Crazy Eddie's GUI System  0.8.6
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CCEGUI::WindowFactoryManager::AliasTargetStackClass used to track active alias targets for Window factory types
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Allocator >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Affector >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Animation >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< AnimationInstance >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< AnimationManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< BaseDim >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< BidiVisualMapping >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< BoundSlot >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Colour >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ColourRect >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ComponentArea >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Dimension >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< DynamicModule >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Element >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Event >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< EventAction >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< EventArgs >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< EventLinkDefinition >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Exception >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< FactoryModule >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< FactoryRegisterer >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< FalagardComponentBase >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Font >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< FontGlyph >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< FontManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< FormattedRenderedString >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< GeometryBuffer >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< GlobalEventSet >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< HSV_Colour >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Image >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ImageCodec >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ImageFactory >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ImageManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ImagerySection >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Interpolator >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< KeyFrame >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Lab_Colour >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< LayerSpecification >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ListboxItem >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Logger >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< MouseCursor >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< NamedArea >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< NativeClipboardProvider >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< OGLTextureTargetFactory >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< OpenGL3Shader >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< OpenGL3ShaderManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< OpenGL3StateChangeWrapper >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Property >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< PropertyInitialiser >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Quaternion >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RawDataContainer >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Rect< float > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Rect< T > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Rect< UDim > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RegexMatcher >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderedString >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderedStringComponent >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderedStringParser >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderEffect >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderEffectFactory >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderEffectManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Renderer >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderingContext >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderingSurface >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderQueue >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RenderTarget >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ResourceProvider >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< RGB_Colour >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Scheme >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< SchemeManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ScriptFunctor >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< ScriptModule >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< SectionSpecification >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< SimpleTimer >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Size< float > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Size< T > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Size< UDim > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< StateImagery >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< String >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< StringTranscoder >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< SubscriberSlot >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< System >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Texture >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< TreeItem >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< UBox >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< UDim >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Vector2< float > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Vector2< T > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Vector2< UDim > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Vector3< float > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Vector3< T > >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< Vertex >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WidgetComponent >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WidgetLookFeel >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WidgetLookManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WindowFactory >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WindowFactoryManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WindowManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WindowRenderer >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< WindowRendererManager >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< XMLAttributes >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< XMLParser >
 CCEGUI::AllocatedObject< XMLSerializer >
 CCEGUI::Direct3D10GeometryBuffer::BatchInfoType to track info for per-texture sub batches of geometry
 CCEGUI::Direct3D11GeometryBuffer::BatchInfoType to track info for per-texture sub batches of geometry
 CCEGUI::Direct3D9GeometryBuffer::BatchInfoType to track info for per-texture sub batches of geometry
 CCEGUI::DirectFBGeometryBuffer::BatchInfoType to track info for per-texture sub batches of geometry
 CCEGUI::IrrlichtGeometryBuffer::BatchInfoType to track info for per-texture sub batches of geometry
 CCEGUI::OgreGeometryBuffer::BatchInfoType to track info for per-texture sub batches of geometry
 CCEGUI::OpenGLGeometryBufferBase::BatchInfoType to track info for per-texture sub batches of geometry
 CCEGUI::Element::CachedRectfA tiny wrapper to hide some of the dirty work of rect caching
 CCEGUI::NamedDefinitionCollator< K, V >::const_iterator
 CCEGUI::ConstBaseIterator< T, V >Base class constant iterator used to offer iteration over various collections within the system
 CCEGUI::ConstBaseIterator< T >
 CCEGUI::ConstBaseIterator< T, T::mapped_type >
 CCEGUI::CoordConverterUtility class that helps in converting various types of co-ordinate between absolute screen positions and positions offset from the top-left corner of a given Window object
 CCEGUI::Direct3D10GeometryBuffer::D3DVertexInternal Vertex structure used for Direct3D based geometry
 CCEGUI::Direct3D11GeometryBuffer::D3DVertexInternal Vertex structure used for Direct3D based geometry
 CCEGUI::Direct3D9GeometryBuffer::D3DVertexInternal Vertex structure used for Direct3D based geometry
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::DisableIfC< B, T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::DisableIfC< Cond::Value, T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::DisableIfC< true, T >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureConstRef< DT >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureConstRef< const DT & >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureConstRef< DT & >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureConstRef< typename Helper::safe_method_return_type >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsurePlain< DT >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsurePlain< const DT & >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsurePlain< DT & >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsurePlain< typename Helper::safe_method_return_type >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureRef< DT >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureRef< const DT & >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureRef< DT & >
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor::EnsureRef< typename Helper::safe_method_return_type >
 CCEGUI::EventSetInterface providing event signaling and handling
 CCEGUI::WindowFactoryManager::FalagardWindowMappingStruct used to hold mapping information required to create a falagard based window
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< T >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< ChildEventAction >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< DimensionOperator >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< DimensionType >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< FontMetricType >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< FrameImageComponent >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< HorizontalAlignment >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< HorizontalFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< HorizontalTextFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< VerticalAlignment >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< VerticalFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FalagardXMLHelper< VerticalTextFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FormattingSetting< T >
 CCEGUI::FormattingSetting< HorizontalFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FormattingSetting< HorizontalTextFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FormattingSetting< VerticalFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FormattingSetting< VerticalTextFormatting >
 CCEGUI::FunctorReferenceBinder< T >Class that enables the creation of a reference binding for a functor object to be used as a callback slot. Wrap your functor with this to enable the use of an object reference when subscribing to an event signal (as opposed to the functor object being copied, or using a pointer)
 CCEGUI::TplProperty< C, T >::GetterFunctor
 CCEGUI::OpenGLGeometryBufferBase::GLVertexInternal Vertex structure used for GL based geometry
 CCEGUI::OpenGLESGeometryBuffer::GLVertexInternal Vertex structure used for GL based geometry
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolEventArgsConstOp< T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolEventArgsOp< T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolNoArgsConstOp< T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolNoArgsOp< T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasVoidEventArgsConstOp< T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasVoidEventArgsOp< T >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasVoidNoArgsConstOp< T >
 CCEGUI::InjectedInputReceiverInput injection interface to be inplemented by classes that take raw inputs
 CCEGUI::KeyStruct to give scope to scan code enumeration
 CCEGUI::MultiLineEditbox::LineInfoStruct used to store information about a formatted line within the paragraph
 CCEGUI::MultiColumnList::ListRowStruct used internally to represent a row in the list and also to ease sorting of the rows
 CCEGUI::Scheme::LoadableUIElementA single file reference to a font, imageset or so to be loaded as part of this Scheme
 CCEGUI::LuaFunctorFunctor class used for subscribing Lua functions to CEGUI events
 CCEGUI::MCLGridRefSimple grid index structure
 CCEGUI::NamedDefinitionCollator< K, V >Helper container used to implement inherited collections of component definitions specified in a WidgetLook
 CCEGUI::OgreGeometryBuffer::OgreVertexVertex structure used internally and also by Ogre
 CCEGUI::OpenGLInfoProvides information about the type of OpenGL used by an OpenGL context (desktop OpenGL or OpenGL ES), the OpenGL version, and the OpenGL extensions
 CCEGUI::NamedDefinitionCollator< K, V >::pred
 CCEGUI::PropertyDefinitionBaseCommon base class used for types representing a new property to be available on all widgets that use the WidgetLook that the property definition is a part of
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< T >Helper class used to convert various data types to and from the format expected in Property strings
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< AspectMode >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< AutoScaledMode >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< bool >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< CEGUI::VerticalAlignment >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Colour >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< ColourRect >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< const T & >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< const T * >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< const T >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< double >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< float >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Font * >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< GridLayoutContainer::AutoPositioning >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< HorizontalAlignment >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< HorizontalFormatting >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< HorizontalTextFormatting >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Image * >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< int >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< ItemListBase::SortMode >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< MultiColumnList::SelectionMode >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Quaternion >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Rectf >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Sizef >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Spinner::TextInputMode >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< std::pair< float, float > >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< String >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< TabControl::TabPanePosition >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< UBox >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< UDim >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< uint >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< uint64 >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< unsigned long >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< URect >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< USize >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< UVector2 >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Vector2f >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< Vector3f >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< VerticalFormatting >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< VerticalTextFormatting >
 CCEGUI::PropertyHelper< WindowUpdateMode >
 CCEGUI::PropertyReceiverDummy base class to ensure correct casting of receivers
 CCEGUI::RefCounted< T >Simple, generic, reference counted pointer class. This is primarily here for use by the Events system to track when to delete slot bindings
 CCEGUI::RefCounted< BoundSlot >
 CCEGUI::RefCounted< CEGUI::FormattedRenderedString >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasVoidNoArgsConstOp< T >::SFINAE< U, const >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolEventArgsOp< T >::SFINAE< U, >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolNoArgsConstOp< T >::SFINAE< U, const >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasVoidEventArgsConstOp< T >::SFINAE< U, const >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolNoArgsOp< T >::SFINAE< U, >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasBoolEventArgsConstOp< T >::SFINAE< U, const >
 CCEGUI::FunctorCopySlot_detail::HasVoidEventArgsOp< T >::SFINAE< U, >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< T >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< AnimationManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< FontManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< GlobalEventSet >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< ImageManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< Logger >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< RenderEffectManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< SchemeManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< System >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< WidgetLookManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< WindowFactoryManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< WindowManager >
 CCEGUI::Singleton< WindowRendererManager >
 CCEGUI::SlotFunctorBaseDefines abstract interface which will be used when constructing various functor objects that bind slots to signals (or in CEGUI terms, handlers to events)
 CCEGUI::StringFastLessCompareFunctor that can be used as comparator in a std::map with String keys. It's faster than using the default, but the map will no longer be sorted alphabetically
 CCEGUI::TextUtilsText utility support class. This class is all static members. You do not create instances of this class
 CCEGUI::WindowRendererFactoryBase-class for WindowRendererFactory