Crazy Eddie's GUI System
An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the required interface for derived classes. More...
Inherits CEGUI::NamedElement.
Inherited by CEGUI::ButtonBase, CEGUI::ClippedContainer, CEGUI::ColourPicker, CEGUI::ColourPickerControls, CEGUI::Combobox, CEGUI::DefaultWindow, CEGUI::DragContainer, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::GroupBox, CEGUI::ItemEntry, CEGUI::ItemListBase, CEGUI::LayoutCell, CEGUI::LayoutContainer, CEGUI::Listbox, CEGUI::ListHeader, CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment, CEGUI::MultiColumnList, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::ProgressBar, CEGUI::ScrollablePane, CEGUI::Scrollbar, CEGUI::ScrolledContainer, CEGUI::Slider, CEGUI::Spinner, CEGUI::TabControl, CEGUI::Titlebar, CEGUI::Tooltip, and CEGUI::Tree.
Classes | |
class | LookNFeelProperty |
Property to access/change the assigned look'n'feel. More... | |
class | WindowRendererProperty |
Property to access/change the assigned window renderer object. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
Window (const String &type, const String &name) | |
Constructor for Window base class. More... | |
virtual | ~Window (void) |
Destructor for Window base class. | |
const String & | getType (void) const |
return a String object holding the type name for this Window. More... | |
bool | isDestroyedByParent (void) const |
returns whether or not this Window is set to be destroyed when its parent window is destroyed. More... | |
bool | isAlwaysOnTop (void) const |
returns whether or not this Window is an always on top Window. Also known as a top-most window. More... | |
bool | isDisabled () const |
return whether the Window is currently disabled More... | |
bool | isEffectiveDisabled () const |
return whether the Window is currently disabled More... | |
bool | isVisible () const |
return true if the Window is currently visible. More... | |
bool | isEffectiveVisible () const |
return true if the Window is currently visible. More... | |
bool | isActive (void) const |
return true if this is the active Window. An active window is a window that may receive user inputs. More... | |
bool | isClippedByParent (void) const |
return true if this Window is clipped so that its rendering will not pass outside of its parent Window area. More... | |
uint | getID (void) const |
return the ID code currently assigned to this Window by client code. More... | |
bool | isChild (uint ID) const |
returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached to this Window as a child. More... | |
bool | isChildRecursive (uint ID) const |
returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached to this Window or any of it's children as a child. More... | |
Window * | getChildAtIdx (size_t idx) const |
returns a pointer to the child window at the specified index. Idx is the index of the window in the child window list. It is based on the order in which the children were added and is stable. More... | |
Window * | getChild (const String &name_path) const |
return the attached child window that the given name path references. More... | |
Window * | getChildRecursive (const String &name) const |
return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified name. Children are traversed recursively. More... | |
Window * | getChild (uint ID) const |
return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified ID value. More... | |
Window * | getChildRecursive (uint ID) const |
return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified ID value. Children are traversed recursively. More... | |
Window * | getActiveChild (void) |
return a pointer to the Window that currently has input focus starting with this Window. More... | |
const Window * | getActiveChild (void) const |
bool | isAncestor (uint ID) const |
return true if any Window with the given ID is some ancestor of this Window. More... | |
const Font * | getFont (bool useDefault=true) const |
return the active Font object for the Window. More... | |
const String & | getText (void) const |
return the current text for the Window More... | |
const String & | getTextVisual () const |
return text string with visual ordering of glyphs. | |
bool | inheritsAlpha (void) const |
return true if the Window inherits alpha from its parent(s). More... | |
float | getAlpha (void) const |
return the current alpha value set for this Window More... | |
float | getEffectiveAlpha (void) const |
return the effective alpha value that will be used when rendering this window, taking into account inheritance of parent window(s) alpha. More... | |
const Rectf & | getOuterRectClipper () const |
Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the outer rect area of the window. More... | |
const Rectf & | getInnerRectClipper () const |
Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the inner rect area of the window. More... | |
const Rectf & | getClipRect (const bool non_client=false) const |
Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect for the Window. More... | |
const Rectf & | getHitTestRect () const |
Return the Rect that descibes the clipped screen area that is used for determining whether this window has been hit by a certain point. More... | |
Window * | getCaptureWindow () const |
return the Window that currently has inputs captured. More... | |
bool | isCapturedByThis (void) const |
return true if this Window has input captured. More... | |
bool | isCapturedByAncestor (void) const |
return true if an ancestor window has captured inputs. More... | |
bool | isCapturedByChild (void) const |
return true if a child window has captured inputs. More... | |
virtual bool | isHit (const Vector2f &position, const bool allow_disabled=false) const |
check if the given pixel position would hit this window. More... | |
Window * | getChildAtPosition (const Vector2f &position) const |
return the child Window that is hit by the given pixel position More... | |
Window * | getTargetChildAtPosition (const Vector2f &position, const bool allow_disabled=false) const |
return the child Window that is 'hit' by the given position, and is allowed to handle mouse events. More... | |
Window * | getParent () const |
return the parent of this Window. More... | |
const Image * | getMouseCursor (bool useDefault=true) const |
Return a pointer to the mouse cursor image to use when the mouse cursor is within this window's area. More... | |
void * | getUserData (void) const |
Return the user data set for this Window. More... | |
bool | restoresOldCapture (void) const |
Return whether this window is set to restore old input capture when it loses input capture. More... | |
bool | isZOrderingEnabled (void) const |
Return whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window. More... | |
bool | wantsMultiClickEvents (void) const |
Return whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple 'down' events instead. More... | |
bool | isMouseAutoRepeatEnabled (void) const |
Return whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window. More... | |
float | getAutoRepeatDelay (void) const |
Return the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window. More... | |
float | getAutoRepeatRate (void) const |
Return the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window. More... | |
bool | distributesCapturedInputs (void) const |
Return whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached child windows when the window has inputs captured. More... | |
bool | isUsingDefaultTooltip (void) const |
Return whether this Window is using the system default Tooltip for its Tooltip window. More... | |
Tooltip * | getTooltip (void) const |
Return a pointer to the Tooltip object used by this Window. The value returned may point to the system default Tooltip, a custom Window specific Tooltip, or be NULL. More... | |
String | getTooltipType (void) const |
Return the custom tooltip type. More... | |
const String & | getTooltipText (void) const |
Return the current tooltip text set for this Window. More... | |
const String & | getTooltipTextIncludingInheritance (void) const |
Return the current tooltip text set for this Window or the inherited one. If the tooltip text of this window is empty then the inherited value will be used instead. More... | |
bool | inheritsTooltipText (void) const |
Return whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set. More... | |
bool | isRiseOnClickEnabled (void) const |
Return whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button. More... | |
GeometryBuffer & | getGeometryBuffer () |
Return the GeometryBuffer object for this Window. More... | |
const String & | getLookNFeel () const |
Get the name of the LookNFeel assigned to this window. More... | |
bool | getModalState (void) const |
Get whether or not this Window is the modal target. More... | |
const String & | getUserString (const String &name) const |
Returns a named user string. More... | |
bool | isUserStringDefined (const String &name) const |
Return whether a user string with the specified name exists. More... | |
Window * | getActiveSibling () |
Returns the active sibling window. More... | |
bool | isMousePassThroughEnabled (void) const |
Returns whether this window should ignore mouse event and pass them through to and other windows behind it. In effect making the window transparent to the mouse. More... | |
bool | isAutoWindow (void) const |
Returns whether this window is an auto window. More... | |
bool | isWritingXMLAllowed (void) const |
Returns whether this window is allowed to write XML. | |
bool | isDragDropTarget () const |
Returns whether this Window object will receive events generated by the drag and drop support in the system. More... | |
void | getRenderingContext (RenderingContext &ctx) const |
Fill in the RenderingContext ctx with details of the RenderingSurface where this Window object should normally do it's rendering. | |
virtual void | getRenderingContext_impl (RenderingContext &ctx) const |
implementation of the default getRenderingContext logic. | |
RenderingSurface * | getRenderingSurface () const |
return the RenderingSurface currently set for this window. May return 0. | |
RenderingSurface & | getTargetRenderingSurface () const |
return the RenderingSurface that will be used by this window as the target for rendering. | |
bool | isUsingAutoRenderingSurface () const |
Returns whether automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window. The reason we emphasise 'automatic' is because the client may manually set a RenderingSurface that does exactly the same job. More... | |
const Window * | getRootWindow () const |
Returns the window at the root of the hierarchy starting at this Window. The root window is defined as the first window back up the hierarchy that has no parent window. More... | |
Window * | getRootWindow () |
virtual void | initialiseComponents (void) |
Initialises the Window based object ready for use. More... | |
void | setDestroyedByParent (bool setting) |
Set whether or not this Window will automatically be destroyed when its parent Window is destroyed. More... | |
void | setAlwaysOnTop (bool setting) |
Set whether this window is always on top, or not. More... | |
void | setEnabled (bool setting) |
Set whether this window is enabled or disabled. A disabled window normally can not be interacted with, and may have different rendering. More... | |
void | setDisabled (bool setting) |
Set whether this window is enabled or disabled. A disabled window normally can not be interacted with, and may have different rendering. More... | |
void | enable (void) |
enable the Window to allow interaction. More... | |
void | disable (void) |
disable the Window to prevent interaction. More... | |
void | setVisible (bool setting) |
Set whether the Window is visible or hidden. More... | |
void | show (void) |
show the Window. More... | |
void | hide (void) |
hide the Window. More... | |
void | activate (void) |
Activate the Window giving it input focus and bringing it to the top of all windows with the same always-on-top settig as this Window. More... | |
void | deactivate (void) |
Deactivate the window. No further inputs will be received by the window until it is re-activated either programmatically or by the user interacting with the gui. More... | |
void | setClippedByParent (bool setting) |
Set whether this Window will be clipped by its parent window(s). More... | |
void | setID (uint ID) |
Set the current ID for the Window. More... | |
void | setText (const String &text) |
Set the current text string for the Window. More... | |
void | insertText (const String &text, const String::size_type position) |
Insert the text string text into the current text string for the Window object at the position specified by position. More... | |
void | appendText (const String &text) |
Append the string text to the currect text string for the Window object. More... | |
void | setFont (const Font *font) |
Set the font used by this Window. More... | |
void | setFont (const String &name) |
Set the font used by this Window. More... | |
void | removeChild (uint ID) |
Remove the first child Window with the specified ID. If there is more than one attached Window objects with the specified ID, only the fist one encountered will be removed. More... | |
Window * | createChild (const String &type, const String &name="") |
Creates a child window attached to this window. More... | |
void | destroyChild (Window *wnd) |
Destroys a child window of this window. More... | |
void | destroyChild (const String &name_path) |
Destroys a child window of this window. More... | |
void | moveToFront () |
Move the Window to the top of the z order. More... | |
void | moveToBack () |
Move the Window to the bottom of the Z order. More... | |
void | moveInFront (const Window *const window) |
Move this window immediately above it's sibling window in the z order. More... | |
void | moveBehind (const Window *const window) |
Move this window immediately behind it's sibling window in the z order. More... | |
size_t | getZIndex () const |
Return the (visual) z index of the window on it's parent. More... | |
bool | isInFront (const Window &wnd) const |
Return whether /a this Window is in front of the given window. More... | |
bool | isBehind (const Window &wnd) const |
Return whether /a this Window is behind the given window. More... | |
bool | captureInput (void) |
Captures input to this window. More... | |
void | releaseInput (void) |
Releases input capture from this Window. If this Window does not have inputs captured, nothing happens. More... | |
void | setRestoreOldCapture (bool setting) |
Set whether this window will remember and restore the previous window that had inputs captured. More... | |
void | setAlpha (const float alpha) |
Set the current alpha value for this window. More... | |
void | setInheritsAlpha (bool setting) |
Sets whether this Window will inherit alpha from its parent windows. More... | |
void | invalidate (void) |
Invalidate this window causing at least this window to be redrawn during the next rendering pass. More... | |
void | invalidate (const bool recursive) |
Invalidate this window and - dependant upon recursive - all child content, causing affected windows to be redrawn during the next rendering pass. More... | |
void | setMouseCursor (const Image *image) |
Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. More... | |
void | setMouseCursor (const String &name) |
Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. More... | |
void | setUserData (void *user_data) |
Set the user data set for this Window. More... | |
void | setZOrderingEnabled (bool setting) |
Set whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window. More... | |
void | setWantsMultiClickEvents (bool setting) |
Set whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple 'down' events instead. More... | |
void | setMouseAutoRepeatEnabled (bool setting) |
Set whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window. More... | |
void | setAutoRepeatDelay (float delay) |
Set the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window. More... | |
void | setAutoRepeatRate (float rate) |
Set the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window. More... | |
void | setDistributesCapturedInputs (bool setting) |
Set whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached child windows when the window has inputs captured. More... | |
void | notifyDragDropItemEnters (DragContainer *item) |
Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class. | |
void | notifyDragDropItemLeaves (DragContainer *item) |
Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class. | |
void | notifyDragDropItemDropped (DragContainer *item) |
Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class. | |
virtual void | destroy (void) |
Internal destroy method which actually just adds the window and any parent destructed child windows to the dead pool. More... | |
void | setTooltip (Tooltip *tooltip) |
Set the custom Tooltip object for this Window. This value may be 0 to indicate that the Window should use the system default Tooltip object. More... | |
void | setTooltipType (const String &tooltipType) |
Set the custom Tooltip to be used by this Window by specifying a Window type. More... | |
void | setTooltipText (const String &tip) |
Set the tooltip text for this window. More... | |
void | setInheritsTooltipText (bool setting) |
Set whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set. More... | |
void | setRiseOnClickEnabled (bool setting) |
Set whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button. More... | |
virtual void | setLookNFeel (const String &look) |
Set the LookNFeel that shoule be used for this window. More... | |
void | setModalState (bool state) |
Set the modal state for this Window. More... | |
virtual void | performChildWindowLayout (bool nonclient_sized_hint=false, bool client_sized_hint=false) |
Layout child window content. More... | |
void | setUserString (const String &name, const String &value) |
Sets the value a named user string, creating it as required. More... | |
void | render () |
Causes the Window object to render itself and all of it's attached children. More... | |
virtual void | update (float elapsed) |
Cause window to update itself and any attached children. Client code does not need to call this method; to ensure full, and proper updates, call the injectTimePulse methodname method provided by the System class. More... | |
virtual bool | performCopy (Clipboard &clipboard) |
Asks the widget to perform a clipboard copy to the provided clipboard. More... | |
virtual bool | performCut (Clipboard &clipboard) |
Asks the widget to perform a clipboard cut to the provided clipboard. More... | |
virtual bool | performPaste (Clipboard &clipboard) |
Asks the widget to perform a clipboard paste from the provided clipboard. More... | |
virtual void | writeXMLToStream (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const |
Writes an xml representation of this window object to out_stream. More... | |
virtual void | beginInitialisation (void) |
Sets the internal 'initialising' flag to true. This can be use to optimize initialisation of some widgets, and is called automatically by the layout XML handler when it has created a window. That is just after the window has been created, but before any children or properties are read. | |
virtual void | endInitialisation (void) |
Sets the internal 'initialising' flag to false. This is called automatically by the layout XML handler when it is done creating a window. That is after all properties and children have been loaded and just before the next sibling gets created. | |
void | setMousePassThroughEnabled (bool setting) |
Sets whether this window should ignore mouse events and pass them through to any windows behind it. In effect making the window transparent to the mouse. More... | |
void | setWindowRenderer (const String &name) |
Assign the WindowRenderer type to be used when rendering this window. More... | |
WindowRenderer * | getWindowRenderer (void) const |
Get the currently assigned WindowRenderer. (Look'N'Feel specification). More... | |
const String & | getWindowRendererName () const |
Get the factory name of the currently assigned WindowRenderer. (Look'N'Feel specification). More... | |
void | setWritingXMLAllowed (bool allow) |
Sets whether this window is allowed to write XML. | |
virtual void | notifyScreenAreaChanged (bool recursive=true) |
Inform the window, and optionally all children, that screen area rectangles have changed. More... | |
void | setFalagardType (const String &type, const String &rendererType="") |
Changes the widget's falagard type, thus changing its look'n'feel and optionally its renderer in the process. More... | |
void | setDragDropTarget (bool setting) |
Specifies whether this Window object will receive events generated by the drag and drop support in the system. More... | |
void | setRenderingSurface (RenderingSurface *surface) |
Set the RenderingSurface to be associated with this Window, or 0 if none is required. More... | |
void | invalidateRenderingSurface () |
Invalidate the chain of rendering surfaces from this window backwards to ensure they get properly redrawn - but doing the minimum amount of work possibe - next render. | |
void | setUsingAutoRenderingSurface (bool setting) |
Sets whether automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window. The reason we emphasise 'atutomatic' is because the client may manually set a RenderingSurface that does exactlythe same job. More... | |
const RenderedString & | getRenderedString () const |
Return the parsed RenderedString object for this window. | |
RenderedStringParser * | getCustomRenderedStringParser () const |
Return a pointer to any custom RenderedStringParser set, or 0 if none. | |
void | setCustomRenderedStringParser (RenderedStringParser *parser) |
Set a custom RenderedStringParser, or 0 to remove an existing one. | |
virtual RenderedStringParser & | getRenderedStringParser () const |
return the active RenderedStringParser to be used | |
bool | isTextParsingEnabled () const |
return whether text parsing is enabled for this window. | |
void | setTextParsingEnabled (const bool setting) |
set whether text parsing is enabled for this window. | |
virtual void | setMargin (const UBox &margin) |
set margin | |
const UBox & | getMargin () const |
retrieves currently set margin | |
Vector2f | getUnprojectedPosition (const Vector2f &pos) const |
return Vector2 pos after being fully unprojected for this Window. | |
const BidiVisualMapping * | getBidiVisualMapping () const |
return the pointer to the BidiVisualMapping for this window, if any. | |
void | banPropertyFromXML (const String &property_name) |
Adds the named property to the XML ban list for this window Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it. This is very useful if 2 properties overlap (XPosition and Position for example). More... | |
void | banPropertyFromXMLRecursive (const String &property_name) |
Adds the named property to the XML ban list for this window and all of its child windows. Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it. This is very useful if 2 properties overlap (XPosition and Position for example). More... | |
void | unbanPropertyFromXML (const String &property_name) |
Removes the named property from the XML ban list for this window. Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it. More... | |
void | unbanPropertyFromXMLRecursive (const String &property_name) |
Removes the named property from the XML ban list for this window and all of its child windows. Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it. More... | |
bool | isPropertyBannedFromXML (const String &property_name) const |
Return whether the named property is banned from XML. More... | |
void | banPropertyFromXML (const Property *property) |
Add the given property to the XML ban list for this window. | |
void | unbanPropertyFromXML (const Property *property) |
Remove the given property from the XML ban list for this window. | |
bool | isPropertyBannedFromXML (const Property *property) const |
Return whether given property is banned from XML. More... | |
void | setUpdateMode (const WindowUpdateMode mode) |
Set the window update mode. This mode controls the behaviour of the Window::update member function such that updates are processed for this window (and therefore it's child content) according to the set mode. More... | |
WindowUpdateMode | getUpdateMode () const |
Return the current window update mode that is set for this Window. This mode controls the behaviour of the Window::update member function such that updates are processed for this window (and therefore it's child content) according to the set mode. More... | |
void | setMouseInputPropagationEnabled (const bool enabled) |
Set whether mouse input that is not directly handled by this Window (including it's event subscribers) should be propagated back to the Window's parent. More... | |
bool | isMouseInputPropagationEnabled () const |
Return whether mouse input that is not directly handled by this Window (including it's event subscribers) should be propagated back to the Window's parent. More... | |
Window * | clone (const bool deepCopy=true) const |
Clones this Window and returns the result. More... | |
virtual void | clonePropertiesTo (Window &target) const |
copies this widget's properties to given target widget | |
virtual void | cloneChildWidgetsTo (Window &target) const |
copies this widget's child widgets to given target widget | |
GUIContext & | getGUIContext () const |
return the GUIContext this window is associated with. | |
void | setGUIContext (GUIContext *context) |
function used internally. Do not call this from client code. | |
void | syncTargetSurface () |
ensure that the window will be rendered to the correct target surface. | |
void | setAutoWindow (bool is_auto) |
Set whether this window is marked as an auto window. More... | |
bool | isMouseContainedInArea () const |
Return whether Window thinks mouse is currently within its area. More... | |
const Sizef & | getRootContainerSize () const |
Return the size of the root container (such as screen size). More... | |
![]() | |
NamedElement (const String &name="") | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~NamedElement () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | setName (const String &name) |
Renames the element. More... | |
const String & | getName () const |
Return a String object holding the name of this Element. | |
String | getNamePath () const |
Return a String object that describes the name path for this Element. | |
bool | isChild (const String &name_path) const |
Checks whether given name path references a NamedElement that is attached to this Element. More... | |
bool | isChildRecursive (const String &name) const |
returns whether at least one window with the given name is attached to this Window or any of it's children as a child. More... | |
bool | isAncestor (const String &name) const |
Return true if the specified element name is a name of some ancestor of this Element. More... | |
NamedElement * | getChildElement (const String &name_path) const |
Return the attached child element that the given name path references. More... | |
NamedElement * | getChildElementRecursive (const String &name) const |
Find the first child with the given name, recursively and breadth-first. More... | |
void | removeChild (const String &name_path) |
Remove the Element referenced by the given name path from this Element's child list. More... | |
![]() | |
Element () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~Element () |
Destructor. | |
Element * | getParentElement () const |
Retrieves parent of this element. More... | |
virtual void | setArea (const UVector2 &pos, const USize &size) |
Set the Element area. More... | |
void | setArea (const UDim &xpos, const UDim &ypos, const UDim &width, const UDim &height) |
void | setArea (const URect &area) |
const URect & | getArea () const |
Return the element's area. More... | |
void | setPosition (const UVector2 &pos) |
Set the element's position. More... | |
void | setXPosition (const UDim &pos) |
void | setYPosition (const UDim &pos) |
const UVector2 & | getPosition () const |
Get the element's position. More... | |
const UDim & | getXPosition () const |
const UDim & | getYPosition () const |
virtual void | setHorizontalAlignment (const HorizontalAlignment alignment) |
Set the horizontal alignment. More... | |
HorizontalAlignment | getHorizontalAlignment () const |
Get the horizontal alignment. More... | |
virtual void | setVerticalAlignment (const VerticalAlignment alignment) |
Set the vertical alignment. More... | |
VerticalAlignment | getVerticalAlignment () const |
Get the vertical alignment. More... | |
void | setSize (const USize &size) |
Set the element's size. More... | |
void | setWidth (const UDim &width) |
void | setHeight (const UDim &height) |
USize | getSize () const |
Get the element's size. More... | |
UDim | getWidth () const |
UDim | getHeight () const |
void | setMinSize (const USize &size) |
Set the element's minimum size. More... | |
const USize & | getMinSize () const |
Get the element's minimum size. More... | |
void | setMaxSize (const USize &size) |
Set the element's maximum size. More... | |
const USize & | getMaxSize () const |
Get the element's maximum size. More... | |
void | setAspectMode (const AspectMode mode) |
Sets current aspect mode and recalculates the area rect. More... | |
AspectMode | getAspectMode () const |
Retrieves currently used aspect mode. More... | |
void | setAspectRatio (const float ratio) |
Sets target aspect ratio. More... | |
float | getAspectRatio () const |
Retrieves target aspect ratio. More... | |
void | setPixelAligned (const bool setting) |
Sets whether this Element is pixel aligned (both position and size, basically the 4 "corners"). More... | |
bool | isPixelAligned () const |
Checks whether this Element is pixel aligned. More... | |
const Vector2f & | getPixelPosition () const |
Return the element's absolute (or screen, depending on the type of the element) position in pixels. More... | |
const Sizef & | getPixelSize () const |
Return the element's size in pixels. More... | |
Sizef | calculatePixelSize (bool skipAllPixelAlignment=false) const |
Calculates this element's pixel size. More... | |
Sizef | getParentPixelSize (bool skipAllPixelAlignment=false) const |
Return the pixel size of the parent element. More... | |
void | setRotation (const Quaternion &rotation) |
sets rotation of this widget More... | |
const Quaternion & | getRotation () const |
retrieves rotation of this widget More... | |
void | addChild (Element *element) |
Add the specified Element as a child of this Element. More... | |
void | removeChild (Element *element) |
Remove the Element Element's child list. More... | |
Element * | getChildElementAtIdx (size_t idx) const |
return a pointer to the child element that is attached to 'this' at the given index. More... | |
size_t | getChildCount () const |
Returns number of child elements attached to this Element. | |
bool | isChild (const Element *element) const |
Checks whether given element is attached to this Element. | |
bool | isAncestor (const Element *element) const |
Checks whether the specified Element is an ancestor of this Element. More... | |
void | setNonClient (const bool setting) |
Set whether the Element is non-client. More... | |
bool | isNonClient () const |
Checks whether this element was set to be non client. More... | |
const CachedRectf & | getUnclippedOuterRect () const |
Return a Rect that describes the unclipped outer rect area of the Element. More... | |
const CachedRectf & | getUnclippedInnerRect () const |
Return a Rect that describes the unclipped inner rect area of the Element. More... | |
const CachedRectf & | getUnclippedRect (const bool inner) const |
Return a Rect that describes the unclipped area covered by the Element. More... | |
virtual const CachedRectf & | getClientChildContentArea () const |
Return a Rect that is used by client child elements as content area. More... | |
virtual const CachedRectf & | getNonClientChildContentArea () const |
Return a Rect that is used by client child elements as content area. More... | |
const CachedRectf & | getChildContentArea (const bool non_client=false) const |
Return a Rect that is used to position and size child elements. More... | |
![]() | |
PropertySet (void) | |
Constructs a new PropertySet object. | |
virtual | ~PropertySet (void) |
Destructor for PropertySet objects. | |
void | addProperty (Property *property) |
Adds a new Property to the PropertySet. More... | |
void | removeProperty (const String &name) |
Removes a Property from the PropertySet. More... | |
Property * | getPropertyInstance (const String &name) const |
Retrieves a property instance (that was previously added) More... | |
void | clearProperties (void) |
Removes all Property objects from the PropertySet. | |
bool | isPropertyPresent (const String &name) const |
Checks to see if a Property with the given name is in the PropertySet. More... | |
const String & | getPropertyHelp (const String &name) const |
Return the help text for the specified Property. More... | |
String | getProperty (const String &name) const |
Gets the current value of the specified Property. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
PropertyHelper< T >::return_type | getProperty (const String &name) const |
Gets the current value of the specified Property. More... | |
void | setProperty (const String &name, const String &value) |
Sets the current value of a Property. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | setProperty (const String &name, typename PropertyHelper< T >::pass_type value) |
Sets the current value of a Property. More... | |
bool | isPropertyDefault (const String &name) const |
Returns whether a Property is at it's default value. More... | |
String | getPropertyDefault (const String &name) const |
Returns the default value of a Property as a String. More... | |
PropertyIterator | getPropertyIterator (void) const |
Return a PropertySet::PropertyIterator object to iterate over the available Properties. | |
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EventSet () | |
Constructor for EventSet objects. | |
virtual | ~EventSet (void) |
Destructor for EventSet objects. | |
void | addEvent (const String &name) |
Creates a new Event object with the given name and adds it to the EventSet. More... | |
void | addEvent (Event &event) |
Adds the given Event object to the EventSet. Ownership of the object passes to EventSet and it will be deleted when it is removed from the EventSet - whether explicitly via removeEvent or when the EventSet is destroyed. More... | |
void | removeEvent (const String &name) |
Removes the Event with the given name. All connections to the event are disconnected, and the underlying Event object is destroyed. More... | |
void | removeEvent (Event &event) |
Removes the given event from the EventSet. All connections to the event are disconnected, and the event object is destroyed. More... | |
void | removeAllEvents (void) |
Remove all Event objects from the EventSet. Add connections will be disconnected, and all Event objects destroyed. | |
bool | isEventPresent (const String &name) |
Checks to see if an Event with the given name is present in this EventSet. More... | |
virtual Event::Connection | subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Subscriber subscriber) |
Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More... | |
virtual Event::Connection | subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Event::Subscriber subscriber) |
Subscribes a handler to the specified group of the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More... | |
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Event::Connection | subscribeEvent (const String &name, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2) |
Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More... | |
template<typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Event::Connection | subscribeEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2) |
Subscribes a handler to the named Event. If the named Event is not yet present in the EventSet, it is created and added. More... | |
virtual Event::Connection | subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, const String &subscriber_name) |
Subscribes the named Event to a scripted funtion. More... | |
virtual Event::Connection | subscribeScriptedEvent (const String &name, Event::Group group, const String &subscriber_name) |
Subscribes the specified group of the named Event to a scripted funtion. More... | |
virtual void | fireEvent (const String &name, EventArgs &args, const String &eventNamespace="") |
Fires the named event passing the given EventArgs object. More... | |
bool | isMuted (void) const |
Return whether the EventSet is muted or not. More... | |
void | setMutedState (bool setting) |
Set the mute state for this EventSet. More... | |
Event * | getEventObject (const String &name, bool autoAdd=false) |
Return a pointer to the Event object with the given name, optionally adding such an Event object to the EventSet if it does not already exist. More... | |
EventIterator | getEventIterator (void) const |
Return a EventSet::EventIterator object to iterate over the events currently added to the EventSet. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const String | AlphaPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the alpha value of the Window. | |
static const String | AlwaysOnTopPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the 'always on top' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | ClippedByParentPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the 'clipped by parent' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | DestroyedByParentPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the 'destroyed by parent' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | DisabledPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the 'disabled state' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | FontPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the font for the Window. | |
static const String | IDPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the ID value of the Window. | |
static const String | InheritsAlphaPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the get/set the 'inherits alpha' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | MouseCursorImagePropertyName |
Name of property to access for the the mouse cursor image for the Window. | |
static const String | VisiblePropertyName |
Name of property to access for the the 'visible state' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | RestoreOldCapturePropertyName |
Name of property to access for the 'restore old capture' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | TextPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the text / caption for the Window. | |
static const String | ZOrderingEnabledPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the 'z-order changing enabled' setting for the Window. | |
static const String | WantsMultiClickEventsPropertyName |
Name of property to access for whether the window will receive double-click and triple-click events. | |
static const String | MouseAutoRepeatEnabledPropertyName |
Name of property to access for whether the window will receive autorepeat mouse button down events. | |
static const String | AutoRepeatDelayPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the autorepeat delay. | |
static const String | AutoRepeatRatePropertyName |
Name of property to access for the autorepeat rate. | |
static const String | DistributeCapturedInputsPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the whether captured inputs are passed to child windows. | |
static const String | TooltipTypePropertyName |
Name of property to access for the custom tooltip for the window. | |
static const String | TooltipTextPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the tooltip text for the window. | |
static const String | InheritsTooltipTextPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the window inherits its parents tooltip text when it has none of its own. | |
static const String | RiseOnClickEnabledPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the window will come to the top of the Z-order when clicked. | |
static const String | MousePassThroughEnabledPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the window ignores mouse events and pass them through to any windows behind it. | |
static const String | DragDropTargetPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the Window will receive drag and drop related notifications. | |
static const String | AutoRenderingSurfacePropertyName |
Name of property to access for the Window will automatically attempt to use a full imagery caching RenderingSurface (if supported by the renderer). | |
static const String | TextParsingEnabledPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the text parsing setting for the Window. | |
static const String | MarginPropertyName |
Name of property to access for the margin for the Window. | |
static const String | UpdateModePropertyName |
Name of property to access for the window update mode setting. | |
static const String | MouseInputPropagationEnabledPropertyName |
Name of property to access whether unhandled mouse inputs should be propagated back to the Window's parent. | |
static const String | AutoWindowPropertyName |
Name of property to access whether the system considers this window to be an automatically created sub-component window. | |
static const String | EventNamespace |
Namespace for global events. | |
static const String | EventUpdated |
static const String | EventTextChanged |
static const String | EventFontChanged |
static const String | EventAlphaChanged |
static const String | EventIDChanged |
static const String | EventActivated |
static const String | EventDeactivated |
static const String | EventShown |
static const String | EventHidden |
static const String | EventEnabled |
static const String | EventDisabled |
static const String | EventClippedByParentChanged |
static const String | EventDestroyedByParentChanged |
static const String | EventInheritsAlphaChanged |
static const String | EventAlwaysOnTopChanged |
static const String | EventInputCaptureGained |
static const String | EventInputCaptureLost |
static const String | EventInvalidated |
static const String | EventRenderingStarted |
static const String | EventRenderingEnded |
static const String | EventDestructionStarted |
static const String | EventDragDropItemEnters |
static const String | EventDragDropItemLeaves |
static const String | EventDragDropItemDropped |
static const String | EventWindowRendererAttached |
static const String | EventWindowRendererDetached |
static const String | EventTextParsingChanged |
static const String | EventMarginChanged |
static const String | EventMouseEntersArea |
static const String | EventMouseLeavesArea |
static const String | EventMouseEntersSurface |
static const String | EventMouseLeavesSurface |
static const String | EventMouseMove |
static const String | EventMouseWheel |
static const String | EventMouseButtonDown |
static const String | EventMouseButtonUp |
static const String | EventMouseClick |
static const String | EventMouseDoubleClick |
static const String | EventMouseTripleClick |
static const String | EventKeyDown |
static const String | EventKeyUp |
static const String | EventCharacterKey |
static const String | TooltipNameSuffix |
Widget name suffix for automatically created tooltip widgets. | |
static const String | WindowXMLElementName |
static const String | AutoWindowXMLElementName |
static const String | UserStringXMLElementName |
static const String | WindowTypeXMLAttributeName |
static const String | WindowNameXMLAttributeName |
static const String | AutoWindowNamePathXMLAttributeName |
static const String | UserStringNameXMLAttributeName |
static const String | UserStringValueXMLAttributeName |
![]() | |
static const String | EventNamespace |
Namespace for global events. | |
static const String | EventNameChanged |
![]() | |
static const String | EventNamespace |
Namespace for global events. | |
static const String | EventSized |
static const String | EventParentSized |
static const String | EventMoved |
static const String | EventHorizontalAlignmentChanged |
static const String | EventVerticalAlignmentChanged |
static const String | EventRotated |
static const String | EventChildAdded |
static const String | EventChildRemoved |
static const String | EventZOrderChanged |
static const String | EventNonClientChanged |
Protected Types | |
typedef std::vector< Window *CEGUI_VECTOR_ALLOC(Window *)> | ChildDrawList |
definition of type used for the list of child windows to be drawn | |
typedef std::map< String, String, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, String)> | UserStringMap |
definition of type used for the UserString dictionary. | |
typedef std::set< String, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_SET_ALLOC(String)> | BannedXMLPropertySet |
definition of type used to track properties banned from writing XML. | |
![]() | |
typedef std::vector< Element *CEGUI_VECTOR_ALLOC(Element *)> | ChildList |
definition of type used for the list of attached child elements. | |
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typedef std::map< String, Event *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, Event *)> | EventMap |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | onSized (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's size changes. More... | |
virtual void | onMoved (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's position changes. More... | |
virtual void | onRotated (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the element's rotation is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onTextChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's text is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onFontChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's font is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onAlphaChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's alpha blend value is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onIDChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's client assigned ID is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onShown (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window is shown (made visible). More... | |
virtual void | onHidden (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window is hidden. More... | |
virtual void | onEnabled (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window is enabled. More... | |
virtual void | onDisabled (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window is disabled. More... | |
virtual void | onClippingChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's setting for being clipped by it's parent is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onParentDestroyChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's setting for being destroyed automatically be it's parent is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onInheritsAlphaChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's setting for inheriting alpha-blending is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onAlwaysOnTopChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's always-on-top setting is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onCaptureGained (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when this window gains capture of mouse inputs. More... | |
virtual void | onCaptureLost (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when this window loses capture of mouse inputs. More... | |
virtual void | onInvalidated (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when this window gets invalidated. More... | |
virtual void | onRenderingStarted (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when rendering for this window has started. More... | |
virtual void | onRenderingEnded (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when rendering for this window has ended. More... | |
virtual void | onZChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the z-order position of this window has changed. More... | |
virtual void | onDestructionStarted (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when this window's destruction sequence has begun. More... | |
virtual void | onActivated (ActivationEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when this window has become the active window. More... | |
virtual void | onDeactivated (ActivationEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when this window has lost input focus and has been deactivated. More... | |
virtual void | onParentSized (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when this window's parent window has been resized. If this window is the root / GUI Sheet window, this call will be made when the display size changes. More... | |
virtual void | onChildAdded (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a child window is added to this window. More... | |
virtual void | onChildRemoved (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a child window is removed from this window. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseEntersArea (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseLeavesArea (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has left this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseEnters (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area and is actually over some part of this windows surface and not, for instance over a child window - even though technically in those cases the mouse is also within this Window's area, the handler will not be called. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseLeaves (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the mouse cursor is no longer over this window's surface area. This will be called when the mouse is not over a part of this Window's actual surface - even though technically the mouse is still within the Window's area, for example if the mouse moves over a child window. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseMove (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has been moved within this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseWheel (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the mouse wheel (z-axis) position changes within this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseButtonDown (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a mouse button has been depressed within this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseButtonUp (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a mouse button has been released within this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseClicked (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a mouse button has been clicked (that is depressed and then released, within a specified time) within this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseDoubleClicked (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a mouse button has been double-clicked within this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onMouseTripleClicked (MouseEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a mouse button has been triple-clicked within this window's area. More... | |
virtual void | onKeyDown (KeyEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a key as been depressed while this window has input focus. More... | |
virtual void | onKeyUp (KeyEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a key as been released while this window has input focus. More... | |
virtual void | onCharacter (KeyEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a character-key has been pressed while this window has input focus. More... | |
virtual void | onDragDropItemEnters (DragDropEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. More... | |
virtual void | onDragDropItemLeaves (DragDropEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. More... | |
virtual void | onDragDropItemDropped (DragDropEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. More... | |
virtual void | onWindowRendererAttached (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when a new window renderer object is attached. More... | |
virtual void | onWindowRendererDetached (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the currently attached window renderer object is detached. More... | |
virtual void | onTextParsingChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the window's setting for whether text parsing is enabled is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onMarginChanged (WindowEventArgs &e) |
virtual void | updateSelf (float elapsed) |
Perform actual update processing for this Window. More... | |
virtual void | drawSelf (const RenderingContext &ctx) |
Perform the actual rendering for this Window. More... | |
void | bufferGeometry (const RenderingContext &ctx) |
Perform drawing operations concerned with generating and buffering window geometry. More... | |
void | queueGeometry (const RenderingContext &ctx) |
Perform drawing operations concerned with positioning, clipping and queueing of window geometry to RenderingSurfaces. More... | |
virtual void | populateGeometryBuffer () |
Update the rendering cache. More... | |
virtual void | setParent (Element *parent) |
Set the parent window for this window object. More... | |
void | generateAutoRepeatEvent (MouseButton button) |
Fires off a repeated mouse button down event for this window. | |
virtual bool | validateWindowRenderer (const WindowRenderer *renderer) const |
Function used in checking if a WindowRenderer is valid for this window. More... | |
bool | isPropertyAtDefault (const Property *property) const |
Returns whether a property is at it's default value. This function is different from Property::isDefatult as it takes the assigned look'n'feel (if the is one) into account. | |
void | notifyClippingChanged (void) |
Recursively inform all children that the clipping has changed and screen rects needs to be recached. | |
void | allocateRenderingWindow () |
helper to create and setup the auto RenderingWindow surface | |
void | releaseRenderingWindow () |
helper to clean up the auto RenderingWindow surface | |
void | initialiseClippers (const RenderingContext &ctx) |
Helper to intialise the needed clipping for geometry and render surface. | |
virtual void | setArea_impl (const UVector2 &pos, const USize &size, bool topLeftSizing=false, bool fireEvents=true) |
Implementation method to modify element area while correctly applying min / max size processing, and firing any appropriate events. More... | |
virtual void | cleanupChildren (void) |
Cleanup child windows. | |
virtual void | addChild_impl (Element *element) |
Add given element to child list at an appropriate position. More... | |
virtual void | removeChild_impl (Element *element) |
Remove given element from child list. More... | |
virtual void | onZChange_impl (void) |
Notify 'this' and all siblings of a ZOrder change event. | |
void | addWindowProperties (void) |
Add standard CEGUI::Window properties. | |
virtual bool | moveToFront_impl (bool wasClicked) |
Implements move to front behavior. More... | |
void | addWindowToDrawList (Window &wnd, bool at_back=false) |
Add the given window to the drawing list at an appropriate position for it's settings and the required direction. Basically, when at_back is false, the window will appear in front of all other windows with the same 'always on top' setting. When at_back is true, the window will appear behind all other windows wih the same 'always on top' setting. More... | |
void | removeWindowFromDrawList (const Window &wnd) |
Removes the window from the drawing list. If the window is not attached to the drawing list then nothing happens. More... | |
bool | isTopOfZOrder () const |
Return whether the window is at the top of the Z-Order. This will correctly take into account 'Always on top' windows as needed. More... | |
void | updateGeometryRenderSettings () |
Update position and clip region on this Windows geometry / rendering surface. | |
void | transferChildSurfaces () |
transfer RenderingSurfaces to be owned by our target RenderingSurface. | |
Rectf | getParentElementClipIntersection (const Rectf &unclipped_area) const |
helper function for calculating clipping rectangles. | |
void | invalidate_impl (const bool recursive) |
helper function to invalidate window and optionally child windows. | |
const Window * | getWindowAttachedToCommonAncestor (const Window &wnd) const |
Helper function to return the ancestor Window of /a wnd that is attached as a child to a window that is also an ancestor of /a this. Returns 0 if /a wnd and /a this are not part of the same hierachy. | |
virtual Rectf | getUnclippedInnerRect_impl (bool skipAllPixelAlignment) const |
Default implementation of function to return Element's inner rect area. | |
virtual Rectf | getOuterRectClipper_impl () const |
Default implementation of function to return Window outer clipper area. | |
virtual Rectf | getInnerRectClipper_impl () const |
Default implementation of function to return Window inner clipper area. | |
virtual Rectf | getHitTestRect_impl () const |
Default implementation of function to return Window hit-test area. | |
virtual int | writePropertiesXML (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const |
virtual int | writeChildWindowsXML (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const |
virtual bool | writeAutoChildWindowXML (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const |
virtual void | banPropertiesForAutoWindow () |
virtual bool | handleFontRenderSizeChange (const EventArgs &args) |
handler function for when font render size changes. | |
void | markCachedWindowRectsInvalid () |
void | layoutLookNFeelChildWidgets () |
Window * | getChildAtPosition (const Vector2f &position, bool(Window::*hittestfunc)(const Vector2f &, bool) const, bool allow_disabled=false) const |
bool | isHitTargetWindow (const Vector2f &position, bool allow_disabled) const |
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virtual NamedElement * | getChildByNamePath_impl (const String &name_path) const |
Retrieves a child at name_path or 0 if none such exists. | |
virtual NamedElement * | getChildByNameRecursive_impl (const String &name) const |
Finds a child by name or 0 if none such exists. | |
void | addNamedElementProperties () |
Add standard CEGUI::NamedElement properties. | |
virtual void | onNameChanged (NamedElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the element's name changes. More... | |
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void | addElementProperties () |
Add standard CEGUI::Element properties. | |
bool | isInnerRectSizeChanged () const |
helper to return whether the inner rect size has changed | |
virtual Rectf | getUnclippedOuterRect_impl (bool skipAllPixelAlignment) const |
Default implementation of function to return Element's outer rect area. | |
void | fireAreaChangeEvents (const bool moved, const bool sized) |
helper to fire events based on changes to area rect | |
void | notifyChildrenOfSizeChange (const bool non_client, const bool client) |
virtual void | onHorizontalAlignmentChanged (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the horizontal alignment setting for the element is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onVerticalAlignmentChanged (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the vertical alignment setting for the element is changed. More... | |
virtual void | onNonClientChanged (ElementEventArgs &e) |
Handler called when the element's non-client setting, affecting it's position and size relative to it's parent is changed. More... | |
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void | fireEvent_impl (const String &name, EventArgs &args) |
Implementation event firing member. | |
ScriptModule * | getScriptModule () const |
Helper to return the script module pointer or throw. | |
EventSet (EventSet &) | |
EventSet (const EventSet &) | |
EventSet & | operator= (EventSet &) |
EventSet & | operator= (const EventSet &) |
Protected Attributes | |
const String | d_type |
type of Window (also the name of the WindowFactory that created us) | |
String | d_falagardType |
Type name of the window as defined in a Falagard mapping. | |
bool | d_autoWindow |
true when this window is an auto-window | |
bool | d_initialising |
true when this window is currently being initialised (creating children etc) | |
bool | d_destructionStarted |
true when this window is being destroyed. | |
bool | d_enabled |
true when Window is enabled | |
bool | d_visible |
is window visible (i.e. it will be rendered, but may still be obscured) | |
bool | d_active |
true when Window is the active Window (receiving inputs). | |
ChildDrawList | d_drawList |
Child window objects arranged in rendering order. | |
bool | d_destroyedByParent |
true when Window will be auto-destroyed by parent. | |
bool | d_clippedByParent |
true when Window will be clipped by parent Window area Rect. | |
String | d_lookName |
Name of the Look assigned to this window (if any). | |
WindowRenderer * | d_windowRenderer |
The WindowRenderer module that implements the Look'N'Feel specification. | |
GeometryBuffer * | d_geometry |
Object which acts as a cache of geometry drawn by this Window. | |
RenderingSurface * | d_surface |
RenderingSurface owned by this window (may be 0) | |
bool | d_needsRedraw |
true if window geometry cache needs to be regenerated. | |
bool | d_autoRenderingWindow |
holds setting for automatic creation of of surface (RenderingWindow) | |
const Image * | d_mouseCursor |
Holds pointer to the Window objects current mouse cursor image. | |
float | d_alpha |
Alpha transparency setting for the Window. | |
bool | d_inheritsAlpha |
true if the Window inherits alpha from the parent Window | |
Window * | d_oldCapture |
The Window that previously had capture (used for restoreOldCapture mode) | |
bool | d_restoreOldCapture |
Restore capture to the previous capture window when releasing capture. | |
bool | d_distCapturedInputs |
Whether to distribute captured inputs to child windows. | |
const Font * | d_font |
Holds pointer to the Window objects current Font. | |
String | d_textLogical |
Holds the text / label / caption for this Window. | |
BidiVisualMapping * | d_bidiVisualMapping |
pointer to bidirection support object | |
bool | d_bidiDataValid |
whether bidi visual mapping has been updated since last text change. | |
RenderedString | d_renderedString |
RenderedString representation of text string as ouput from a parser. | |
bool | d_renderedStringValid |
true if d_renderedString is valid, false if needs re-parse. | |
RenderedStringParser * | d_customStringParser |
Pointer to a custom (user assigned) RenderedStringParser object. | |
bool | d_textParsingEnabled |
true if use of parser other than d_defaultStringParser is enabled | |
UBox | d_margin |
Margin, only used when the Window is inside LayoutContainer class. | |
uint | d_ID |
User ID assigned to this Window. | |
void * | d_userData |
Holds pointer to some user assigned data. | |
UserStringMap | d_userStrings |
Holds a collection of named user string values. | |
bool | d_alwaysOnTop |
true if Window will be drawn on top of all other Windows | |
bool | d_riseOnClick |
whether window should rise in the z order when left clicked. | |
bool | d_zOrderingEnabled |
true if the Window responds to z-order change requests. | |
bool | d_wantsMultiClicks |
true if the Window wishes to hear about multi-click mouse events. | |
bool | d_mousePassThroughEnabled |
whether (most) mouse events pass through this window | |
bool | d_autoRepeat |
whether pressed mouse button will auto-repeat the down event. | |
float | d_repeatDelay |
seconds before first repeat event is fired | |
float | d_repeatRate |
seconds between further repeats after delay has expired. | |
MouseButton | d_repeatButton |
button we're tracking for auto-repeat purposes. | |
bool | d_repeating |
implements repeating - is true after delay has elapsed, | |
float | d_repeatElapsed |
implements repeating - tracks time elapsed. | |
bool | d_dragDropTarget |
true if window will receive drag and drop related notifications | |
String | d_tooltipText |
Text string used as tip for this window. | |
Tooltip * | d_customTip |
Possible custom Tooltip for this window. | |
bool | d_weOwnTip |
true if this Window created the custom Tooltip. | |
bool | d_inheritsTipText |
whether tooltip text may be inherited from parent. | |
bool | d_allowWriteXML |
true if this window is allowed to write XML, false if not | |
BannedXMLPropertySet | d_bannedXMLProperties |
collection of properties not to be written to XML for this window. | |
Rectf | d_outerRectClipper |
outer area clipping rect in screen pixels | |
Rectf | d_innerRectClipper |
inner area clipping rect in screen pixels | |
Rectf | d_hitTestRect |
area rect used for hit-testing against this window | |
bool | d_outerRectClipperValid |
bool | d_innerRectClipperValid |
bool | d_hitTestRectValid |
WindowUpdateMode | d_updateMode |
The mode to use for calling Window::update. | |
bool | d_propagateMouseInputs |
specifies whether mouse inputs should be propagated to parent(s) | |
GUIContext * | d_guiContext |
GUIContext. Set when this window is used as a root window. | |
bool | d_containsMouse |
true when mouse is contained within this Window's area. | |
![]() | |
String | d_name |
The name of the element, unique in the parent of this element. | |
![]() | |
ChildList | d_children |
The list of child element objects attached to this. | |
Element * | d_parent |
Holds pointer to the parent element. | |
bool | d_nonClient |
true if element is in non-client (outside InnerRect) area of parent. | |
URect | d_area |
This element objects area as defined by a URect. | |
HorizontalAlignment | d_horizontalAlignment |
Specifies the base for horizontal alignment. | |
VerticalAlignment | d_verticalAlignment |
Specifies the base for vertical alignment. | |
USize | d_minSize |
current minimum size for the element. | |
USize | d_maxSize |
current maximum size for the element. | |
AspectMode | d_aspectMode |
How to satisfy current aspect ratio. | |
float | d_aspectRatio |
The target aspect ratio. | |
bool | d_pixelAligned |
If true, the position and size are pixel aligned. | |
Sizef | d_pixelSize |
Current constrained pixel size of the element. | |
Quaternion | d_rotation |
Rotation of this element (relative to the parent) | |
CachedRectf | d_unclippedOuterRect |
outer area rect in screen pixels | |
CachedRectf | d_unclippedInnerRect |
inner area rect in screen pixels | |
![]() | |
EventMap | d_events |
bool | d_muted |
true if events for this EventSet have been muted. | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
CEGUI::Window::WindowRendererProperty | d_windowRendererProperty |
CEGUI::Window::LookNFeelProperty | d_lookNFeelProperty |
static BasicRenderedStringParser | d_basicStringParser |
Shared instance of a parser to be used in most instances. | |
static DefaultRenderedStringParser | d_defaultStringParser |
Shared instance of a parser to be used when rendering text verbatim. | |
Friends | |
class | System |
class | WindowManager |
class | GUIContext |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
typedef ConstMapIterator< PropertyRegistry > | PropertyIterator |
![]() | |
typedef ConstMapIterator< EventMap > | EventIterator |
An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the required interface for derived classes.
The Window base class is core UI object class that the the system knows about; for this reason, every other window, widget, or similar item within the system must be derived from Window.
The base class provides the common functionality required by all UI objects, and specifies the minimal interface required to be implemented by derived classes.
void CEGUI::Window::activate | ( | void | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Add given element to child list at an appropriate position.
Reimplemented from CEGUI::NamedElement.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ScrollablePane, CEGUI::TabControl, CEGUI::GridLayoutContainer, CEGUI::LayoutContainer, CEGUI::LayoutCell, and CEGUI::GroupBox.
protected |
Add the given window to the drawing list at an appropriate position for it's settings and the required direction. Basically, when at_back is false, the window will appear in front of all other windows with the same 'always on top' setting. When at_back is true, the window will appear behind all other windows wih the same 'always on top' setting.
wnd | Window object to be added to the drawing list. |
at_back | Indicates whether the window should be placed at the back of other windows in the same group. If this is false, the window is placed in front of other windows in the group. |
void CEGUI::Window::appendText | ( | const String & | text | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::banPropertyFromXML | ( | const String & | property_name | ) |
Adds the named property to the XML ban list for this window Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it. This is very useful if 2 properties overlap (XPosition and Position for example).
Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are implicitly/automatically banned from XML, no need to ban them manually.
property_name | Name of the property you want to ban |
void CEGUI::Window::banPropertyFromXMLRecursive | ( | const String & | property_name | ) |
Adds the named property to the XML ban list for this window and all of its child windows. Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it. This is very useful if 2 properties overlap (XPosition and Position for example).
Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are implicitly/automatically banned from XML, no need to ban them manually.
property_name | Name of the property you want to ban |
protected |
Perform drawing operations concerned with generating and buffering window geometry.
bool CEGUI::Window::captureInput | ( | void | ) |
Captures input to this window.
Window* CEGUI::Window::clone | ( | const bool | deepCopy = true | ) | const |
Creates a child window attached to this window.
type | String that describes the type of Window to be created. A valid WindowFactory for the specified type must be registered. |
name | String that holds the name that is to be given to the new window. If this string is empty, a name will be generated for the window. |
void CEGUI::Window::deactivate | ( | void | ) |
Deactivate the window. No further inputs will be received by the window until it is re-activated either programmatically or by the user interacting with the gui.
virtual |
Internal destroy method which actually just adds the window and any parent destructed child windows to the dead pool.
This is virtual to allow for specialised cleanup which may be required in some advanced cases. If you override this for the above reason, you MUST call this base class version.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ScrollablePane.
void CEGUI::Window::destroyChild | ( | Window * | wnd | ) |
Destroys a child window of this window.
wnd | The child window to destroy |
void CEGUI::Window::destroyChild | ( | const String & | name_path | ) |
Destroys a child window of this window.
name_path | Name path that references the window to destroy |
inline |
disable the Window to prevent interaction.
bool CEGUI::Window::distributesCapturedInputs | ( | void | ) | const |
protectedvirtual |
Perform the actual rendering for this Window.
ctx | RenderingContext holding the details of the RenderingSurface to be used for the Window rendering operations. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::TabControl, CEGUI::ScrolledContainer, and CEGUI::ClippedContainer.
inline |
enable the Window to allow interaction.
Window* CEGUI::Window::getActiveChild | ( | void | ) |
return a pointer to the Window that currently has input focus starting with this Window.
Window* CEGUI::Window::getActiveSibling | ( | ) |
Returns the active sibling window.
This searches the immediate children of this window's parent, and returns a pointer to the active window. The method will return this if we are the immediate child of our parent that is active. If our parent is not active, or if no immediate child of our parent is active then 0 is returned. If this window has no parent, and this window is not active then 0 is returned, else this is returned.
inline |
return the current alpha value set for this Window
float CEGUI::Window::getAutoRepeatDelay | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window.
float CEGUI::Window::getAutoRepeatRate | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window.
inline |
return the attached child window that the given name path references.
A name path is a string that describes a path down the window hierarchy using window names and the forward slash '/' as a separator.
name_path | String object holding the name path of the child window to return. |
UnknownObjectException | thrown if name_path does not reference a Window attached to this Window. |
Window* CEGUI::Window::getChild | ( | uint | ID | ) | const |
return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified ID value.
This function will throw an exception if no child object with the given ID is attached. This decision was made (over returning NULL if no window was found) so that client code can assume that if the call returns it has a valid window pointer. We provide the isChild() functions for checking if a given window is attached.
ID | uint value specifying the ID code of the window to return a pointer to. |
UnknownObjectException | thrown if no window with the ID code ID is attached to this Window. |
inline |
returns a pointer to the child window at the specified index. Idx is the index of the window in the child window list. It is based on the order in which the children were added and is stable.
idx | Index of the child window list position of the window that should be returned.This value is not bounds checked, client code should ensure that this is less than the value returned by getChildCount(). |
return the child Window that is hit by the given pixel position
position | Vector2 object describing the position to check. The position describes a pixel offset from the top-left corner of the display. |
return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified name. Children are traversed recursively.
Contrary to the non recursive version of this function, this one will not throw an exception, but return 0 in case no child was found.
name | String object holding the name of the window to return a pointer to. |
Window* CEGUI::Window::getChildRecursive | ( | uint | ID | ) | const |
return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified ID value. Children are traversed recursively.
Contrary to the non recursive version of this function, this one will not throw an exception, but return 0 in case no child was found.
ID | uint value specifying the ID code of the window to return a pointer to. |
const Rectf& CEGUI::Window::getClipRect | ( | const bool | non_client = false | ) | const |
Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect for the Window.
This function can return the clipping rect for either the inner or outer area dependant upon the boolean values passed in.
non_client |
float CEGUI::Window::getEffectiveAlpha | ( | void | ) | const |
return the effective alpha value that will be used when rendering this window, taking into account inheritance of parent window(s) alpha.
const Font* CEGUI::Window::getFont | ( | bool | useDefault = true | ) | const |
return the active Font object for the Window.
useDefault | Specifies whether to return the default font if this Window has no preferred font set. This is typically set to true but whenever we want to know if a default font would be used, this will be set to false, and if the returned Font is a zero pointer we know that this means a default font would be used otherwise. |
GeometryBuffer& CEGUI::Window::getGeometryBuffer | ( | ) |
Return the GeometryBuffer object for this Window.
const Rectf& CEGUI::Window::getHitTestRect | ( | ) | const |
Return the Rect that descibes the clipped screen area that is used for determining whether this window has been hit by a certain point.
The area returned by this function may also be useful for certain calculations that require the clipped Window area as seen on the display as opposed to what is used for rendering (since the actual rendering clipper rects should not to be used if reliable results are desired).
inline |
const Rectf& CEGUI::Window::getInnerRectClipper | ( | ) | const |
Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the inner rect area of the window.
const String& CEGUI::Window::getLookNFeel | ( | ) | const |
Get the name of the LookNFeel assigned to this window.
inline |
const Image* CEGUI::Window::getMouseCursor | ( | bool | useDefault = true | ) | const |
Return a pointer to the mouse cursor image to use when the mouse cursor is within this window's area.
useDefault | Sepcifies whether to return the default mouse cursor image if this window specifies no preferred mouse cursor image. |
const Rectf& CEGUI::Window::getOuterRectClipper | ( | ) | const |
Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the outer rect area of the window.
inline |
virtual |
Return the size of the root container (such as screen size).
This is size of the hypothetical parent of the root element that has no parent element. Display size is usually used.
The value is significant and is used to size and position the root if it is using scale UDim component in position and/or size.
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
const Window* CEGUI::Window::getRootWindow | ( | ) | const |
Returns the window at the root of the hierarchy starting at this Window. The root window is defined as the first window back up the hierarchy that has no parent window.
Window* CEGUI::Window::getTargetChildAtPosition | ( | const Vector2f & | position, |
const bool | allow_disabled = false |
) | const |
return the child Window that is 'hit' by the given position, and is allowed to handle mouse events.
position | Vector2 object describing the position to check. The position describes a pixel offset from the top-left corner of the display. |
allow_disabled |
inline |
Tooltip* CEGUI::Window::getTooltip | ( | void | ) | const |
const String& CEGUI::Window::getTooltipText | ( | void | ) | const |
const String& CEGUI::Window::getTooltipTextIncludingInheritance | ( | void | ) | const |
String CEGUI::Window::getTooltipType | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the custom tooltip type.
const String& CEGUI::Window::getType | ( | void | ) | const |
WindowUpdateMode CEGUI::Window::getUpdateMode | ( | ) | const |
Return the current window update mode that is set for this Window. This mode controls the behaviour of the Window::update member function such that updates are processed for this window (and therefore it's child content) according to the set mode.
inline |
Returns a named user string.
name | String object holding the name of the string to be returned. |
UnknownObjectException | thrown if a user string named name does not exist. |
WindowRenderer* CEGUI::Window::getWindowRenderer | ( | void | ) | const |
Get the currently assigned WindowRenderer. (Look'N'Feel specification).
const String& CEGUI::Window::getWindowRendererName | ( | ) | const |
Get the factory name of the currently assigned WindowRenderer. (Look'N'Feel specification).
size_t CEGUI::Window::getZIndex | ( | ) | const |
Return the (visual) z index of the window on it's parent.
The z index is a number that indicates the order that windows will be drawn (but is not a 'z co-ordinate', as such). Higher numbers are in front of lower numbers.
The number returned will not be stable, and generally should be used to compare with the z index of sibling windows (and only sibling windows) to discover the current z ordering of those windows.
inline |
hide the Window.
inline |
bool CEGUI::Window::inheritsTooltipText | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set.
inlinevirtual |
Initialises the Window based object ready for use.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiColumnList, CEGUI::Combobox, CEGUI::Scrollbar, CEGUI::ScrollablePane, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::Listbox, CEGUI::TabControl, CEGUI::ItemListBase, CEGUI::Slider, CEGUI::ScrolledItemListBase, CEGUI::Spinner, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::ColourPickerControls, CEGUI::ColourPicker, and CEGUI::ComboDropList.
void CEGUI::Window::insertText | ( | const String & | text, |
const String::size_type | position | ||
) |
Insert the text string text into the current text string for the Window object at the position specified by position.
void CEGUI::Window::invalidate | ( | void | ) |
Invalidate this window causing at least this window to be redrawn during the next rendering pass.
void CEGUI::Window::invalidate | ( | const bool | recursive | ) |
Invalidate this window and - dependant upon recursive - all child content, causing affected windows to be redrawn during the next rendering pass.
recursive | Boolean value indicating whether attached child content should also be invalidated.
bool CEGUI::Window::isActive | ( | void | ) | const |
return true if this is the active Window. An active window is a window that may receive user inputs.
Mouse events are always sent to the window containing the mouse cursor regardless of what this function reports (unless a window has captured inputs). The active state mainly determines where send other, for example keyboard, inputs.
inline |
bool CEGUI::Window::isAncestor | ( | uint | ID | ) | const |
inline |
bool CEGUI::Window::isBehind | ( | const Window & | wnd | ) | const |
Return whether /a this Window is behind the given window.
inline |
inline |
inline |
bool CEGUI::Window::isChild | ( | uint | ID | ) | const |
returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached to this Window as a child.
ID | uint ID code to look for. |
bool CEGUI::Window::isChildRecursive | ( | uint | ID | ) | const |
returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached to this Window or any of it's children as a child.
WARNING! This function can be very expensive and should only be used when you have no other option available. If you decide to use it anyway, make sure the window hierarchy from the entry point is small.
ID | uint ID code to look for. |
inline |
inline |
bool CEGUI::Window::isDisabled | ( | ) | const |
return whether the Window is currently disabled
bool CEGUI::Window::isDragDropTarget | ( | ) | const |
bool CEGUI::Window::isEffectiveDisabled | ( | ) | const |
return whether the Window is currently disabled
bool CEGUI::Window::isEffectiveVisible | ( | ) | const |
return true if the Window is currently visible.
When true is returned from this function does not mean that the window is not completely obscured by other windows, just that the window will be processed when rendering, and is not explicitly marked as hidden.
virtual |
check if the given pixel position would hit this window.
position | Vector2 object describing the position to check. The position describes a pixel offset from the top-left corner of the display. |
allow_disabled |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::FrameWindow, and CEGUI::Combobox.
Referenced by CEGUI::FrameWindow::isHit().
bool CEGUI::Window::isInFront | ( | const Window & | wnd | ) | const |
Return whether /a this Window is in front of the given window.
bool CEGUI::Window::isMouseAutoRepeatEnabled | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window.
bool CEGUI::Window::isMouseContainedInArea | ( | ) | const |
Return whether Window thinks mouse is currently within its area.
bool CEGUI::Window::isMouseInputPropagationEnabled | ( | ) | const |
inline |
Returns whether this window should ignore mouse event and pass them through to and other windows behind it. In effect making the window transparent to the mouse.
bool CEGUI::Window::isPropertyBannedFromXML | ( | const String & | property_name | ) | const |
Return whether the named property is banned from XML.
bool CEGUI::Window::isPropertyBannedFromXML | ( | const Property * | property | ) | const |
Return whether given property is banned from XML.
inline |
Return whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button.
protected |
Return whether the window is at the top of the Z-Order. This will correctly take into account 'Always on top' windows as needed.
bool CEGUI::Window::isUserStringDefined | ( | const String & | name | ) | const |
Return whether a user string with the specified name exists.
name | String object holding the name of the string to be checked. |
bool CEGUI::Window::isUsingAutoRenderingSurface | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window. The reason we emphasise 'automatic' is because the client may manually set a RenderingSurface that does exactly the same job.
bool CEGUI::Window::isUsingDefaultTooltip | ( | void | ) | const |
bool CEGUI::Window::isVisible | ( | ) | const |
return true if the Window is currently visible.
When true is returned from this function does not mean that the window is not completely obscured by other windows, just that the window will be processed when rendering, and is not explicitly marked as hidden.
bool CEGUI::Window::isZOrderingEnabled | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window.
void CEGUI::Window::moveBehind | ( | const Window *const | window | ) |
Move this window immediately behind it's sibling window in the z order.
No action will be taken under the following conditions:
window | The sibling window that this window will be moved behind. |
void CEGUI::Window::moveInFront | ( | const Window *const | window | ) |
Move this window immediately above it's sibling window in the z order.
No action will be taken under the following conditions:
window | The sibling window that this window will be moved in front of. |
void CEGUI::Window::moveToBack | ( | ) |
Move the Window to the bottom of the Z order.
void CEGUI::Window::moveToFront | ( | ) |
Move the Window to the top of the z order.
protectedvirtual |
Implements move to front behavior.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::DefaultWindow.
virtual |
Inform the window, and optionally all children, that screen area rectangles have changed.
recursive |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ScrolledContainer, CEGUI::LayoutContainer, and CEGUI::LayoutCell.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when this window has become the active window.
e | ActivationEventArgs class whose 'otherWindow' field is set to the window that previously was active, or NULL for none. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Combobox, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::Spinner, and CEGUI::ComboDropList.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's alpha blend value is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::DragContainer, and CEGUI::PopupMenu.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's always-on-top setting is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when this window gains capture of mouse inputs.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when this window loses capture of mouse inputs.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment, CEGUI::DragContainer, CEGUI::Thumb, CEGUI::MenuItem, CEGUI::ComboDropList, CEGUI::Titlebar, and CEGUI::ButtonBase.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a character-key has been pressed while this window has input focus.
e | KeyEventArgs object whose 'codepoint' field is set to the Unicode code point (encoded as utf32) for the character typed, and whose 'sysKeys' field represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event was generated. All other fields should be considered as 'junk'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, and CEGUI::Editbox.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a child window is added to this window.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that has been added. |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ScrolledContainer.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a child window is removed from this window.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set the window that has been removed. |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MenuBase, and CEGUI::ScrolledContainer.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's setting for being clipped by it's parent is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::DragContainer.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when this window has lost input focus and has been deactivated.
e | ActivationEventArgs object whose 'otherWindow' field is set to the window that has now become active, or NULL for none. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::FrameWindow.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when this window's destruction sequence has begun.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::PopupMenu.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window is disabled.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window.
e | DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows:
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window.
e | DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows:
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window.
e | DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows:
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window is enabled.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's font is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiColumnList, CEGUI::Combobox, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::TabControl, CEGUI::Spinner, and CEGUI::Titlebar.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window is hidden.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Tooltip, CEGUI::MenuBase, and CEGUI::PopupMenu.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's client assigned ID is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's setting for inheriting alpha-blending is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when this window gets invalidated.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a key as been depressed while this window has input focus.
e | KeyEventArgs object whose 'scancode' field is set to the Key::Scan value representing the key that was pressed, and whose 'sysKeys' field represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event was generated. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::Editbox, and CEGUI::ItemListbox.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a key as been released while this window has input focus.
e | KeyEventArgs object whose 'scancode' field is set to the Key::Scan value representing the key that was released, and whose 'sysKeys' field represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event was generated. All other fields should be considered as 'junk'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a mouse button has been depressed within this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiColumnList, CEGUI::Tree, CEGUI::Listbox, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::Scrollbar, CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment, CEGUI::DragContainer, CEGUI::Slider, CEGUI::Thumb, CEGUI::MenuItem, CEGUI::PopupMenu, CEGUI::ComboDropList, CEGUI::TabButton, CEGUI::Titlebar, CEGUI::ButtonBase, and CEGUI::DefaultWindow.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a mouse button has been released within this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment, CEGUI::DragContainer, CEGUI::MenuItem, CEGUI::PopupMenu, CEGUI::ComboDropList, CEGUI::TabButton, CEGUI::Titlebar, CEGUI::ButtonBase, CEGUI::PushButton, CEGUI::DefaultWindow, and CEGUI::ToggleButton.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a mouse button has been clicked (that is depressed and then released, within a specified time) within this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ItemEntry, and CEGUI::DefaultWindow.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a mouse button has been double-clicked within this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment, CEGUI::Titlebar, and CEGUI::DefaultWindow.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area and is actually over some part of this windows surface and not, for instance over a child window - even though technically in those cases the mouse is also within this Window's area, the handler will not be called.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Tooltip.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the mouse cursor is no longer over this window's surface area. This will be called when the mouse is not over a part of this Window's actual surface - even though technically the mouse is still within the Window's area, for example if the mouse moves over a child window.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment, CEGUI::MenuItem, and CEGUI::ButtonBase.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has left this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the mouse cursor has been moved within this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Tree, CEGUI::Listbox, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment, CEGUI::DragContainer, CEGUI::Thumb, CEGUI::MenuItem, CEGUI::ComboDropList, CEGUI::TabButton, CEGUI::Titlebar, CEGUI::ButtonBase, and CEGUI::DefaultWindow.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a mouse button has been triple-clicked within this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::Editbox, and CEGUI::DefaultWindow.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the mouse wheel (z-axis) position changes within this window's area.
e | MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiColumnList, CEGUI::Tree, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::Listbox, CEGUI::ScrollablePane, CEGUI::Scrollbar, CEGUI::Slider, CEGUI::ScrolledItemListBase, CEGUI::TabButton, and CEGUI::DefaultWindow.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's position changes.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::DragContainer.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's setting for being destroyed automatically be it's parent is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when this window's parent window has been resized. If this window is the root / GUI Sheet window, this call will be made when the display size changes.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set the the window that caused the event; this is typically either this window's parent window, or NULL to indicate the screen size has changed. |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ItemListBase, CEGUI::ScrolledContainer, and CEGUI::LayoutContainer.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when rendering for this window has ended.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when rendering for this window has started.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the element's rotation is changed.
e | ElementEventArgs object whose 'element' pointer field is set to the element that triggered the event. |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window is shown (made visible).
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::PopupMenu.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's size changes.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiColumnList, CEGUI::Combobox, CEGUI::Tree, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::Listbox, and CEGUI::ScrollablePane.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's text is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Combobox, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::FrameWindow, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::Tooltip, CEGUI::Spinner, and CEGUI::MenuItem.
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the window's setting for whether text parsing is enabled is changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when a new window renderer object is attached.
e | WindowEventArgs object initialised as follows:
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the currently attached window renderer object is detached.
e | WindowEventArgs object initialised as follows:
protectedvirtual |
Handler called when the z-order position of this window has changed.
e | WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. |
virtual |
Layout child window content.
Laying out of child content includes:
The system may call this at various times (like when a window is resized for example), and it may be invoked directly where required.
nonclient_sized_hint | Hint that the non-client area rectangle has changed size. |
client_sized_hint | Hint that the client area rectangle has changed size. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::TabControl, and CEGUI::ItemListBase.
virtual |
Asks the widget to perform a clipboard copy to the provided clipboard.
clipboard | Target clipboard class |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Editbox, and CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox.
virtual |
Asks the widget to perform a clipboard cut to the provided clipboard.
clipboard | Target clipboard class |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Editbox, and CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox.
virtual |
Asks the widget to perform a clipboard paste from the provided clipboard.
clipboard | Source clipboard class |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Editbox, and CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Update the rendering cache.
Populates the Window's GeometryBuffer ready for rendering.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Tree.
protected |
Perform drawing operations concerned with positioning, clipping and queueing of window geometry to RenderingSurfaces.
void CEGUI::Window::releaseInput | ( | void | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::removeChild | ( | uint | ID | ) |
Remove the first child Window with the specified ID. If there is more than one attached Window objects with the specified ID, only the fist one encountered will be removed.
ID | ID number assigned to the Window to be removed. If no Window with ID code ID is attached, nothing happens. |
protectedvirtual |
Remove given element from child list.
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ScrollablePane, CEGUI::TabControl, CEGUI::GridLayoutContainer, CEGUI::LayoutContainer, CEGUI::LayoutCell, and CEGUI::GroupBox.
protected |
Removes the window from the drawing list. If the window is not attached to the drawing list then nothing happens.
wnd | Window object to be removed from the drawing list. |
void CEGUI::Window::render | ( | ) |
Causes the Window object to render itself and all of it's attached children.
inline |
Return whether this window is set to restore old input capture when it loses input capture.
This is only really useful for certain sub-components for widget writers.
void CEGUI::Window::setAlpha | ( | const float | alpha | ) |
Set the current alpha value for this window.
alpha | The new alpha value for the window. Value should be between 0.0f and 1.0f. |
void CEGUI::Window::setAlwaysOnTop | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Set whether this window is always on top, or not.
setting |
protectedvirtual |
Implementation method to modify element area while correctly applying min / max size processing, and firing any appropriate events.
pos | UVector2 object describing the new area position. |
size | USize object describing the new area size. |
topLeftSizing |
fireEvents |
Reimplemented from CEGUI::Element.
Reimplemented in CEGUI::ScrolledContainer.
void CEGUI::Window::setAutoRepeatDelay | ( | float | delay | ) |
Set the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window.
delay | float value indicating the delay, in seconds, defore the first repeat mouse button down event should be triggered when autorepeat is enabled. |
void CEGUI::Window::setAutoRepeatRate | ( | float | rate | ) |
Set the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window.
rate | float value indicating the rate, in seconds, at which repeat mouse button down events should be generated after the initial delay has expired. |
void CEGUI::Window::setAutoWindow | ( | bool | is_auto | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setClippedByParent | ( | bool | setting | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setDestroyedByParent | ( | bool | setting | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setDisabled | ( | bool | setting | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setDistributesCapturedInputs | ( | bool | setting | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setDragDropTarget | ( | bool | setting | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setEnabled | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Changes the widget's falagard type, thus changing its look'n'feel and optionally its renderer in the process.
type | New look'n'feel of the widget |
type | New renderer of the widget |
void CEGUI::Window::setFont | ( | const Font * | font | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setFont | ( | const String & | name | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setID | ( | uint | ID | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setInheritsAlpha | ( | bool | setting | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setInheritsTooltipText | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Set whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set.
setting |
virtual |
Set the LookNFeel that shoule be used for this window.
look | String object holding the name of the look to be assigned to the window. |
UnknownObjectException | thrown if the look'n'feel specified by look does not exist. |
NullObjectException | thrown if the Window does not have a WindowRenderer assigned to it. see Window::setWindowRenderer. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Tree.
void CEGUI::Window::setModalState | ( | bool | state | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setMouseAutoRepeatEnabled | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Set whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window.
setting |
void CEGUI::Window::setMouseCursor | ( | const Image * | image | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setMouseCursor | ( | const String & | name | ) |
Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window.
imageset | String object that contains the name of the Imageset that contains the image to be used. |
name | String object that contains the name of the Image to use. |
UnknownObjectException | thrown if no Image named name exists. |
void CEGUI::Window::setMouseInputPropagationEnabled | ( | const bool | enabled | ) |
inline |
Sets whether this window should ignore mouse events and pass them through to any windows behind it. In effect making the window transparent to the mouse.
setting | true if mouse pass through is enabled. false if mouse pass through is not enabled. |
protectedvirtual |
void CEGUI::Window::setRenderingSurface | ( | RenderingSurface * | surface | ) |
Set the RenderingSurface to be associated with this Window, or 0 if none is required.
target | Pointer to the RenderingSurface object to be associated with the window. |
void CEGUI::Window::setRestoreOldCapture | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Set whether this window will remember and restore the previous window that had inputs captured.
setting |
inline |
Set whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button.
setting |
void CEGUI::Window::setText | ( | const String & | text | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setTooltip | ( | Tooltip * | tooltip | ) |
Set the custom Tooltip object for this Window. This value may be 0 to indicate that the Window should use the system default Tooltip object.
tooltip | Pointer to a valid Tooltip based object which should be used as the tooltip for this Window, or 0 to indicate that the Window should use the system default Tooltip object. Note that when passing a pointer to a Tooltip object, ownership of the Tooltip does not pass to this Window object. |
void CEGUI::Window::setTooltipText | ( | const String & | tip | ) |
void CEGUI::Window::setTooltipType | ( | const String & | tooltipType | ) |
Set the custom Tooltip to be used by this Window by specifying a Window type.
The Window will internally attempt to create an instance of the specified window type (which must be derived from the base Tooltip class). If the Tooltip creation fails, the error is logged and the Window will revert to using either the existing custom Tooltip or the system default Tooltip.
tooltipType | String object holding the name of the Tooltip based Window type which should be used as the Tooltip for this Window. |
void CEGUI::Window::setUpdateMode | ( | const WindowUpdateMode | mode | ) |
Set the window update mode. This mode controls the behaviour of the Window::update member function such that updates are processed for this window (and therefore it's child content) according to the set mode.
mode | One of the WindowUpdateMode enumerated values indicating the mode to set for this Window. |
inline |
Set the user data set for this Window.
Each Window can have some client assigned data attached to it, this data is not used by the GUI system in any way. Interpretation of the data is entirely application specific.
user_data | pointer to the user data that is to be set for this window. |
void CEGUI::Window::setUsingAutoRenderingSurface | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Sets whether automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window. The reason we emphasise 'atutomatic' is because the client may manually set a RenderingSurface that does exactlythe same job.
setting |
void CEGUI::Window::setVisible | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Set whether the Window is visible or hidden.
void CEGUI::Window::setWantsMultiClickEvents | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Set whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple 'down' events instead.
setting |
void CEGUI::Window::setWindowRenderer | ( | const String & | name | ) |
Assign the WindowRenderer type to be used when rendering this window.
name | The factory name of the WindowRenderer to use. |
void CEGUI::Window::setZOrderingEnabled | ( | bool | setting | ) |
Set whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window.
setting |
inline |
show the Window.
void CEGUI::Window::unbanPropertyFromXML | ( | const String & | property_name | ) |
Removes the named property from the XML ban list for this window. Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it.
Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are implicitly/automatically banned from XML.
property_name | Name of the property you want to unban |
void CEGUI::Window::unbanPropertyFromXMLRecursive | ( | const String & | property_name | ) |
Removes the named property from the XML ban list for this window and all of its child windows. Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it.
Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are implicitly/automatically banned from XML.
property_name | Name of the property you want to unban |
virtual |
Cause window to update itself and any attached children. Client code does not need to call this method; to ensure full, and proper updates, call the injectTimePulse methodname method provided by the System class.
elapsed | float value indicating the number of seconds passed since the last update. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::LayoutContainer.
protectedvirtual |
Perform actual update processing for this Window.
elapsed | float value indicating the number of seconds elapsed since the last update call. |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::Tooltip, CEGUI::MenuItem, and CEGUI::PopupMenu.
protectedvirtual |
Function used in checking if a WindowRenderer is valid for this window.
renderer | Window renderer that will be checked (it can be null!) |
Reimplemented in CEGUI::MultiColumnList, CEGUI::ListHeader, CEGUI::Listbox, CEGUI::MultiLineEditbox, CEGUI::Editbox, CEGUI::Scrollbar, CEGUI::ItemListBase, CEGUI::ScrollablePane, CEGUI::TabControl, CEGUI::Slider, CEGUI::Tooltip, and CEGUI::ItemEntry.
bool CEGUI::Window::wantsMultiClickEvents | ( | void | ) | const |
virtual |
Writes an xml representation of this window object to out_stream.
xml_stream | Stream where xml data should be output. |
static |
Event fired when the Window has been activated and has input focus. Handlers are passed a const ActivationEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that is gaining activation and ActivationEventArgs::otherWindow set to the Window that is losing activation (may be 0).
static |
Event fired when the Alpha blend value for the Window has changed. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose alpha value was changed.
static |
Event fired when the always on top setting for the Window is changed. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose always on top setting was changed.
static |
Event fired when the Window receives a character key input event. Handlers are passed a const KeyEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window receiving the character input, KeyEventArgs::codepoint set to the Unicode UTF32 / UCS-4 value for the input, and KeyEventArgs::sysKeys set to the combination of SystemKey values active when the character input was received.
static |
Event fired when the Window clipping mode is modified. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose clipping mode was changed.
static |
Event fired when the Window has been deactivated, losing input focus. Handlers are passed a const ActivationEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that is losing activation and ActivationEventArgs::otherWindow set to the Window that is gaining activation (may be 0).
static |
Event fired when the Window destruction mode is modified. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose destruction mode was changed.
static |
Event fired when destruction of the Window is about to begin. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that is about to be destroyed.
static |
Event fired when the Window is disabled and interaction is no longer possible. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was disabled.
static |
Event fired when a DragContainer is dropped within the window's area. Handlers are passed a const DragDropEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the window over which a DragContainer was dropped (the receiving window) and DragDropEventArgs::dragDropItem set to the DragContainer that was dropped within the receiving window's area.
static |
Event fired when a DragContainer is dragged in to the window's area. Handlers are passed a const DragDropEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the window over which a DragContainer has been dragged (the receiving window) and DragDropEventArgs::dragDropItem set to the DragContainer that was dragged in to the receiving window's area.
static |
Event fired when a DragContainer is dragged out of the window's area. Handlers are passed a const DragDropEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the window over which a DragContainer has been dragged out of (the receiving window) and DragDropEventArgs::dragDropItem set to the DragContainer that was dragged out of the receiving window's area.
static |
Event fired when the Window is enabled so interaction is possible. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was enabled.
static |
Event fired when the Font object for the Window has been changed. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose font was changed.
static |
Event fired when the Window is made hidden. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was hidden.
static |
Event fired when the client assigned ID for the Window has changed. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose ID was changed.
static |
Event fired when the Window mode controlling inherited alpha is changed. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose alpha inheritence mode was changed.
static |
Event fired when the Window gains capture of mouse inputs. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that has captured mouse inputs.
static |
Event fired when the Window loses capture of mouse inputs. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to either:
static |
Event fired when the Window has been invalidated. When a window is invalidated its cached rendering geometry is cleared, the rendering surface that recieves the window's output is invalidated and the window's target GUIContext is marked as dirty; this causes all objects involved in the display of the window to be refreshed the next time that the GUIContext::draw function is called. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that has been invalidated.
static |
Event fired when a key on the keyboard was pressed down while the window had input focus. Handlers are passed a const KeyEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window receiving the key press, KeyEventArgs::scancode set to the Key::Scan value of the key that was pressed, and KeyEventArgs::sysKeys set to the combination of SystemKey values active when the key was pressed.
static |
Event fired when a key on the keyboard was released while the window had input focus. Handlers are passed a const KeyEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window receiving the key release, KeyEventArgs::scancode set to the Key::Scan value of the key that was released, and KeyEventArgs::sysKeys set to the combination of SystemKey values active when the key was released.
static |
Event fired when the Window's margin has changed (any of the four margins) Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose margin was changed.
static |
Event fired when a mouse button is pressed down within the Window. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when a mouse button is released within the Window. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when a mouse button is clicked - that is, pressed down and released within a specific time interval - while the mouse cursor is within the Window's area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when a mouse button is double-clicked while the mouse cursor is within the Window's area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when the mouse cursor has entered the Window's area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when the mouse cursor enters the Window's area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when the mouse cursor has left the Window's area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when the mouse cursor is no longer over the Window's surface area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when the mouse cursor moves within the area of the Window. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when a mouse button is triple-clicked while the mouse cursor is within the Window's area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when the mouse wheel is scrolled when the mouse cursor is within the Window's area. Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields valid.
static |
Event fired when rendering of the Window has ended. In this context 'rendering' is the population of the GeometryBuffer with geometry for the window, not the actual rendering of that GeometryBuffer content to the display. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose rendering has ended.
static |
Event fired when rendering of the Window has started. In this context 'rendering' is the population of the GeometryBuffer with geometry for the window, not the actual rendering of that GeometryBuffer content to the display. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose rendering has started.
static |
Event fired when the Window is shown (made visible). Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was shown.
static |
Event fired when the text string for the Window has changed. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose text was changed.
static |
Event fired when the Window's setting controlling parsing of it's text string is changed. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose text parsing setting was changed.
static |
Event fired as part of the time based update of the window. Handlers are passed a const UpdateEventArgs reference.
static |
Event fired when a WindowRenderer object is attached to the window. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the window that had the WindowRenderer attached to it.
static |
Event fired when a WindowRenderer object is detached from the window. Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with WindowEventArgs::window set to the window that had the WindowRenderer detached from it.