMay be thrown if the TextureTarget would not be able to handle the operations rendering content of the given size.

Implements CEGUI::TextureTarget.

void CEGUI::OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget::grabTexture ( )

Grab the texture to a local buffer.

This will destroy the OpenGL texture, and restoreTexture must be called before using it again.

Reimplemented from CEGUI::OpenGLTextureTarget.