Crazy Eddie's GUI System  0.8.6
CEGUI Configuration XML files.
Paul D Turner

A config XML file defines settings and configuration information used by CEGUI at system creation time.

Config Element List:



The reference for each element is arranged into sections, as described below:

  • Purpose:
    • This section describes what the elements general purpose is within the specifications.
  • Attributes:
    • This section describes available attributes for the elements, and whether they are required or optional.
  • Usage:
    • Describes where the element may appear, whether the element may have sub-elements, and other important usage information.
  • Examples:
    • For many elements, this section will contain brief examples showing the element used in context.


  • Purpose:
    • The <CEGUIConfig> is the root element of a config file.
  • Attributes:
    • None.
  • Usage:
    • The <CEGUIConfig> is the root element for config file.
    • The <CEGUIConfig> may contain the following sub-elements:
      • <Logging> elements.
      • <AutoLoad> elements.
      • <ResourceDirectory> elements.
      • <DefaultResourceGroup> elements.
      • <Scripting> elements.
      • <DefaultXMLParser> elements.
      • <DefaultImageCodec> elements.
      • <DefaultFont> elements.
      • <DefaultMouseCursor> elements.
      • <DefaultTooltip> elements.
      • <DefaultGUISheet> elements.
    • No element may contain <CEGUIConfig> as a sub-element.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Specifies the log filename and logging level to be used. If this element appears multiple times, the last occurence is the setting ultimately used.
  • Attributes:
    • filename: Specifies the name to use for the log file. Optional attribute, default is "CEGUI.log"
    • level: Specifies the logging level. Optional attribute, default is "Standard". Must otherwise be set to one of the following:
      • Errors
      • Standard
      • Informative
      • Insane
  • Usage:
    • The <Logging> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <Logging> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Specifies a batch of resources to be automatically loaded.
  • Attributes:
    • type: Specifies the type of resource to be loaded. Required attribute, must be one of the following values:
      • Imageset
      • Font
      • Scheme
      • LookNFeel
      • Layout
    • group: Specifies the resource group identifier to pass to the ResourceProvider when loading the files. Optional attribute, default is the default group for the resource type being loaded.
    • pattern: Specifies a file name pattern that files in the resource group location will be matched against. Optional attribute, default is "*" (all files).
  • Usage:
    • The <AutoLoad> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <AutoLoad> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Specifies a resource group directory location. This is currently only used with automatically created instances of the DefaultResourceProvider, using this element with any other configuration will have no effect.
  • Attributes:
    • group: Specifies the name of the resource group to create. Required attribute.
    • directory: Specifies the directory location to set for the created resource group. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <ResourceDirectory> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <ResourceDirectory> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Sets the default resource group for a specified resource type.
  • Attributes:
    • type: Specifies the type of resource to set the default resource group for. Optional attribute, default is "Default" (global default group). If specified, must be one of:
      • Default
      • Imageset
      • Font
      • Scheme
      • LookNFeel
      • Layout
      • Script
      • XMLSchema
    • group: Specifies the resource group identifier to use as the default group for the specified resource type. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <DefaultResourceGroup> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <DefaultResourceGroup> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Specifies start up and shutdown scripts that will be automatically executed. Only works when a script module is in use. Scripts must be valid for the language in use! If this element appears multiple times, only the last occurence is used.
  • Attributes:
    • initScript: Specifies the name of the initialisation script. The script indicated will be called directly after the system object is constructed. Optional attribute, default is none.
    • terminateScript: Specifies the name of the termination script. The script indicated will be called just prior to system destruction. Optional attribute, default is none.
  • Usage:
    • The <Scripting> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <Scripting> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Specifies the name of the default XMLParser module to use. Due to the config file being XML, we actually already have a parser loaded, this is a means of replacing that parser with some other module. If this element appears multiple times, only the last occurence is used.
  • Attributes:
    • name: Specifies the name of the XMLParser module to use. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <DefaultXMLParser> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <DefaultXMLParser> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Specifies the name of the default ImageCodec to use for loading image files. If this element appears multiple times, only the last occurence is used.
  • Attributes:
    • name: Specifies the name of the ImageCodec module to use. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <DefaultImageCodec> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <DefaultImageCodec> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Sets the name of the system default font. If this element appears multiple times, only the last occurence is used.
  • Attributes:
    • name: Specifies the name of the font to be used as the default. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <DefaultFont> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <DefaultFont> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Sets the system default mouse cursor image. If this element appears multiple times, only the last occurence is used.
  • Attributes:
    • imageset: Specifies the name of the Imageset containing the image to be used as the default mouse cursor. Required attribute.
    • image: Specifies the name of the image in the imagset specified in the imageset attribute to be used as the default mouse cursor image. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <DefaultMouseCursor> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <DefaultMouseCursor> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Sets the window type name to use for the system default tool-tip. If this element appears multiple times, only the last occurence is used.
  • Attributes:
    • name: Specifies the type name of the Tooltip based window type to be used as the system default tooltip. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <DefaultTooltip> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <DefaultTooltip> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples:


  • Purpose:
    • Sets the initial gui sheet to the named window (the window must exist, so should be loaded via the <AutoLoad> element). If this element appears multiple times, only the last occurence is used.
  • Attributes:
    • name: Specifies the name of the window to be set as the initial gui sheet. Required attribute.
  • Usage:
    • The <DefaultGUISheet> element may only appear as a sub-element of the <CEGUIConfig> element.
    • The <DefaultGUISheet> element may not contain any sub-elements.
  • Examples: