Crazy Eddie's GUI System  0.8.6
CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel Class Reference

Class that encapsulates Look N' Feel information for a widget. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel:

Public Types

typedef std::set< String, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_SET_ALLOC(String)> StringSet
typedef std::map< String, StateImagery *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, StateImagery *)> StateImageryPointerMap
 Map of Strings to StateImagery pointers. More...
typedef std::map< String, ImagerySection *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, ImagerySection *)> ImagerySectionPointerMap
 Map of Strings to ImagerySection pointers.
typedef std::map< String, NamedArea *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, NamedArea *)> NamedAreaPointerMap
 Map of Strings to NamedArea pointers.
typedef std::map< String, WidgetComponent *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, WidgetComponent *)> WidgetComponentPointerMap
 Map of Strings to WidgetComponent pointers.
typedef std::map< String, AnimationInstance *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, AnimationInstance *)> AnimationInstancePointerMap
 Map of Strings to AnimationInstance pointers.
typedef std::map< String, EventLinkDefinition *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, EventLinkDefinition *)> EventLinkDefinitionPointerMap
 Map of Strings to EventLinkDefinition pointers.
typedef std::map< String, PropertyInitialiser *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, PropertyInitialiser *)> PropertyInitialiserPointerMap
 Map of Strings to PropertyInitialiser pointers. More...
typedef std::map< String, PropertyDefinitionBase *, StringFastLessCompare CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, PropertyDefinitionBase *)> PropertyDefinitionBasePointerMap
 Map of Strings to PropertyDefinitionBase pointers.
typedef std::vector< PropertyInitialiser CEGUI_VECTOR_ALLOC(PropertyInitialiser)> PropertyList
typedef std::vector< PropertyDefinitionBase *CEGUI_VECTOR_ALLOC(PropertyDefinitionBase *)> PropertyDefinitionList
typedef std::vector< PropertyDefinitionBase *CEGUI_VECTOR_ALLOC(PropertyDefinitionBase *)> PropertyLinkDefinitionList
typedef ConstMapIterator< StateList > StateIterator
typedef ConstMapIterator< ImageryList > ImageryIterator
typedef ConstMapIterator< NamedAreaList > NamedAreaIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< WidgetComponentCollatorWidgetComponentIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< PropertyDefinitionCollatorPropertyDefinitionIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< PropertyLinkDefinitionCollatorPropertyLinkDefinitionIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< PropertyInitialiserCollatorPropertyInitialiserIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< EventLinkDefinitionCollatorEventLinkDefinitionIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< AnimationNameSet > AnimationNameIterator

Public Member Functions

 WidgetLookFeel (const String &name, const String &inherits)
 WidgetLookFeel (const WidgetLookFeel &other)
WidgetLookFeeloperator= (const WidgetLookFeel &other)
const StateImagerygetStateImagery (const CEGUI::String &state) const
 Return a const reference to the StateImagery object for the specified state. More...
const ImagerySectiongetImagerySection (const CEGUI::String &section) const
 Return a const reference to the ImagerySection object with the specified name. More...
const StringgetName () const
 Return the name of the widget look. More...
void addImagerySection (const ImagerySection &section)
 Add an ImagerySection to the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void renameImagerySection (const String &oldName, const String &newName)
void addWidgetComponent (const WidgetComponent &widget)
 Add a WidgetComponent to the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void addStateSpecification (const StateImagery &state)
 Add a state specification (StateImagery object) to the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void addPropertyInitialiser (const PropertyInitialiser &initialiser)
 Add a property initialiser to the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void clearImagerySections ()
 Clear all ImagerySections from the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void clearWidgetComponents ()
 Clear all WidgetComponents from the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void clearStateSpecifications ()
 Clear all StateImagery objects from the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void clearPropertyInitialisers ()
 Clear all PropertyInitialiser objects from the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void initialiseWidget (Window &widget) const
 Initialise the given window using PropertyInitialsers and component widgets specified for this WidgetLookFeel. More...
void cleanUpWidget (Window &widget) const
 Clean up the given window from all properties and component widgets created by this WidgetLookFeel. More...
bool isStateImageryPresent (const String &state) const
 Return whether imagery is defined for the given state. More...
void addNamedArea (const NamedArea &area)
 Adds a named area to the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void clearNamedAreas ()
 Clear all defined named areas from the WidgetLookFeel. More...
const NamedAreagetNamedArea (const String &name) const
 Return the NamedArea with the specified name. More...
void renameNamedArea (const String &oldName, const String &newName)
bool isNamedAreaDefined (const String &name) const
 return whether a NamedArea object with the specified name exists for this WidgetLookFeel. More...
void layoutChildWidgets (const Window &owner) const
 Layout the child widgets defined for this WidgetLookFeel which are attached to the given window. More...
void addPropertyDefinition (PropertyDefinitionBase *propdef)
 Adds a property definition to the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void addPropertyLinkDefinition (PropertyDefinitionBase *propdef)
 Adds a property link definition to the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void clearPropertyDefinitions ()
 Clear all defined property definitions from the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void clearPropertyLinkDefinitions ()
 Clear all defined property link definitions from the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void addAnimationName (const String &anim_name)
 Add the name of an animation that is associated with the WidgetLookFeel. More...
void addEventLinkDefinition (const EventLinkDefinition &evtdef)
 adds an event link definition to the WidgetLookFeel.
void clearEventLinkDefinitions ()
 clear all defined event link definitions from the WidgetLookFeel.
void writeXMLToStream (XMLSerializer &xml_stream) const
 Writes an xml representation of this WidgetLookFeel to out_stream. More...
const PropertyInitialiserfindPropertyInitialiser (const String &propertyName) const
 Takes the name of a property and returns a pointer to the last PropertyInitialiser for this property or 0 if the is no PropertyInitialiser for this property in the WidgetLookFeel. More...
const WidgetComponentfindWidgetComponent (const String &name) const
 Takes the name for a WidgetComponent and returns a pointer to it if it exists or a null pointer if it doesn't. More...
WidgetComponentretrieveWidgetComponentFromList (const String &name, bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Takes the name for a WidgetComponent and returns a pointer to it if it exists or null pointer if it doesn't. More...
PropertyInitialiserretrievePropertyInitialiserFromList (const String &name, bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Takes the name for a Property (PropertyInitialiser) and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't. More...
PropertyDefinitionBaseretrievePropertyDefinitionFromList (const String &name, bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Takes the name for a PropertyDefinition and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't. More...
PropertyDefinitionBaseretrievePropertyLinkDefinitionFromList (const String &name, bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Takes the name for a PropertyLinkDefinition and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't. More...
EventLinkDefinitionretrieveEventLinkDefinitionFromList (const String &name, bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Takes the name for a EventLinkDefinition and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't. More...
const PropertyDefinitionListgetPropertyDefinitions () const
const PropertyLinkDefinitionListgetPropertyLinkDefinitions () const
const PropertyListgetProperties () const
bool handleFontRenderSizeChange (Window &window, const Font *font) const
 perform any processing required due to the given font having changed.
StateImageryPointerMap getStateImageryMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all StateImagery elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of StateImageries of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
ImagerySectionPointerMap getImagerySectionMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all ImagerySection elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of ImagerySections of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
NamedAreaPointerMap getNamedAreaMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all NamedArea elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of NamedAreas of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
WidgetComponentPointerMap getWidgetComponentMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all WidgetComponent elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of WidgetComponents of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
PropertyInitialiserPointerMap getPropertyInitialiserMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all PropertyInitialiser elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of PropertyInitialisers of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
PropertyDefinitionBasePointerMap getPropertyDefinitionMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all PropertyDefinition elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of PropertyDefinitions of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
PropertyDefinitionBasePointerMap getPropertyLinkDefinitionMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all PropertyLinkDefinition elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of PropertyLinkDefinitions of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
EventLinkDefinitionPointerMap getEventLinkDefinitionMap (bool includeInheritedElements=false)
 Returns a map of names to pointers for all EventLinkDefinition elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of EventLinkDefinitions of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers. More...
const CEGUI::StringgetInheritedWidgetLookName () const
 Returns a String containing the name of the inherited WidgetLookFeel. More...
StringSet getStateImageryNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getStateNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getImagerySectionNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getImageryNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getNamedAreaNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getWidgetComponentNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getWidgetNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getPropertyInitialiserNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getPropertyDefinitionNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getPropertyLinkDefinitionNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getEventLinkDefinitionNames (bool inherits=false) const
StringSet getAnimationNames (bool inherits=false) const
StateIterator getStateIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the StateImageries of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
ImageryIterator getImageryIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the ImagerySections of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
NamedAreaIterator getNamedAreaIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the NamedAreas of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
WidgetComponentIterator getWidgetComponentIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the WidgetComponents of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
PropertyDefinitionIterator getPropertyDefinitionIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the PropertyDefinitions of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
PropertyLinkDefinitionIterator getPropertyLinkDefinitionIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the PropertyLinkDefinitions of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
PropertyInitialiserIterator getPropertyInitialiserIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the PropertyInitialisers of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
EventLinkDefinitionIterator getEventLinkDefinitionIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the EventLinkDefinitions of this WidgetLookFeel. More...
AnimationNameIterator getAnimationNameIterator (bool inherits=false) const
 Returns an iterator for the AnimationNames of this WidgetLookFeel. More...

Detailed Description

Class that encapsulates Look N' Feel information for a widget.

Member Typedef Documentation

This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getAnimationNames function instead to access the container.
This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getEventLinkDefinitionMap function instead to access the container.
This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getImagerySectionMap function instead to access the container.
This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getNamedAreaMap function instead to access the container.
This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getPropertyDefinitionMap function instead to access the container.
This type is deprecated because it will be moved into the private section and changed into a map in the next version.
This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getPropertyInitialiserMap function instead to access the container.

Map of Strings to PropertyInitialiser pointers.

Typedefs for maps of property related elements this WidgetLookFeel owns.

This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getPropertyLinkDefinitionMap function instead to access the container.
This type is deprecated because it will be moved into the private section and changed into a map in the next version.

Typedefs for property related lists.

This type is deprecated because it will be moved into the private section and changed into a map in the next version.

Map of Strings to StateImagery pointers.

Typedefs for maps of Falagard elements this WidgetLookFeel owns.

This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getStateImageryMap function instead to access the container.
This typedef is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getWidgetComponentMap function instead to access the container.

Member Function Documentation

void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addAnimationName ( const String anim_name)

Add the name of an animation that is associated with the WidgetLookFeel.

anim_nameReference to a String object that contains the name of the animation to be associated with this WidgetLookFeel.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addImagerySection ( const ImagerySection section)

Add an ImagerySection to the WidgetLookFeel.

sectionImagerySection object to be added.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addNamedArea ( const NamedArea area)

Adds a named area to the WidgetLookFeel.

areaNamedArea to be added.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addPropertyDefinition ( PropertyDefinitionBase propdef)

Adds a property definition to the WidgetLookFeel.

propdefPropertyDefinition object to be added.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addPropertyInitialiser ( const PropertyInitialiser initialiser)

Add a property initialiser to the WidgetLookFeel.

initialiserPropertyInitialiser object to be added.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addPropertyLinkDefinition ( PropertyDefinitionBase propdef)

Adds a property link definition to the WidgetLookFeel.

propdefPropertyLinkDefinition object to be added.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addStateSpecification ( const StateImagery state)

Add a state specification (StateImagery object) to the WidgetLookFeel.

sectionStateImagery object to be added.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::addWidgetComponent ( const WidgetComponent widget)

Add a WidgetComponent to the WidgetLookFeel.

widgetWidgetComponent object to be added.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::cleanUpWidget ( Window widget) const

Clean up the given window from all properties and component widgets created by this WidgetLookFeel.

widgetWindow based object to be cleaned up.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::clearImagerySections ( )

Clear all ImagerySections from the WidgetLookFeel.

void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::clearNamedAreas ( )

Clear all defined named areas from the WidgetLookFeel.

void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::clearPropertyDefinitions ( )

Clear all defined property definitions from the WidgetLookFeel.

void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::clearPropertyInitialisers ( )

Clear all PropertyInitialiser objects from the WidgetLookFeel.

void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::clearPropertyLinkDefinitions ( )

Clear all defined property link definitions from the WidgetLookFeel.

void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::clearStateSpecifications ( )

Clear all StateImagery objects from the WidgetLookFeel.

void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::clearWidgetComponents ( )

Clear all WidgetComponents from the WidgetLookFeel.

const PropertyInitialiser* CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::findPropertyInitialiser ( const String propertyName) const

Takes the name of a property and returns a pointer to the last PropertyInitialiser for this property or 0 if the is no PropertyInitialiser for this property in the WidgetLookFeel.

propertyNameThe name of the property to look for.
const WidgetComponent* CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::findWidgetComponent ( const String name) const

Takes the name for a WidgetComponent and returns a pointer to it if it exists or a null pointer if it doesn't.

nameThe name of the Child component to look for.
This function will be replaced by getWidgetComponent in the next version.
AnimationNameIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getAnimationNameIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the AnimationNames of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getAnimationNames function instead to access the container.
EventLinkDefinitionIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getEventLinkDefinitionIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the EventLinkDefinitions of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getEventLinkDefinitionMap function instead to access the container.
EventLinkDefinitionPointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getEventLinkDefinitionMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all EventLinkDefinition elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of EventLinkDefinitions of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to EventLinkDefinition pointers.
ImageryIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getImageryIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the ImagerySections of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getImagerySectionMap function instead to access the container.
StringSet CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getImageryNames ( bool  inherits = false) const
This function has been renamed to getImagerySectionNames to conform the general way of naming functions, and will be replaced in the next version
const ImagerySection& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getImagerySection ( const CEGUI::String section) const

Return a const reference to the ImagerySection object with the specified name.

ImagerySection object with the specified name.
ImagerySectionPointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getImagerySectionMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all ImagerySection elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of ImagerySections of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to ImagerySection pointers.
const CEGUI::String& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getInheritedWidgetLookName ( ) const

Returns a String containing the name of the inherited WidgetLookFeel.

A String containing the name of the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
const String& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getName ( ) const

Return the name of the widget look.

String object holding the name of the WidgetLookFeel.
const NamedArea& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getNamedArea ( const String name) const

Return the NamedArea with the specified name.

nameString object holding the name of the NamedArea to be returned.
The requested NamedArea object.
NamedAreaIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getNamedAreaIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the NamedAreas of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getNamedAreaMap function instead to access the container.
NamedAreaPointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getNamedAreaMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all NamedArea elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of NamedAreas of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to NamedArea pointers.
const PropertyList& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getProperties ( ) const

Obtains list of properties. public

CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::PropertyList List of properties
This function is deprecated because the return type is to be replaced by a map, a bool parameter for WLF-inheritance added. The function will be replaced by getPropertyMap in the next version.
PropertyDefinitionIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyDefinitionIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the PropertyDefinitions of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getPropertyDefinitionMap function instead to access the container.
PropertyDefinitionBasePointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyDefinitionMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all PropertyDefinition elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of PropertyDefinitions of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to PropertyDefinition pointers.
const PropertyDefinitionList& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyDefinitions ( ) const

Obtains list of properties definitions. public

CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::PropertyDefinitionList List of properties definitions
This function is deprecated because the return type is to be replaced by a map, a bool parameter for WLF-inheritance added. The function will be replaced by getPropertyDefinitionMap in the next version.
PropertyInitialiserIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyInitialiserIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the PropertyInitialisers of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getPropertyInitialiserMap function instead to access the container.
PropertyInitialiserPointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyInitialiserMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all PropertyInitialiser elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of PropertyInitialisers of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to PropertyInitialiser pointers.
PropertyLinkDefinitionIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyLinkDefinitionIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the PropertyLinkDefinitions of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getPropertyLinkDefinitionMap function instead to access the container.
PropertyDefinitionBasePointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyLinkDefinitionMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all PropertyLinkDefinition elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of PropertyLinkDefinitions of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to PropertyLinkDefinition pointers.
const PropertyLinkDefinitionList& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getPropertyLinkDefinitions ( ) const

Obtains list of properties link definitions. public

CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::PropertyLinkDefinitionList List of properties link definitions
This function is deprecated because the return type is to be replaced by a map, a bool parameter for WLF-inheritance added. The function will be replaced by getPropertyLinkDefinitionMap in the next version.
const StateImagery& CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getStateImagery ( const CEGUI::String state) const

Return a const reference to the StateImagery object for the specified state.

StateImagery object for the requested state.
StateImageryPointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getStateImageryMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all StateImagery elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of StateImageries of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to StateImagery pointers.
StateIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getStateIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the StateImageries of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getStateImageryMap function instead to access the container.
StringSet CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getStateNames ( bool  inherits = false) const
This function has been renamed to getStateImageryNames to conform the general way of naming functions, and will be replaced in the next version
WidgetComponentIterator CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getWidgetComponentIterator ( bool  inherits = false) const

Returns an iterator for the WidgetComponents of this WidgetLookFeel.

This function is deprecated because all iterator getter functions will be removed. Please use the getWidgetComponentMap function instead to access the container.
WidgetComponentPointerMap CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getWidgetComponentMap ( bool  includeInheritedElements = false)

Returns a map of names to pointers for all WidgetComponent elements this WidgetLookFeel owns. If the list of WidgetComponents of this or an inherited WidgetLookFeel is modified in any way (by clearing it, adding or removing elements), then the pointers in this map are not valid anymore. The function should then be called again to retrieve valid pointers.

includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A map of names to WidgetComponent pointers.
StringSet CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::getWidgetNames ( bool  inherits = false) const
This function has been renamed to getWidgetComponentNames to conform the general way of naming functions, and will be replaced in the next version
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::initialiseWidget ( Window widget) const

Initialise the given window using PropertyInitialsers and component widgets specified for this WidgetLookFeel.

widgetWindow based object to be initialised.
bool CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::isNamedAreaDefined ( const String name) const

return whether a NamedArea object with the specified name exists for this WidgetLookFeel.

nameString holding the name of the NamedArea to check for.
  • true if a named area with the requested name is defined for this WidgetLookFeel.
  • false if no such named area is defined for this WidgetLookFeel.
This function is deprecated because it does not consider WidgetLook inheritance. It will be changed to isNamedAreaPresent() in the next major version.
bool CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::isStateImageryPresent ( const String state) const

Return whether imagery is defined for the given state.

stateString object containing name of state to look for.
  • true if imagery exists for the specified state,
  • false if no imagery exists for the specified state.
This function is deprecated because it does not consider WidgetLook inheritance. It will be replaced by a new isStateImageryPresent function in the next major version.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::layoutChildWidgets ( const Window owner) const

Layout the child widgets defined for this WidgetLookFeel which are attached to the given window.

ownerWindow object that has the child widgets that require laying out.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::renameImagerySection ( const String oldName,
const String newName 
This function is to be replaced by a new renameImagerySection function in the new version, which considers inheritance and accepts more appropriate parameters.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::renameNamedArea ( const String oldName,
const String newName 
This function is to be replaced by a new renameNamedArea function in the new version, which considers inheritance and accepts more appropriate parameters.
EventLinkDefinition* CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::retrieveEventLinkDefinitionFromList ( const String name,
bool  includeInheritedElements = false 

Takes the name for a EventLinkDefinition and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't.

nameThe name of the EventLinkDefinition to look for.
includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A pointer to the EventLinkDefinition.
This function will be replaced by getEventLinkDefinition in the next version.
PropertyDefinitionBase* CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::retrievePropertyDefinitionFromList ( const String name,
bool  includeInheritedElements = false 

Takes the name for a PropertyDefinition and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't.

nameThe name of the PropertyDefinition (PropertyDefinitionBase) to look for.
includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A pointer to the PropertyDefinition (PropertyDefinitionBase).
This function will be replaced by getPropertyDefinition in the next version.
PropertyInitialiser* CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::retrievePropertyInitialiserFromList ( const String name,
bool  includeInheritedElements = false 

Takes the name for a Property (PropertyInitialiser) and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't.

nameThe name of the Property (PropertyInitialiser) to look for.
includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A pointer to the Property (PropertyInitialiser).
This function will be replaced by getPropertyInitialiser in the next version.
PropertyDefinitionBase* CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::retrievePropertyLinkDefinitionFromList ( const String name,
bool  includeInheritedElements = false 

Takes the name for a PropertyLinkDefinition and returns a pointer to it if it exists or 0 if it doesn't.

nameThe name of the PropertyLinkDefinition (PropertyDefinitionBase) to look for.
includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A pointer to the PropertyLinkDefinition (PropertyDefinitionBase).
This function will be replaced by getPropertyLinkDefinition in the next version.
WidgetComponent* CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::retrieveWidgetComponentFromList ( const String name,
bool  includeInheritedElements = false 

Takes the name for a WidgetComponent and returns a pointer to it if it exists or null pointer if it doesn't.

nameThe name of the WidgetComponent to look for.
includeInheritedElementsIf set to true, this function will try to also include elements from the inherited WidgetLookFeel.
A pointer to the WidgetComponent.
This function will be replaced by getWidgetComponent in the next version.
void CEGUI::WidgetLookFeel::writeXMLToStream ( XMLSerializer xml_stream) const

Writes an xml representation of this WidgetLookFeel to out_stream.

xml_streamStream where xml data should be output.