Crazy Eddies GUI System  0.7.9
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCCEGUI::AffectorDefines an 'affector' class
oCCEGUI::WindowFactoryManager::AliasTargetStackClass used to track active alias targets for Window factory types
oCCEGUI::AnimationDefines an 'animation' class
oCCEGUI::AnimationInstanceDefines an 'animation instance' class
oCCEGUI::BaseDimAbstract interface for a generic 'dimension' class
oCCEGUI::BiDiVisualMappingAbstract class to wrap a BiDi visual mapping of a text string
oCCEGUI::BoundSlotClass that tracks a SubscriberSlot, its group, and the Event to which it was subscribed. This is effectively what gets returned from the calls to the Event::subscribe members, though BoundSlot is always wrapped in a reference counted pointer. When a BoundSlot is deleted, the connection is unsubscribed and the SubscriberSlot is deleted
oCCEGUI::colourClass representing colour values within the system
oCCEGUI::ColourRectClass that holds details of colours for the four corners of a rectangle
oCCEGUI::ComponentAreaClass that represents a target area for a widget or imagery component
oCCEGUI::ConstBaseIterator< T >Base class constant iterator used to offer iteration over various collections within the system
oCCEGUI::CoordConverterUtility class that helps in converting various types of co-ordinate between absolute screen positions and positions offset from the top-left corner of a given Window object
oCCEGUI::Direct3D10GeometryBuffer::D3DVertexInternal Vertex structure used for Direct3D based geometry
oCCEGUI::Direct3D11GeometryBuffer::D3DVertexInternal Vertex structure used for Direct3D based geometry
oCCEGUI::Direct3D9GeometryBuffer::D3DVertexInternal Vertex structure used for Direct3D based geometry
oCCEGUI::DimensionClass representing some kind of dimension
oCCEGUI::DynamicModuleClass that wraps and gives access to a dynamically linked module (.dll, .so, etc...)
oCCEGUI::EventDefines an 'event' which can be subscribed to by interested parties
oCCEGUI::EventArgsBase class used as the argument to all subscribers Event object
oCCEGUI::EventSetClass that collects together a set of Event objects
oCCEGUI::FactoryModuleClass that encapsulates access to a dynamic loadable module containing implementations of Windows, Widgets, and their factories
oCCEGUI::FalagardComponentBaseCommon base class used for renderable components within an ImagerySection
oCCEGUI::WindowFactoryManager::FalagardWindowMappingStruct used to hold mapping information required to create a falagard based window
oCCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelperUtility helper class primarily intended for use by the falagard xml parser
oCCEGUI::String::FastLessCompareFunctor that can be used as comparator in a std::map with String keys. It's faster than using the default, but the map will no longer be sorted alphabetically
oCCEGUI::FontGlyphInternal class representing a single font glyph
oCCEGUI::FormattedRenderedStringRoot of a class hierarchy that wrap RenderedString objects and render them with additional formatting
oCCEGUI::FunctorReferenceBinder< T >Class that enables the creation of a reference binding for a functor object to be used as a callback slot. Wrap your functor with this to enable the use of an object reference when subscribing to an event signal (as opposed to the functor object being copied, or using a pointer)
oCCEGUI::GeometryBufferAbstract class defining the interface for objects that buffer geometry for later rendering
oCCEGUI::OpenGLGeometryBuffer::GLVertexInternal Vertex structure used for GL based geometry
oCCEGUI::ImageClass that represents a single Image of an Imageset
oCCEGUI::ImageCodecAbstract ImageLoader class. An image loader encapsulate the loading of a texture
oCCEGUI::ImagerySectionClass that encapsulates a re-usable collection of imagery specifications
oCCEGUI::ImagesetOffers functions to define, access, and draw, a set of image components on a single graphical surface or Texture
oCCEGUI::InterpolatorDefines a 'interpolator' class
oCCEGUI::KeyStruct to give scope to scan code enumeration
oCCEGUI::KeyFrameDefines a 'key frame' class
oCCEGUI::LayerSpecificationClass that encapsulates a single layer of imagery
oCCEGUI::MultiLineEditbox::LineInfoStruct used to store information about a formatted line within the paragraph
oCCEGUI::PropertyLinkDefinition::LinkTargetInternal struct used to keep track of targets
oCCEGUI::ListboxItemBase class for list box items
oCCEGUI::MultiColumnList::ListRowStruct used internally to represent a row in the list and also to ease sorting of the rows
oCCEGUI::LuaFunctorFunctor class used for subscribing Lua functions to CEGUI events
oCCEGUI::MCLGridRefSimple grid index structure
oCCEGUI::NamedAreaNamedArea defines an area for a component which may later be obtained and referenced by a name unique to the WidgetLook holding the NamedArea
oCCEGUI::OgreGeometryBuffer::OgreVertexVertex structure used internally and also by Ogre
oCCEGUI::PropertyAn abstract class that defines the interface to access object properties by name
oCCEGUI::PropertyHelperHelper class used to convert various data types to and from the format expected in Propery strings
oCCEGUI::PropertyInitialiserClass that holds information about a property and it's required initial value
oCCEGUI::PropertyReceiverDummy base class to ensure correct casting of receivers
oCCEGUI::RawDataContainerClass used as the databuffer for loading files throughout the library
oCCEGUI::RectClass encapsulating operations on a Rectangle
oCCEGUI::RefCounted< T >Simple, generic, reference counted pointer class. This is primarily here for use by the Events system to track when to delete slot bindings
oCCEGUI::RefCounted< BoundSlot >
oCCEGUI::RefCounted< CEGUI::FormattedRenderedString >
oCCEGUI::RegexMatcherInterface for Regex matching support classes
oCCEGUI::RenderedStringClass representing a rendered string of entities
oCCEGUI::RenderedStringComponentBase class representing a part of a rendered string. The 'part' represented may be a text string, an image or some other entity
oCCEGUI::RenderedStringParserSpecifies interface for classes that parse text into RenderedString objects
oCCEGUI::RenderEffectInterface for objects that hook into RenderingWindow to affect the rendering process, thus allowing various effects to be achieved
oCCEGUI::RenderEffectFactoryInterface for factory objects that create RenderEffect instances. Currently this interface is intended for internal use only
oCCEGUI::RendererAbstract class defining the basic required interface for Renderer objects
oCCEGUI::RenderingContextStruct that holds some context relating to a RenderingSurface object
oCCEGUI::RenderQueueClass that represents a queue of GeometryBuffer objects to be rendered
oCCEGUI::RenderTargetDefines interface to some surface that can be rendered to. Concrete instances of objects that implement the RenderTarget interface are normally created via the Renderer object
oCCEGUI::ResourceProviderAbstract class that defines the required interface for all resource provider sub-classes
oCCEGUI::SchemeA class that groups a set of GUI elements and initialises the system to access those elements
oCCEGUI::ScriptFunctorFunctor class used for binding named script functions to events
oCCEGUI::ScriptModuleAbstract interface required for all scripting support modules to be used with the CEGUI system
oCCEGUI::SectionSpecificationClass that represents a simple 'link' to an ImagerySection
oCCEGUI::Singleton< T >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< AnimationManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< FontManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< ImagesetManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< Logger >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< MouseCursor >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< RenderEffectManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< SchemeManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< System >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< WidgetLookManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< WindowFactoryManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< WindowManager >
oCCEGUI::Singleton< WindowRendererManager >
oCCEGUI::SizeClass that holds the size (width & height) of something
oCCEGUI::SlotFunctorBaseDefines abstract interface which will be used when constructing various functor objects that bind slots to signals (or in CEGUI terms, handlers to events)
oCCEGUI::StateImageryClass the encapsulates imagery for a given widget state
oCCEGUI::StringString class used within the GUI system
oCCEGUI::SubscriberSlotSubscriberSlot class which is used when subscribing to events
oCCEGUI::TextureAbstract base class specifying the required interface for Texture objects
oCCEGUI::TextUtilsText utility support class. This class is all static members. You do not create instances of this class
oCCEGUI::TreeItemBase class for tree items
oCCEGUI::UBoxClass encapsulating the 'Unified Box' - this is usually used for margin
oCCEGUI::UDimClass representing a unified dimension; that is a dimension that has both a relative 'scale' portion and and absolute 'offset' portion
oCCEGUI::URectArea rectangle class built using unified dimensions (UDims)
oCCEGUI::UVector2Two dimensional vector class built using unified dimensions (UDims). The UVector2 class is used for representing both positions and sizes
oCCEGUI::Vector2Class used as a two dimensional vector (aka a Point)
oCCEGUI::Vector3Class used as a three dimensional vector
oCCEGUI::VertexStructure that is used to hold details of a single vertex in 3D space
oCCEGUI::WidgetComponentClass that encapsulates information regarding a sub-widget required for a widget
oCCEGUI::WidgetLookFeelClass that encapsulates look & feel information for a particular widget type
oCCEGUI::WindowFactoryAbstract class that defines the required interface for all WindowFactory objects
oCCEGUI::WindowRendererBase-class for the assignable WindowRenderer object
oCCEGUI::WindowRendererFactoryBase-class for WindowRendererFactory
oCCEGUI::WindowRendererModuleAbstract interface for window renderer module objects
oCCEGUI::WRFactoryRegistererBase class encapsulating a type name and common parts of WindowRenderer factory registration
oCCEGUI::XMLAttributesClass representing a block of attributes associated with an XML element
\CCEGUI::XMLSerializerClass used to create XML Document