Crazy Eddie's GUI System  0.8.6
CEGUI Namespace Reference

Main namespace for Crazy Eddie's GUI Library. More...


 Properties for the XercesParser XML parser module.


class  AbsoluteDim
 Dimension type that represents an absolute pixel value. Implements BaseDim interface. More...
class  ActivationEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for Activated and Deactivated window events. More...
class  Affector
 Defines an 'affector' class. More...
class  AllocatedObject
class  AlreadyExistsException
 Exception class used when an attempt is made create a named object of a particular type when an object of the same type already exists with the same name. More...
class  Animation
 Defines an 'animation' class. More...
class  Animation_xmlHandler
 Class used to parse stand alone Animation XML files. More...
class  AnimationAffectorHandler
 Chained sub-handler for Affector XML elements. More...
class  AnimationDefinitionHandler
 Chained sub-handler for AnimationDefinition XML elements. More...
class  AnimationEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that holds information about which animation instnace fired given event. More...
class  AnimationInstance
 Defines an 'animation instance' class. More...
class  AnimationKeyFrameHandler
 Chained sub-handler for KeyFrame XML elements. More...
class  AnimationManager
class  AnimationSubscriptionHandler
 Chained sub-handler for Subscription XML elements. More...
class  BaseDim
 Abstract interface for a generic 'dimension' class. More...
class  BasicImage
class  BasicRenderedStringParser
 Basic RenderedStringParser class that offers support for the following tags: More...
class  BidiVisualMapping
 Abstract class to wrap a Bidi visual mapping of a text string. More...
class  BoundSlot
 Class that tracks a SubscriberSlot, its group, and the Event to which it was subscribed. This is effectively what gets returned from the calls to the Event::subscribe members, though BoundSlot is always wrapped in a reference counted pointer. When a BoundSlot is deleted, the connection is unsubscribed and the SubscriberSlot is deleted. More...
class  ButtonBase
 Base class for all the 'button' type widgets (push button, radio button, check-box, etc) More...
class  CentredRenderedString
 FormattedRenderedString implementation that renders the RenderedString with centred formatting. More...
class  ChainedXMLHandler
 Abstract XMLHandler based class. More...
class  Clipboard
 Defines a clipboard handling class. More...
class  ClippedContainer
 Helper container window that has configurable clipping. Used by the ItemListbox widget. More...
class  Colour
 Class representing colour values within the system. More...
class  ColourPicker
 Base class for the ColourPicker widget. More...
class  ColourPickerControls
 Base class for the ColourPickerControls widget. More...
class  ColourPickerConversions
class  ColourRect
 Class that holds details of colours for the four corners of a rectangle. More...
class  Combobox
 Base class for the Combobox widget. More...
class  ComboDropList
 Base class for the combo box drop down list. This is a specialisation of the Listbox class. More...
class  ComponentArea
 Class that represents a target area for a widget or imagery component. More...
class  CompositeResourceProvider
class  Config_xmlHandler
 Handler class used to parse the Configuration XML file. More...
class  ConstBaseIterator
 Base class constant iterator used to offer iteration over various collections within the system. More...
class  ConstMapIterator
 iterator class for maps More...
class  ConstVectorIterator
 iterator for vectors More...
class  CoordConverter
 Utility class that helps in converting various types of co-ordinate between absolute screen positions and positions offset from the top-left corner of a given Window object. More...
class  CoreWindowRendererModule
 Implementation of WindowRendererModule for the Falagard window renderers. More...
class  CoronaImageCodec
 Image codec based on the Corona library. More...
class  DefaultLogger
 Default implementation for the Logger class. If you want to redirect CEGUI logs to some place other than a text file, implement your own Logger implementation and create a object of the Logger type before creating the CEGUI::System singleton. More...
class  DefaultRenderedStringParser
 Effectively a 'null' parser that returns a RenderedString representation that will draw the input text verbatim. More...
class  DefaultResourceProvider
class  DefaultWindow
 Window class intended to be used as a simple, generic Window. More...
class  DevILImageCodec
 Image codec based on the DevIL library. More...
class  Dimension
 Class representing some kind of dimension. More...
class  Direct3D10GeometryBuffer
 Implementation of CEGUI::GeometryBuffer for the Direct3D 10 API. More...
class  Direct3D10Renderer
 Renderer implementation using Direct3D 10. More...
class  Direct3D10RenderTarget
 Implementation of an ntermediate RenderTarget for the Direct3D 10 API. More...
class  Direct3D10Texture
 Texture implementation for the Direct3D10Renderer. More...
class  Direct3D10TextureTarget
 Direct3D10TextureTarget - allows rendering to Direct3D 10 textures. More...
class  Direct3D10ViewportTarget
 Direct3D10 based RenderTarget that represents the screen or a portion of it. More...
class  Direct3D11GeometryBuffer
 Implementation of CEGUI::GeometryBuffer for the Direct3D 10 API. More...
class  Direct3D11Renderer
 Renderer implementation using Direct3D 10. More...
class  Direct3D11RenderTarget
 Implementation of an ntermediate RenderTarget for the Direct3D 10 API. More...
class  Direct3D11Texture
 Texture implementation for the Direct3D11Renderer. More...
class  Direct3D11TextureTarget
 Direct3D11TextureTarget - allows rendering to Direct3D 10 textures. More...
class  Direct3D11ViewportTarget
 Direct3D10 based RenderTarget that represents the screen or a portion of it. More...
class  Direct3D9GeometryBuffer
 Direct3D9 based implementation of the GeometryBuffer interface. More...
class  Direct3D9Renderer
 Renderer class to interface with Direct3D 9. More...
class  Direct3D9RenderTarget
 Intermediate Direct3D9 implementation of a RenderTarget. More...
class  Direct3D9Texture
 Texture implementation for the Direct3D9Renderer. More...
class  Direct3D9TextureTarget
 Direct3D9TextureTarget - allows rendering to an Direct3D9 texture via . More...
class  Direct3D9ViewportTarget
 Direct3D9 RenderTarget that represents a screen viewport. More...
class  DirectFBGeometryBuffer
 Implemetation of CEGUI::GeometryBuffer for DirectFB. More...
class  DirectFBRenderer
 Implementation of CEGUI::Renderer interface using DirectFB. More...
class  DirectFBRenderTarget
 Implementation of CEGUI::RenderTarget for DirectFB. More...
class  DirectFBTexture
 Implementation of CEGUI::Texture interface using DirectFB. More...
class  DisplayEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for notifications regarding the main display. More...
class  DragContainer
 Generic drag & drop enabled window class. More...
class  DragDropEventArgs
 EventArgs based class used for certain drag/drop notifications. More...
class  DynamicModule
 Class that wraps and gives access to a dynamically linked module (.dll, .so, etc...) More...
class  Editbox
 Base class for an Editbox widget. More...
class  EditboxWindowRenderer
 Base class for the EditboxWindowRenderer class. More...
class  Element
 A positioned and sized rectangular node in a tree graph. More...
class  ElementEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to handlers triggered for events concerning some Element object. More...
class  Event
 Defines an 'event' which can be subscribed to by interested parties. More...
class  EventAction
class  EventArgs
 Base class used as the argument to all subscribers Event object. More...
class  EventLinkDefinition
class  EventSet
 Interface providing event signaling and handling. More...
class  Exception
 Root exception class used within the GUI system. More...
class  ExpatParser
 Implementation of XMLParser using Expat. More...
class  FactoryModule
class  FactoryRegisterer
 Base class encapsulating a type name and common parts of factory registration. More...
class  Falagard_xmlHandler
 Handler class used to parse look & feel XML files used by the Falagard system. More...
class  FalagardButton
 Button class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardComponentBase
 Common base class used for renderable components within an ImagerySection. More...
class  FalagardDefault
 Default class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardEditbox
 Editbox class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardFrameWindow
 FrameWindow class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardItemEntry
 ItemEntry class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardItemListbox
 ItemListbox class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardListbox
 Listbox class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardListHeader
 ListHeader class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardListHeaderSegment
 ListHeaderSegment class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardMenubar
 Menubar class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardMenuItem
 MenuItem class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardMultiColumnList
 MultiColumnList class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardMultiLineEditbox
 MultiLineEditbox class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardPopupMenu
 PopupMenu class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardProgressBar
 ProgressBar class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardPropertyBase
class  FalagardScrollablePane
 ScrollablePane class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardScrollbar
 Scrollbar class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardSlider
 Slider class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardStatic
 Static class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardStaticImage
 StaticImage class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardStaticText
 StaticText class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardTabButton
 TabButton class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardTabControl
 TabControl class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardTitlebar
 Titlebar class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardToggleButton
 ToggleButton class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardTooltip
 Tooltip class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardTree
 Tree class for the FalagardBase module. More...
class  FalagardXMLHelper
class  FalagardXMLHelper< ChildEventAction >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< DimensionOperator >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< DimensionType >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< FontMetricType >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< FrameImageComponent >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< HorizontalAlignment >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< HorizontalFormatting >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< HorizontalTextFormatting >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< VerticalAlignment >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< VerticalFormatting >
class  FalagardXMLHelper< VerticalTextFormatting >
class  FileIOException
 Exception class used when a file handling problem occurs. More...
class  Font
 Class that encapsulates a typeface. More...
class  Font_xmlHandler
 Handler class used to parse the Font XML files to create Font objects. More...
class  FontDim
 Dimension type that represents some metric of a Font. Implements BaseDim interface. More...
class  FontEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for notifications regarding Font objects. More...
class  FontGlyph
 internal class representing a single font glyph. More...
class  FontManager
 Class providing a shared library of Font objects to the system. More...
class  FormattedRenderedString
 Root of a class hierarchy that wrap RenderedString objects and render them with additional formatting. More...
class  FormattingSetting
class  FrameComponent
 Class that encapsulates information for a frame with background (9 images in total) More...
class  FrameWindow
 Abstract base class for a movable, sizable, window with a title-bar and a frame. More...
class  FreeFunctionSlot
 Slot functor class that calls back via a free function pointer. More...
class  FreeFunctionSlotNoArgs
 Slot functor class that calls back via a free function pointer. This variant ignores passed EventArgs. More...
class  FreeFunctionSlotVoid
 Slot functor class that calls back via a free function pointer. This variant doesn't require a handler that returns bool. More...
class  FreeFunctionSlotVoidNoArgs
 Slot functor class that calls back via a free function pointer. This variant ignores passed EventArgs and the handler doesn't have to return a bool. More...
class  FreeImageImageCodec
 Image codec based on the FreeImage library. More...
class  FreeTypeFont
 Implementation of the Font class interface using the FreeType library. More...
class  FribidiVisualMapping
 fribidi based implementation of BidiVisualMapping. More...
class  FunctorCopySlot
 Slot template class that creates a functor that calls back via a copy of a functor object. More...
class  FunctorPointerSlot
 Slot template class that creates a functor that calls back via a functor object pointer. More...
struct  FunctorReferenceBinder
 Class that enables the creation of a reference binding for a functor object to be used as a callback slot. Wrap your functor with this to enable the use of an object reference when subscribing to an event signal (as opposed to the functor object being copied, or using a pointer). More...
class  FunctorReferenceSlot
 Slot template class that creates a functor that calls back via a functor object reference. More...
class  GenericException
 Exception class used when none of the other classes are applicable. More...
class  GeometryBuffer
 Abstract class defining the interface for objects that buffer geometry for later rendering. More...
class  GlobalEventSet
 The GlobalEventSet singleton allows you to subscribe to an event for all instances of a class. The GlobalEventSet effectively supports "late binding" to events; which means you can subscribe to some event that does not actually exist (yet). More...
class  GridLayoutContainer
 A Layout Container window layouting it's children into a grid. More...
class  GroupBox
 Base class for standard GroupBox widget. More...
class  GUIContext
class  GUIContextEventArgs
 EventArgs class passed to subscribers for (most) GUIContext events. More...
class  GUIContextRenderTargetEventArgs
 EventArgs class passed for GUIContext RenderTarget related events. More...
class  GUILayout_xmlHandler
 Handler class used to parse the GUILayout XML files using SAX2. More...
class  HeaderSequenceEventArgs
 EventArgs class used for segment move (sequence changed) events. More...
class  HorizontalLayoutContainer
 A Layout Container window layouting it's children Horizontally. More...
class  HSV_Colour
 Class representing an HSV (hue, saturation and value) colour using floats. More...
class  IconvStringTranscoder
 Implementation of StringTranscoder that uses iconv. More...
class  Image
 Interface for Image. More...
class  ImageCodec
 Abstract ImageLoader class. An image loader encapsulate the loading of a texture. More...
class  ImageDim
 ImageDimBase subclass that accesses an image by its name. More...
class  ImageDimBase
 Dimension type that represents some dimension of an Image. Implements BaseDim interface. More...
class  ImageFactory
 Interface for factory objects that create instances of classes derived from the Image class. More...
class  ImageManager
class  ImagePropertyDim
 ImageDimBase subclass that accesses an image fetched via a property. More...
class  ImageryComponent
 Class that encapsulates information for a single image component. More...
class  ImagerySection
 Class that encapsulates a re-usable collection of imagery specifications. More...
class  InjectedInputReceiver
 Input injection interface to be inplemented by classes that take raw inputs. More...
class  Interpolator
 Defines a 'interpolator' class. More...
class  InvalidRequestException
 Exception class used when some impossible request was made of the system. More...
class  IrrlichtEventPusher
class  IrrlichtGeometryBuffer
 GeometryBuffer implementation for the Irrlicht engine. More...
class  IrrlichtImageCodec
 ImageCodec object that loads data via image loading facilities in Irrlicht. More...
class  IrrlichtMemoryFile
 Class to wrap a file access interface around a memory buffer to enable us to pass data that has been loaded via the CEGUI::ResourceProvider to irrlicht, via it's IReadFile based interfaces. More...
class  IrrlichtRenderer
 CEGUI::Renderer implementation for the Irrlicht engine. More...
class  IrrlichtRenderTarget
 Intermediate RenderTarget implementing common parts for Irrlicht engine. More...
class  IrrlichtResourceProvider
class  IrrlichtTexture
 Implementation of the CEGUI::Texture class for the Irrlicht engine. More...
class  IrrlichtTextureTarget
 CEGUI::TextureTarget implementation for the Irrlicht engine. More...
class  IrrlichtWindowTarget
 CEGUI::RenderTarget that targets a window, or a part of a window. More...
class  ItemEntry
 Base class for item type widgets. More...
class  ItemEntryWindowRenderer
 Base class for ItemEntry window renderer objects. More...
class  ItemListBase
 Base class for item list widgets. More...
class  ItemListBaseWindowRenderer
 Base class for ItemListBase window renderer. More...
class  ItemListbox
 ItemListbox window class. More...
class  JustifiedRenderedString
 FormattedRenderedString implementation that renders the RenderedString with justified formatting. More...
struct  Key
 struct to give scope to scan code enumeration. More...
class  KeyEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning keyboard input. More...
class  KeyFrame
 Defines a 'key frame' class. More...
class  Lab_Colour
 Class representing a Colour according to the L*a*b* standard. More...
class  LayerSpecification
 Class that encapsulates a single layer of imagery. More...
class  LayoutCell
 Represents a cell in a layout container. More...
class  LayoutContainer
 An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the required interface for derived classes. More...
class  LeftAlignedRenderedString
 FormattedRenderedString implementation that renders the RenderedString with left aligned formatting. More...
class  LibxmlParser
 Implementation of XMLParser using libxml. More...
class  LinkedEvent
 LinkedEvent is an Event subclass that provides a mechanism to link or chain Events together, such that when a specified target event is fired, then this event will additionally fire in response. More...
class  LinkedEventArgs
 EventArgs subclass used for linked events, that is an event fired on an EventSet that was triggered by some other event (either on the same EventSet or a different EventSet. More...
class  Listbox
 Base class for standard Listbox widget. More...
class  ListboxItem
 Base class for list box items. More...
class  ListboxTextItem
 Class used for textual items in a list box. More...
class  ListboxWindowRenderer
 Base class for Listbox window renderer. More...
class  ListHeader
 Base class for the multi column list header widget. More...
class  ListHeaderSegment
 Base class for list header segment window. More...
class  ListHeaderWindowRenderer
 Base class for the multi column list header window renderer. More...
class  Logger
Abstract class that defines the interface of a logger object for the GUI system.

The default implementation of this interface is the DefaultLogger class; if you want to perform special logging, derive your own class from Logger and initialize a object of that type before you create the CEGUI::System singleton. More...

class  LuaFunctor
 Functor class used for subscribing Lua functions to CEGUI events. More...
class  LuaScriptModule
 Interface for the LuaScriptModule class. More...
struct  mat4Pimpl
struct  MCLGridRef
 Simple grid index structure. More...
class  MemberFunctionSlot
 Slot template class that creates a functor that calls back via a class member function. More...
class  MemberFunctionSlotNoArgs
 Slot template class that creates a functor that calls back via a class member function. This variant ignores passed EventArgs. More...
class  MemberFunctionSlotVoid
 Slot template class that creates a functor that calls back via a class member function. This variant doesn't require a handler that returns bool. More...
class  MemberFunctionSlotVoidNoArgs
 Slot template class that creates a functor that calls back via a class member function. This variant ignores passed EventArgs and the handler doesn't have to return a bool. More...
class  MemoryException
 Exception class used when a memory handling error is detected. More...
class  Menubar
 Base class for menu bars. More...
class  MenuBase
 Abstract base class for menus. More...
class  MenuItem
 Base class for menu items. More...
class  MinibidiVisualMapping
 minibidi based implementation of BidiVisualMapping. More...
class  MinizipResourceProvider
class  MouseCursor
 Class that provides mouse cursor support. More...
class  MouseCursorEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning mouse cursor events. More...
class  MouseEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning mouse input. More...
class  MultiColumnList
 Base class for the multi column list widget. More...
class  MultiColumnListWindowRenderer
 Base class for the multi column list window renderer. More...
class  MultiLineEditbox
 Base class for the multi-line edit box widget. More...
class  MultiLineEditboxWindowRenderer
 Base class for multi-line edit box window renderer objects. More...
class  NamedArea
 NamedArea defines an area for a component which may later be obtained and referenced by a name unique to the WidgetLook holding the NamedArea. More...
class  NamedDefinitionCollator
 Helper container used to implement inherited collections of component definitions specified in a WidgetLook. More...
class  NamedElement
 Adds name to the Element class, including name path traversal. More...
class  NamedElementEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to handlers triggered for events concerning some NamedElement object. More...
class  NamedXMLResourceManager
 Templatised manager class that loads and manages named XML based resources. More...
class  NativeClipboardProvider
 Lightweight interface providing access to the system-wide native clipboard. More...
class  NullGeometryBuffer
 Implementation of CEGUI::GeometryBuffer for the Null engine. More...
class  NullObjectException
 Exception class used when some required object or parameter is null. More...
class  NullRenderer
 CEGUI::Renderer implementation for no particular engine. More...
class  NullRenderTarget
 Intermediate RenderTarget. More...
class  NullTexture
 Implementation of the CEGUI::Texture class for no particular engine. More...
class  NullTextureTarget
 CEGUI::TextureTarget implementation for the Null engine. More...
class  ObjectInUseException
 Exception class used when some attempt to delete, remove, or otherwise invalidate some object that is still in use occurs. More...
class  OGLTextureTargetFactory
class  OgreGeometryBuffer
 Implementation of CEGUI::GeometryBuffer for the Ogre engine. More...
class  OgreImageCodec
 ImageCodec object that loads data via image loading facilities in Ogre. More...
class  OgreRenderer
 CEGUI::Renderer implementation for the Ogre engine. More...
class  OgreRenderTarget
 Intermediate RenderTarget implementing common parts for Ogre engine. More...
class  OgreResourceProvider
class  OgreTexture
 Implementation of the CEGUI::Texture class for the Ogre engine. More...
class  OgreTextureTarget
 CEGUI::TextureTarget implementation for the Ogre engine. More...
class  OgreWindowTarget
 CEGUI::RenderTarget that targets an existing gre::RenderTarget. More...
class  OpenGL3FBOTextureTarget
 ~OpenGL3FBOTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGL texture via FBO. More...
class  OpenGL3GeometryBuffer
 OpenGL3 based implementation of the GeometryBuffer interface. More...
class  OpenGL3Renderer
 Renderer class to interface with desktop OpenGL version >= 3.2 or OpenGL ES version >= 2. More...
class  OpenGL3Shader
class  OpenGL3ShaderManager
class  OpenGL3StateChangeWrapper
 OpenGL3StateChangeWrapper - wraps OpenGL calls and checks for redundant calls beforehand. More...
class  OpenGLApplePBTextureTarget
 OpenGLApplePBTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGL texture via the Apple pbuffer extension. More...
class  OpenGLESFBOTextureTarget
 OpenGLESFBOTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGLES texture via FBO. More...
class  OpenGLESGeometryBuffer
 OpenGLES based implementation of the GeometryBuffer interface. More...
class  OpenGLESRenderer
 Renderer class to interface with OpenGLES. More...
class  OpenGLESRenderTarget
 Intermediate OpenGLES implementation of a RenderTarget. More...
class  OpenGLESTexture
 Texture implementation for the OpenGLESRenderer. More...
class  OpenGLESViewportTarget
 OpenGLES implementation of a RenderTarget that represents am on-scren viewport. More...
class  OpenGLFBOTextureTarget
 OpenGLFBOTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGL texture via FBO. More...
class  OpenGLGeometryBuffer
 OpenGL based implementation of the GeometryBuffer interface. More...
class  OpenGLGeometryBufferBase
 OpenGL based implementation of the GeometryBuffer interface. More...
class  OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget
 OpenGLGLXPBTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGL texture via the pbuffer provided in GLX 1.3 and above. More...
class  OpenGLInfo
 Provides information about the type of OpenGL used by an OpenGL context (desktop OpenGL or OpenGL ES), the OpenGL version, and the OpenGL extensions. More...
class  OpenGLRenderer
 Renderer class to interface with desktop OpenGL. More...
class  OpenGLRendererBase
 Common base class used for other OpenGL (desktop or ES) based renderer modules. More...
class  OpenGLRenderTarget
 Intermediate OpenGL implementation of a RenderTarget. More...
class  OpenGLTexture
 Texture implementation for the OpenGLRenderer. More...
class  OpenGLTextureTarget
 OpenGLTextureTarget - Common base class for all OpenGL render targets based on some form of RTT support. More...
class  OpenGLViewportTarget
 OpenGL implementation of a RenderTarget that represents am on-scren viewport. More...
class  OpenGLWGLPBTextureTarget
 OpenGLWGLPBTextureTarget - allows rendering to an OpenGL texture via the pbuffer WGL extension. More...
class  OperatorDim
 Dimension type that represents the result of an operation performed on two other dimension values. Implements BaseDim interface. More...
class  PCRERegexMatcher
class  PixmapFont
 Implementation of the Font class interface using static Imageset's. More...
class  PopupMenu
 Base class for popup menus. More...
class  ProgressBar
 Base class for progress bars. More...
class  Property
 An abstract class that defines the interface to access object properties by name. More...
class  PropertyDefinition
class  PropertyDefinitionBase
 common base class used for types representing a new property to be available on all widgets that use the WidgetLook that the property definition is a part of. More...
class  PropertyDim
 Dimension type that represents the value of a Window property. Implements BaseDim interface. More...
class  PropertyHelper
 Helper class used to convert various data types to and from the format expected in Property strings. More...
class  PropertyHelper< AspectMode >
class  PropertyHelper< AutoScaledMode >
class  PropertyHelper< bool >
class  PropertyHelper< CEGUI::VerticalAlignment >
class  PropertyHelper< Colour >
class  PropertyHelper< ColourRect >
class  PropertyHelper< const T & >
class  PropertyHelper< const T * >
class  PropertyHelper< const T >
class  PropertyHelper< double >
class  PropertyHelper< float >
class  PropertyHelper< Font * >
class  PropertyHelper< GridLayoutContainer::AutoPositioning >
class  PropertyHelper< HorizontalAlignment >
class  PropertyHelper< HorizontalFormatting >
class  PropertyHelper< HorizontalTextFormatting >
class  PropertyHelper< Image * >
class  PropertyHelper< int >
class  PropertyHelper< ItemListBase::SortMode >
class  PropertyHelper< ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection >
class  PropertyHelper< MultiColumnList::SelectionMode >
class  PropertyHelper< Quaternion >
class  PropertyHelper< Rectf >
class  PropertyHelper< Sizef >
class  PropertyHelper< Spinner::TextInputMode >
class  PropertyHelper< std::pair< float, float > >
class  PropertyHelper< String >
class  PropertyHelper< TabControl::TabPanePosition >
class  PropertyHelper< UBox >
class  PropertyHelper< UDim >
class  PropertyHelper< uint >
class  PropertyHelper< uint64 >
class  PropertyHelper< unsigned long >
class  PropertyHelper< URect >
class  PropertyHelper< USize >
class  PropertyHelper< UVector2 >
class  PropertyHelper< Vector2f >
class  PropertyHelper< Vector3f >
class  PropertyHelper< VerticalFormatting >
class  PropertyHelper< VerticalTextFormatting >
class  PropertyHelper< WindowUpdateMode >
class  PropertyInitialiser
 Class that holds information about a property and it's required initial value. More...
class  PropertyLinkDefinition
 Class representing a property that links to another property defined on an attached child widget. More...
class  PropertyReceiver
 Dummy base class to ensure correct casting of receivers. More...
class  PropertySet
 Interface providing introspection capabilities. More...
class  PushButton
 Base class to provide logic for push button type widgets. More...
class  PVRImageCodec
 Implementation of ImageCodec interface for loading PVR files. More...
class  Quaternion
 Class to represent rotation, avoids Gimbal lock. More...
class  QuaternionSlerpInterpolator
 Special interpolator class for Quaternion. More...
class  RadioButton
 Base class to provide the logic for Radio Button widgets. More...
class  RapidXMLParser
 Implementation of XMLParser using RapidXML. More...
class  RawDataContainer
 Class used as the databuffer for loading files throughout the library. More...
class  Rect
 Class encapsulating operations on a Rectangle. More...
class  RefCounted
 Simple, generic, reference counted pointer class. This is primarily here for use by the Events system to track when to delete slot bindings. More...
class  RegexMatcher
 Interface for Regex matching support classes. More...
class  RegexMatchStateEventArgs
class  RenderedString
 Class representing a rendered string of entities. More...
class  RenderedStringComponent
 Base class representing a part of a rendered string. The 'part' represented may be a text string, an image or some other entity. More...
class  RenderedStringImageComponent
 String component that draws an image. More...
class  RenderedStringParser
 Specifies interface for classes that parse text into RenderedString objects. More...
class  RenderedStringTextComponent
 String component that draws an image. More...
class  RenderedStringWidgetComponent
 String component that moves a widget to appear as part of the string. More...
class  RenderedStringWordWrapper
 Class that handles wrapping of a rendered string into sub-strings. Each sub-string is rendered using the FormattedRenderedString based class 'T'. More...
class  RenderEffect
 Interface for objects that hook into RenderingWindow to affect the rendering process, thus allowing various effects to be achieved. More...
class  RenderEffectFactory
 Interface for factory objects that create RenderEffect instances. Currently this interface is intended for internal use only. More...
class  RenderEffectManager
 Singleton class that manages creation and destruction of RenderEffect based objects. More...
class  Renderer
 Abstract class defining the basic required interface for Renderer objects. More...
class  RendererException
 Exception class used for problems in the rendering subsystem classes. More...
struct  RenderingContext
 struct that holds some context relating to a RenderingSurface object. More...
class  RenderingSurface
 Class that represents a surface that can have geometry based imagery drawn to it. More...
class  RenderingWindow
 RenderingWindow is a RenderingSurface that can be "drawn back" onto another RenderingSurface and is primarily intended to be used as a kind of cache for rendered imagery. More...
class  RenderQueue
 Class that represents a queue of GeometryBuffer objects to be rendered. More...
class  RenderQueueEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is passed to handlers subcribed to hear about begin/end events on rendering queues that are part of a RenderingSurface object. More...
class  RenderTarget
 Defines interface to some surface that can be rendered to. Concrete instances of objects that implement the RenderTarget interface are normally created via the Renderer object. More...
class  RenderTargetEventArgs
 EventArgs class passed to subscribers of RenderTarget events. More...
class  ResourceEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for notifications regarding resources. More...
class  ResourceEventSet
 implementation class to gather EventSet parts for all template instances. More...
class  ResourceProvider
 Abstract class that defines the required interface for all resource provider sub-classes. More...
class  RGB_Colour
 Class representing an RGB colour using unsigned chars. More...
class  RightAlignedRenderedString
 FormattedRenderedString implementation that renders the RenderedString with right aligned formatting. More...
class  Scheme
 A class that groups a set of GUI elements and initialises the system to access those elements. More...
class  Scheme_xmlHandler
 Handler class used to parse the Scheme XML files using SAX2. More...
class  SchemeManager
 A class that manages the creation of, access to, and destruction of GUI Scheme objects. More...
class  ScriptException
 Exception class used for issues in scripting subsystem. More...
class  ScriptFunctor
 Functor class used for binding named script functions to events. More...
class  ScriptModule
 Abstract interface required for all scripting support modules to be used with the CEGUI system. More...
class  ScrollablePane
 Base class for the ScrollablePane widget. More...
class  ScrollablePaneWindowRenderer
 Base class for ScrollablePane window renderer objects. More...
class  Scrollbar
 Base scroll bar class. More...
class  ScrollbarWindowRenderer
 Base class for Scrollbar window renderer objects. More...
class  ScrolledContainer
 Helper container window class which is used in the implementation of the ScrollablePane widget class. More...
class  ScrolledItemListBase
 ScrolledItemListBase window class. More...
class  SDL2ImageCodec
class  SectionSpecification
 Class that represents a simple 'link' to an ImagerySection. More...
class  SequentialLayoutContainer
 An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the required interface for derived classes. More...
class  SILLYImageCodec
 Image codec based on the SILLY library. More...
class  SimpleTimer
 Simple timer class. More...
class  Singleton
class  Size
 Class that holds the size (width & height) of something. More...
class  Slider
 Base class for Slider widgets. More...
class  SliderWindowRenderer
 Base class for ItemEntry window renderer objects. More...
class  SlotFunctorBase
 Defines abstract interface which will be used when constructing various functor objects that bind slots to signals (or in CEGUI terms, handlers to events). More...
class  Spinner
 Base class for the Spinner widget. More...
class  StateImagery
 Class the encapsulates imagery for a given widget state. More...
class  STBImageCodec
 Image codec based on stb_image.c. More...
class  StdAllocator
class  String
 String class used within the GUI system. More...
struct  StringFastLessCompare
 Functor that can be used as comparator in a std::map with String keys. It's faster than using the default, but the map will no longer be sorted alphabetically. More...
class  StringTranscoder
 Interface for a string transcoding utility. Instances of classes that implement this interface can be used to transcode CEGUI::Strings to and from some other character encodings not directly supported by the CEGUI::String class. More...
class  SubscriberSlot
 SubscriberSlot class which is used when subscribing to events. More...
class  System
 The System class is the CEGUI class that provides access to all other elements in this system. More...
class  SystemKeys
class  TabButton
 Base class for TabButtons. A TabButton based class is used internally as the button that appears at the top of a TabControl widget to select the active tab pane. More...
class  TabControl
 Base class for standard Tab Control widget. More...
class  TabControlWindowRenderer
 Base class for TabControl window renderer objects. More...
class  TextComponent
 Class that encapsulates information for a text component. More...
class  Texture
 Abstract base class specifying the required interface for Texture objects. More...
class  TextureTarget
 Specialisation of RenderTarget interface that should be used as the base class for RenderTargets that are implemented using textures. More...
class  TextUtils
 Text utility support class. This class is all static members. You do not create instances of this class. More...
class  TGAImageCodec
 Default image codec. More...
class  Thumb
 Base class for Thumb widget. More...
class  TinyXMLParser
 Implementation of XMLParser using TinyXML. More...
class  Titlebar
 Class representing the title bar for Frame Windows. More...
class  ToggleButton
 Class providing logic buttons that can have their selected state toggled. More...
class  Tooltip
 Base class for Tooltip widgets. More...
class  TooltipWindowRenderer
 Base class for Tooltip window renderer objects. More...
class  TplDiscreteInterpolator
 Generic discrete interpolator class. More...
class  TplDiscreteRelativeInterpolator
 Generic discrete relative interpolator class. More...
class  TplImageFactory
 Templatised ImageFactory subclass used internally by the system. More...
class  TplInterpolatorBase
class  TplLinearInterpolator
 Generic linear interpolator class. More...
class  TplProperty
class  TplRenderEffectFactory
 Templatised RenderEffectFactory subclass used internally by the system. More...
class  TplWindowFactory
 Template based WindowFactory that can be used to automatically generate a WindowFactory given a Window based class. More...
class  TplWindowFactoryRegisterer
 Template based implementation of FactoryRegisterer that allows easy registration of a factory for any Window type. More...
class  TplWindowProperty
class  TplWindowRendererFactory
 Template based WindowRendererFactory that can be used to automatically generate a WindowRendererFactory given a WindowRenderer based class. More...
class  TplWindowRendererProperty
class  TplWRFactoryRegisterer
 Template based implementation of FactoryRegisterer that allows easy registration of a factory for any WindowRenderer type. More...
class  Tree
 Base class for standard Tree widget. More...
class  TreeEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning Tree events. More...
class  TreeItem
 Base class for tree items. More...
class  TypedProperty
 base class for properties able to do native set/get More...
class  UBox
 Class encapsulating the 'Unified Box' - this is usually used for margin. More...
class  UDim
 Dimension that has both a relative 'scale' portion and and absolute 'offset' portion. More...
class  UnifiedDim
 Dimension type that represents an Unified dimension. Implements BaseDim interface. More...
class  UnknownObjectException
 Exception class used when a request was made for an unknown object. More...
class  UpdateEventArgs
 WindowEventArgs class that is primarily used by lua scripts. More...
class  Vector2
 Class used as a two dimensional vector (aka a Point) More...
class  Vector3
 Class used as a three dimensional vector. More...
struct  Vertex
 structure that is used to hold details of a single vertex in 3D space. More...
class  VerticalLayoutContainer
 A Layout Container window layouting it's children vertically. More...
class  WidgetComponent
 Class that encapsulates information regarding a sub-widget required for a widget. More...
class  WidgetDim
 Dimension type that represents some dimension of a Window/widget. Implements BaseDim interface. More...
class  WidgetLookFeel
 Class that encapsulates Look N' Feel information for a widget. More...
class  WidgetLookManager
 Manager class that gives top-level access to widget data based "look and feel" specifications loaded into the system. More...
class  Win32StringTranscoder
 Implementation of StringTranscoder that uses Win32. More...
class  Window
 An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the required interface for derived classes. More...
class  WindowEventArgs
 EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to handlers triggered for events concerning some Window object. More...
class  WindowFactory
 Abstract class that defines the required interface for all WindowFactory objects. More...
class  WindowFactoryManager
 Class that manages WindowFactory objects. More...
class  WindowManager
 The WindowManager class describes an object that manages creation and lifetime of Window objects. More...
class  WindowRenderer
 Base-class for the assignable WindowRenderer object. More...
class  WindowRendererFactory
 Base-class for WindowRendererFactory. More...
class  WindowRendererManager
class  XercesHandler
class  XercesParser
 Implementation of XMLParser using Xerces-C++. More...
class  XMLAttributes
 Class representing a block of attributes associated with an XML element. More...
class  XMLHandler
class  XMLParser
 This is an abstract class that is used by CEGUI to interface with XML parser libraries. More...
class  XMLSerializer
 Class used to create XML Document. More...


typedef unsigned long ulong
typedef unsigned short ushort
typedef unsigned int uint
typedef unsigned char uchar
typedef long long int64
typedef int int32
typedef short int16
typedef signed char int8
typedef unsigned long long uint64
typedef unsigned int uint32
typedef unsigned short uint16
typedef unsigned char uint8
typedef std::ostream OutStream
 Output stream class.
typedef uint32 argb_t
 32 bit ARGB representation of a colour.
typedef Rect< float > Rectf
typedef Rect< UDimURect
typedef Size< float > Sizef
typedef Size< UDimUSize
typedef uint8 utf8
typedef uint32 utf32
typedef utf8 encoded_char
 encoded char signifies that it's a char (8bit) with encoding (in this case utf8)
typedef Vector2< float > Vector2f
typedef Vector2< UDimUVector2
typedef Vector3< float > Vector3f


 Enumeration of possible character classes, used for bi-directional text.
enum  ColourPickerSliderMode { ColourPickerSliderMode_L, ColourPickerSliderMode_A, ColourPickerSliderMode_B }
 Enum defining the ColourPicker Slider mode. More...
enum  HorizontalAlignment { HA_LEFT, HA_CENTRE, HA_RIGHT }
 Enumerated type used when specifying horizontal alignments for Element. More...
enum  VerticalAlignment { VA_TOP, VA_CENTRE, VA_BOTTOM }
 Enumerated type used when specifying vertical alignments for Element. More...
enum  DimensionType {
 Enumeration of possible values to indicate what a given dimension represents. More...
enum  VerticalFormatting {
 Enumeration of possible values to indicate the vertical formatting to be used for an image component. More...
enum  HorizontalFormatting {
 Enumeration of possible values to indicate the horizontal formatting to be used for an image component. More...
 Enumeration of possible values to indicate the vertical formatting to be used for a text component. More...
enum  HorizontalTextFormatting {
 Enumeration of possible values to indicate the horizontal formatting to be used for a text component. More...
 Enumeration of possible values to indicate a particular font metric. More...
enum  DimensionOperator {
 Enumeration of values representing mathematical operations on dimensions. More...
enum  FrameImageComponent {
 Enumeration of values referencing available images forming a frame component. More...
enum  ChildEventAction { CEA_REDRAW, CEA_LAYOUT }
 Enumeration of actions a WidgetLook can take in response to some event firing on a child WidgetComponent. More...
enum  AutoScaledMode {
  ASM_Disabled, ASM_Vertical, ASM_Horizontal, ASM_Min,
  ASM_Max, ASM_Both
enum  MouseButton {
  LeftButton, RightButton, MiddleButton, X1Button,
  X2Button, MouseButtonCount, NoButton
 Enumeration of mouse buttons. More...
enum  SystemKey {
  LeftMouse = 0x0001, RightMouse = 0x0002, Shift = 0x0004, Control = 0x0008,
  MiddleMouse = 0x0010, X1Mouse = 0x0020, X2Mouse = 0x0040, Alt = 0x0080,
  InvalidSysKey = 0x8000
 System key flag values. More...
enum  LoggingLevel {
  Errors, Warnings, Standard, Informative,
 Enumeration of logging levels. More...
 Possible actions when loading an XML resource that already exists. More...
enum  QuadSplitMode { TopLeftToBottomRight, BottomLeftToTopRight }
 Enumerated type that contains the valid diagonal-mode that specify how a quad is split into triangles when rendered with by a 3D API. More...
 Enumerated type that contains the valid options that specify the type of blending that is to be performed for subsequent rendering operations. More...
enum  RenderQueueID {
 Enumerated type for valid render queue IDs. More...
enum  AspectMode { AM_IGNORE, AM_SHRINK, AM_EXPAND }
 How aspect ratio should be maintained. More...
enum  WindowUpdateMode { WUM_ALWAYS, WUM_NEVER, WUM_VISIBLE }
 Enumerated type used for specifying Window::update mode to be used. Note that the setting specified will also have an effect on child window content; for WUM_NEVER and WUM_VISIBLE, if the parent's update function is not called, then no child window will have it's update function called either - even if it specifies WUM_ALWAYS as it's WindowUpdateMode. More...


Rect< UDimoperator* (const Rect< UDim > &v, const float c)
void getGLErrors (const char *location)
 Query OpenGL errors and process them in CEGUI.
USize operator* (const USize &i, float x)
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator== (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Return true if String str1 is equal to String str2.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator== (const String &str, const std::string &std_str)
 Return true if String str is equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator== (const std::string &std_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator== (const String &str, const utf8 *utf8_str)
 Return true if String str is equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator== (const utf8 *utf8_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator!= (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Return true if String str1 is not equal to String str2.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator!= (const String &str, const std::string &std_str)
 Return true if String str is not equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator!= (const std::string &std_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is not equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator!= (const String &str, const utf8 *utf8_str)
 Return true if String str is not equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator!= (const utf8 *utf8_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is not equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator< (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Return true if String str1 is lexicographically less than String str2.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator< (const String &str, const std::string &std_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator< (const std::string &std_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator< (const String &str, const utf8 *utf8_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator< (const utf8 *utf8_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator> (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Return true if String str1 is lexicographically greater than String str2.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator> (const String &str, const std::string &std_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator> (const std::string &std_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator> (const String &str, const utf8 *utf8_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator> (const utf8 *utf8_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator<= (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Return true if String str1 is lexicographically less than or equal to String str2.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator<= (const String &str, const std::string &std_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than or equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator<= (const std::string &std_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than or equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator<= (const String &str, const utf8 *utf8_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than or equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator<= (const utf8 *utf8_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than or equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator>= (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Return true if String str1 is lexicographically greater than or equal to String str2.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator>= (const String &str, const std::string &std_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than or equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator>= (const std::string &std_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than or equal to std::string std_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator>= (const String &str, const utf8 *utf8_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than or equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator>= (const utf8 *utf8_str, const String &str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than or equal to null-terminated utf8 data utf8_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator== (const String &str, const char *c_str)
 Return true if String str is equal to c-string c_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator== (const char *c_str, const String &str)
 Return true if c-string c_str is equal to String str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator!= (const String &str, const char *c_str)
 Return true if String str is not equal to c-string c_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator!= (const char *c_str, const String &str)
 Return true if c-string c_str is not equal to String str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator< (const String &str, const char *c_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than c-string c_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator< (const char *c_str, const String &str)
 Return true if c-string c_str is lexicographically less than String str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator> (const String &str, const char *c_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than c-string c_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator> (const char *c_str, const String &str)
 Return true if c-string c_str is lexicographically greater than String str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator<= (const String &str, const char *c_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically less than or equal to c-string c_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator<= (const char *c_str, const String &str)
 Return true if c-string c_str is lexicographically less than or equal to String str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator>= (const String &str, const char *c_str)
 Return true if String str is lexicographically greater than or equal to c-string c_str.
bool CEGUIEXPORT operator>= (const char *c_str, const String &str)
 Return true if c-string c_str is lexicographically greater than or equal to String str.
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const String &str1, const String &str2)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const String &str, const std::string &std_str)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const std::string &std_str, const String &str)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const String &str, const utf8 *utf8_str)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const utf8 *utf8_str, const String &str)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const String &str, utf32 code_point)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (utf32 code_point, const String &str)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const String &str, const char *c_str)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
String CEGUIEXPORT operator+ (const char *c_str, const String &str)
 Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs. More...
CEGUIEXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const String &str)
void CEGUIEXPORT swap (String &str1, String &str2)
 Swap the contents for two String objects. More...
template<typename T >
TypeSensitiveZero ()
 allows you to get UDim(0, 0) if you pass UDim or just 0 if you pass anything else More...
UDim TypeSensitiveZero< UDim > ()
template<typename T >
TypeSensitiveOne ()
 allows you to get UDim::relative() if you pass UDim or just 1 if you pass anything else More...
UDim TypeSensitiveOne< UDim > ()
Vector2< UDimoperator* (const Vector2< UDim > &v, const float c)
bool lbi_less (const ListboxItem *a, const ListboxItem *b)
 Helper function used in sorting to compare two list box item text strings via the ListboxItem pointers and return if a is less than b.
bool lbi_greater (const ListboxItem *a, const ListboxItem *b)
 Helper function used in sorting to compare two list box item text strings via the ListboxItem pointers and return if a is greater than b.
bool lbi_less (const TreeItem *a, const TreeItem *b)
 Helper function used in sorting to compare two tree item text strings via the TreeItem pointers and return if a is less than b.
bool lbi_greater (const TreeItem *a, const TreeItem *b)
 Helper function used in sorting to compare two tree item text strings via the TreeItem pointers and return if a is greater than b.


static const float DefaultNativeHorzRes = 640.0f
 Default native horizontal resolution (for fonts and imagesets)
static const float DefaultNativeVertRes = 480.0f
 Default native vertical resolution (for fonts and imagesets)
const String S_parentIdentifier
const char StandardShaderFrag_Opengl3 []
const char StandardShaderFrag_OpenglEs2 []
const char StandardShaderFrag_OpenglEs3 []
const char StandardShaderVert_Opengl3 []
const char StandardShaderVert_OpenglEs2 []
const char StandardShaderVert_OpenglEs3 []

Detailed Description

Main namespace for Crazy Eddie's GUI Library.

The CEGUI namespace contains all the classes and other items that comprise the core of Crazy Eddie's GUI system.

Enumeration Type Documentation

How aspect ratio should be maintained.


Ignores the target aspect (default)


Satisfies the aspect ratio by shrinking the size as little as possible to fit inside it


Satisfies the aspect ratio by expanding the widget as little as possible outside it


No auto scaling takes place.


Objects are auto scaled depending on their original height and current resolution height. Horizontal scaling is computed to keep aspect ratio.


Objects are auto scaled depending on their original width and current resolution width. Horizontal scaling is computed to keep aspect ratio.


Objects are auto scaled by the smaller scaling factor of the two.


Objects are auto scaled by the larger scaling factor of the two.


Objects are auto scaled depending on their original size and current resolution. Both dimensions are scaled accordingly.

This was the only auto scaling behavior available in 0.7 and it might break aspect ratios!

Enumerated type that contains the valid options that specify the type of blending that is to be performed for subsequent rendering operations.


Invalid mode indicator.


Use normal blending mode.


Use blending mode suitable for textures with premultiplied colours.

Enumeration of actions a WidgetLook can take in response to some event firing on a child WidgetComponent.


The window with the WidgetComponent as child is redrawn.


The window with the WidgetComponent as child performs child layout.

Enum defining the ColourPicker Slider mode.

This enum is deprecated and has been marked for removal.

Enumeration of values representing mathematical operations on dimensions.


Do nothing operator.


Dims should be added.


Dims should be subtracted.


Dims should be multiplied.


Dims should be divided.

Enumeration of possible values to indicate what a given dimension represents.


Dimension represents the left edge of some entity (same as DT_X_POSITION).


Dimension represents the x position of some entity (same as DT_LEFT_EDGE).


Dimension represents the top edge of some entity (same as DT_Y_POSITION).


Dimension represents the y position of some entity (same as DT_TOP_EDGE).


Dimension represents the right edge of some entity.


Dimension represents the bottom edge of some entity.


Dimension represents the width of some entity.


Dimension represents the height of some entity.


Dimension represents the x offset of some entity (usually only applies to an Image entity).


Dimension represents the y offset of some entity (usually only applies to an Image entity).


Invalid / uninitialised DimensionType.

Enumeration of possible values to indicate a particular font metric.


Vertical line spacing value for font.


Vertical baseline value for font.


Horizontal extent of a string.

Enumeration of values referencing available images forming a frame component.


References image used for the background.


References image used for the top-left corner.


References image used for the top-right corner.


References image used for the bottom-left corner.


References image used for the bottom-right corner.


References image used for the left edge.


References image used for the right edge.


References image used for the top edge.


References image used for the bottom edge.


Max number of images for a frame.

Enumerated type used when specifying horizontal alignments for Element.

See also

Element's position specifies an offset of it's left edge from the left edge of it's parent.


Element's position specifies an offset of it's horizontal centre from the horizontal centre of it's parent.


Element's position specifies an offset of it's right edge from the right edge of it's parent.

Enumeration of possible values to indicate the horizontal formatting to be used for an image component.


Left of Image should be aligned with the left of the destination area.


Image should be horizontally centred within the destination area.


Right of Image should be aligned with the right of the destination area.


Image should be stretched horizontally to fill the destination area.


Image should be tiled horizontally to fill the destination area (right-most tile may be clipped).

Enumeration of possible values to indicate the horizontal formatting to be used for a text component.


Left of text should be aligned with the left of the destination area (single line of text only).


Right of text should be aligned with the right of the destination area (single line of text only).


text should be horizontally centred within the destination area (single line of text only).


text should be spaced so that it takes the full width of the destination area (single line of text only).


Left of text should be aligned with the left of the destination area (word wrapped to multiple lines as needed).


Right of text should be aligned with the right of the destination area (word wrapped to multiple lines as needed).


text should be horizontally centred within the destination area (word wrapped to multiple lines as needed).


text should be spaced so that it takes the full width of the destination area (word wrapped to multiple lines as needed).

Enumeration of logging levels.


Only actual error conditions will be logged.


Warnings will be logged as well.


Basic events will be logged (default level).


Useful tracing (object creations etc) information will be logged.


Mostly everything gets logged (use for heavy tracing only, log WILL be big).

Enumeration of mouse buttons.


The left mouse button.


The right mouse button.


The middle mouse button.


The first 'extra' mouse button.


The second 'extra' mouse button.


Value that equals the number of mouse buttons supported by CEGUI.


Value set for no mouse button. NB: This is not 0, do not assume!

Enumerated type that contains the valid diagonal-mode that specify how a quad is split into triangles when rendered with by a 3D API.


Diagonal split goes from top-left to bottom-right.


Diagonal split goes from bottom-left to top-right.

Enumerated type for valid render queue IDs.


Queue for rendering that appears beneath base imagery.


Queue for base level rendering by the surface owner.


Queue for first level of 'content' rendering.


Queue for second level of 'content' rendering.


Queue for overlay rendering that appears above other regular rendering.

System key flag values.


The left mouse button.


The right mouse button.


Either shift key.


Either control key.


The middle mouse button.


The first 'extra' mouse button.


The second 'extra' mouse button.


Either alt key.

Enumerated type used when specifying vertical alignments for Element.

See also

Element's position specifies an offset of it's top edge from the top edge of it's parent.


Element's position specifies an offset of it's vertical centre from the vertical centre of it's parent.


Element's position specifies an offset of it's bottom edge from the bottom edge of it's parent.

Enumeration of possible values to indicate the vertical formatting to be used for an image component.


Top of Image should be aligned with the top of the destination area.


Image should be vertically centred within the destination area.


Bottom of Image should be aligned with the bottom of the destination area.


Image should be stretched vertically to fill the destination area.


Image should be tiled vertically to fill the destination area (bottom-most tile may be clipped).

Enumeration of possible values to indicate the vertical formatting to be used for a text component.


Top of text should be aligned with the top of the destination area.


text should be vertically centred within the destination area.


Bottom of text should be aligned with the bottom of the destination area.

Enumerated type used for specifying Window::update mode to be used. Note that the setting specified will also have an effect on child window content; for WUM_NEVER and WUM_VISIBLE, if the parent's update function is not called, then no child window will have it's update function called either - even if it specifies WUM_ALWAYS as it's WindowUpdateMode.


Always call the Window::update function for this window.


Never call the Window::update function for this window.


Only call the Window::update function for this window if it is visible.

Possible actions when loading an XML resource that already exists.


Do not load the resource, return the existing instance.


Destroy the existing instance and replace with the newly loaded one.


Throw an AlreadyExistsException.

Function Documentation

String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const String str1,
const String str2 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

str1String object describing first part of the new string
str2String object describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of str1 and str2
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const String str,
const std::string &  std_str 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

strString object describing first part of the new string
std_strstd::string object describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of str and std_str
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const std::string &  std_str,
const String str 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

std_strstd::string object describing the first part of the new string
strString object describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of std_str and str
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const String str,
const utf8 *  utf8_str 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

strString object describing first part of the new string
utf8_strBuffer containing null-terminated utf8 encoded data describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of str and utf8_str
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const utf8 *  utf8_str,
const String str 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

utf8_strBuffer containing null-terminated utf8 encoded data describing the first part of the new string
strString object describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of str and utf8_str
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const String str,
utf32  code_point 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

strString object describing the first part of the new string
code_pointutf32 code point describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of str and code_point
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( utf32  code_point,
const String str 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

code_pointutf32 code point describing the first part of the new string
strString object describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of code_point and str
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const String str,
const char *  c_str 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

strString object describing first part of the new string
c_strc-string describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of str and c_str
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
String CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::operator+ ( const char *  c_str,
const String str 

Return String object that is the concatenation of the given inputs.

c_strc-string describing the first part of the new string
strString object describing the second part of the new string
A String object that is the concatenation of c_str and str
std::length_errorThrown if the resulting String would be too large.
void CEGUIEXPORT CEGUI::swap ( String str1,
String str2 

Swap the contents for two String objects.

str1String object who's contents are to be swapped with str2
str2String object who's contents are to be swapped with str1
template<typename T >
T CEGUI::TypeSensitiveOne ( )

allows you to get UDim::relative() if you pass UDim or just 1 if you pass anything else

Is this the right place where to put this?
template<typename T >
T CEGUI::TypeSensitiveZero ( )

allows you to get UDim(0, 0) if you pass UDim or just 0 if you pass anything else

Is this the right place where to put this?

Variable Documentation

const String CEGUI::S_parentIdentifier
This will be removed in the next version as it has been replaced by Falagard_xmlHandler::ParentIdentifier
const char CEGUI::StandardShaderFrag_Opengl3[]
Initial value:
"#version 150 core\n"
"uniform sampler2D texture0;\n"
"in vec2 exTexCoord;\n"
"in vec4 exColour;\n"
"out vec4 out0;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
"out0 = texture(texture0, exTexCoord) * exColour;\n"
const char CEGUI::StandardShaderFrag_OpenglEs2[]
Initial value:
"#version 100\n"
"uniform sampler2D texture0;\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"varying vec2 exTexCoord;\n"
"varying vec4 exColour;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
"gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture0, exTexCoord) * exColour;\n"
const char CEGUI::StandardShaderFrag_OpenglEs3[]
Initial value:
"#version 300 es\n"
"uniform sampler2D texture0;\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"in vec2 exTexCoord;\n"
"in vec4 exColour;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out vec4 out0;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
"out0 = texture(texture0, exTexCoord) * exColour;\n"
const char CEGUI::StandardShaderVert_Opengl3[]
Initial value:
"#version 150 core\n"
"uniform mat4 modelViewPerspMatrix;\n"
"in vec3 inPosition;\n"
"in vec2 inTexCoord;\n"
"in vec4 inColour;\n"
"out vec2 exTexCoord;\n"
"out vec4 exColour;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
"exTexCoord = inTexCoord;\n"
"exColour = inColour;\n"
"gl_Position = modelViewPerspMatrix * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);\n"
const char CEGUI::StandardShaderVert_OpenglEs2[]
Initial value:
"#version 100\n"
"uniform mat4 modelViewPerspMatrix;\n"
"attribute vec3 inPosition;\n"
"attribute vec2 inTexCoord;\n"
"attribute vec4 inColour;\n"
"varying vec2 exTexCoord;\n"
"varying vec4 exColour;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
"exTexCoord = inTexCoord;\n"
"exColour = inColour;\n"
"gl_Position = modelViewPerspMatrix * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);\n"
const char CEGUI::StandardShaderVert_OpenglEs3[]
Initial value:
"#version 300 es\n"
"uniform mat4 modelViewPerspMatrix;\n"
"in vec3 inPosition;\n"
"in vec2 inTexCoord;\n"
"in vec4 inColour;\n"
"out vec2 exTexCoord;\n"
"out vec4 exColour;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
"exTexCoord = inTexCoord;\n"
"exColour = inColour;\n"
"gl_Position = modelViewPerspMatrix * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);\n"