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CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer Class Reference

Renderer implementation using Direct3D 10. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer:
+ Collaboration diagram for CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer:

Public Member Functions

IDevice11getDirect3DDevice ()
void bindTechniquePass (const BlendMode mode)
 low-level function that binds the technique pass ready for use
void setCurrentTextureShaderResource (ID3D11ShaderResourceView *srv)
 low-level function to set the texture shader resource view to be used.
void setProjectionMatrix (D3DXMATRIX &matrix)
 low-level function to set the projection matrix to be used.
void setWorldMatrix (D3DXMATRIX &matrix)
 low-level function to set the world matrix to be used.
RenderingRootgetDefaultRenderingRoot ()
 Return the default rendering root for the renderer. The default rendering root is typically a RenderingRoot that targets the entire screen (or rendering window). More...
GeometryBuffercreateGeometryBuffer ()
 Create a new GeometryBuffer and return a reference to it. You should remove the GeometryBuffer from any RenderQueues and call destroyGeometryBuffer when you want to destroy the GeometryBuffer. More...
void destroyGeometryBuffer (const GeometryBuffer &buffer)
 Destroy a GeometryBuffer that was returned when calling the createGeometryBuffer function. Before destroying any GeometryBuffer you should ensure that it has been removed from any RenderQueue that was using it. More...
void destroyAllGeometryBuffers ()
 Destroy all GeometryBuffer objects created by this Renderer.
TextureTargetcreateTextureTarget ()
 Create a TextureTarget that can be used to cache imagery; this is a RenderTarget that does not lose it's content from one frame to another. More...
void destroyTextureTarget (TextureTarget *target)
 Function that cleans up TextureTarget objects created with the createTextureTarget function. More...
void destroyAllTextureTargets ()
 Destory all TextureTarget objects created by this Renderer.
TexturecreateTexture ()
 Create a 'null' Texture object. More...
TexturecreateTexture (const String &filename, const String &resourceGroup)
 Create a Texture object using the given image file. More...
TexturecreateTexture (const Size &size)
 Create a Texture object with the given pixel dimensions as specified by size. More...
void destroyTexture (Texture &texture)
 Destroy a Texture object that was previously created by calling the createTexture functions. More...
void destroyAllTextures ()
 Destroy all Texture objects created by this Renderer.
void beginRendering ()
 Perform any operations required to put the system into a state ready for rendering operations to begin.
void endRendering ()
 Perform any operations required to finalise rendering.
void setDisplaySize (const Size &sz)
 Set the size of the display or host window in pixels for this Renderer object. More...
const SizegetDisplaySize () const
 Return the size of the display or host window in pixels. More...
const Vector2getDisplayDPI () const
 Return the resolution of the display or host window in dots per inch. More...
uint getMaxTextureSize () const
 Return the pixel size of the maximum supported texture. More...
const StringgetIdentifierString () const
 Return identification string for the renderer module. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEGUI::Renderer
virtual ~Renderer ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Direct3D11RendererbootstrapSystem (ID3D11Device *device, ID3D11DeviceContext *context)
 Convenience function that creates the required objects to initialise the CEGUI system. More...
static void destroySystem ()
 Convenience function to cleanup the CEGUI system and related objects that were created by calling the bootstrapSystem function. More...
static Direct3D11Renderercreate (ID3D11Device *device, ID3D11DeviceContext *context)
 Create an Direct3D11Renderer object.
static void destroy (Direct3D11Renderer &renderer)
 Destroy an Direct3D11Renderer object. More...

Protected Types

typedef std::vector
< TextureTarget * > 
 container type used to hold TextureTargets we create.
typedef std::vector
< Direct3D11GeometryBuffer * > 
 container type used to hold GeometryBuffers we create.
typedef std::vector
< Direct3D11Texture * > 
 container type used to hold Textures we create.

Protected Member Functions

 Direct3D11Renderer (ID3D11Device *device, ID3D11DeviceContext *context)
 ~Direct3D11Renderer ()
Size getViewportSize ()
 return size of the D3D device viewport.

Protected Attributes

IDevice11 d_device
 The D3D device we're using to render with.
Size d_displaySize
 What the renderer considers to be the current display size.
Vector2 d_displayDPI
 What the renderer considers to be the current display DPI resolution.
 The default RenderTarget (used by d_defaultRoot)
 The default rendering root object.
TextureTargetList d_textureTargets
 Container used to track texture targets.
GeometryBufferList d_geometryBuffers
 Container used to track geometry buffers.
TextureList d_textures
 Container used to track textures.
ID3DX11Effect * d_effect
 Effect (shader) used when rendering.
ID3DX11EffectTechnique * d_normalTechnique
 Rendering technique that supplies BM_NORMAL type rendering.
ID3DX11EffectTechnique * d_premultipliedTechnique
 Rendering technique that supplies BM_RTT_PREMULTIPLIED type rendering.
ID3D11InputLayout * d_inputLayout
 D3D10 input layout describing the vertex format we use.
ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable * d_boundTextureVariable
 Variable to access current texture (actually shader resource view)
ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable * d_worldMatrixVariable
 Variable to access world matrix used in geometry transformation.
ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable * d_projectionMatrixVariable
 Variable to access projection matrix used in geometry transformation.

Static Protected Attributes

static String d_rendererID
 String holding the renderer identification text.

Detailed Description

Renderer implementation using Direct3D 10.

Member Function Documentation

static Direct3D11Renderer& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::bootstrapSystem ( ID3D11Device *  device,
ID3D11DeviceContext *  context 

Convenience function that creates the required objects to initialise the CEGUI system.

This will create and initialise the following objects for you:
- CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer
- CEGUI::DefaultResourceProvider
- CEGUI::System
devicePointer to the ID3D11Device interface that is to be used for CEGUI rendering operations.
contextPointer to the ID3D11DeviceContext interface that is to be used for CEGUI rendering operations.
Reference to the CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer object that was created.
GeometryBuffer& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::createGeometryBuffer ( )

Create a new GeometryBuffer and return a reference to it. You should remove the GeometryBuffer from any RenderQueues and call destroyGeometryBuffer when you want to destroy the GeometryBuffer.

GeometryBuffer object.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

Texture& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::createTexture ( )

Create a 'null' Texture object.

A newly created Texture object. The returned Texture object has no size or imagery associated with it.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

Texture& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::createTexture ( const String filename,
const String resourceGroup 

Create a Texture object using the given image file.

filenameString object that specifies the path and filename of the image file to use when creating the texture.
resourceGroupString objet that specifies the resource group identifier to be passed to the resource provider when loading the texture file filename.
A newly created Texture object. The initial content of the texture memory is the requested image file.
Due to possible limitations of the underlying hardware, API or engine, the final size of the texture may not match the size of the loaded file. You can check the ultimate sizes by querying the Texture object after creation.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

Texture& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::createTexture ( const Size size)

Create a Texture object with the given pixel dimensions as specified by size.

sizeSize object that describes the desired texture size.
A newly created Texture object. The initial contents of the texture memory is undefined.
Due to possible limitations of the underlying hardware, API or engine, the final size of the texture may not match the requested size. You can check the ultimate sizes by querying the Texture object after creation.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

TextureTarget* CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::createTextureTarget ( )

Create a TextureTarget that can be used to cache imagery; this is a RenderTarget that does not lose it's content from one frame to another.

If the renderer is unable to offer such a thing, 0 should be returned.
Pointer to a TextureTarget object that is suitable for caching imagery, or 0 if the renderer is unable to offer such a thing.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

static void CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::destroy ( Direct3D11Renderer renderer)

Destroy an Direct3D11Renderer object.

rendererThe Direct3D11Renderer object to be destroyed.
void CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::destroyGeometryBuffer ( const GeometryBuffer buffer)

Destroy a GeometryBuffer that was returned when calling the createGeometryBuffer function. Before destroying any GeometryBuffer you should ensure that it has been removed from any RenderQueue that was using it.

bufferThe GeometryBuffer object to be destroyed.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

static void CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::destroySystem ( )

Convenience function to cleanup the CEGUI system and related objects that were created by calling the bootstrapSystem function.

This function will destroy the following objects for you:
- CEGUI::System
- CEGUI::DefaultResourceProvider
- CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer
If you did not initialise CEGUI by calling the bootstrapSystem function, you should not call this, but rather delete any objects you created manually.
void CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::destroyTexture ( Texture texture)

Destroy a Texture object that was previously created by calling the createTexture functions.

textureTexture object to be destroyed.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

void CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::destroyTextureTarget ( TextureTarget target)

Function that cleans up TextureTarget objects created with the createTextureTarget function.

targetA pointer to a TextureTarget object that was previously returned from a call to createTextureTarget.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

RenderingRoot& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::getDefaultRenderingRoot ( )

Return the default rendering root for the renderer. The default rendering root is typically a RenderingRoot that targets the entire screen (or rendering window).

RenderingRoot object that is the default RenderingSurface provided by the Renderer.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

const Vector2& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::getDisplayDPI ( ) const

Return the resolution of the display or host window in dots per inch.

Vector2 object that describes the resolution of the display or host window in DPI.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

const Size& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::getDisplaySize ( ) const

Return the size of the display or host window in pixels.

Size object describing the pixel dimesntions of the current display or host window.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

const String& CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::getIdentifierString ( ) const

Return identification string for the renderer module.

String object holding text that identifies the Renderer in use.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

uint CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::getMaxTextureSize ( ) const

Return the pixel size of the maximum supported texture.

Size of the maximum supported texture in pixels.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.

void CEGUI::Direct3D11Renderer::setDisplaySize ( const Size size)

Set the size of the display or host window in pixels for this Renderer object.

This is intended to be called by the System as part of the notification
process when display size changes are notified to it via the
System::notifyDisplaySizeChanged function.
The Renderer implementation should not use this function other than to perform internal state updates on the Renderer and related objects.
sizeSize object describing the dimesions of the current or host window in pixels.

Implements CEGUI::Renderer.